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  1. Yesterday
  2. Truly_happy

    Lapis' Works

    I like those ammonites. Honestly, though, I didn't know what they were until you labeled them. >_>
  3. Last week
  4. LapisLazuli77

    Lapis' Works

    1. Dunkleosteus 2. Longisquama(though the compression on the pic uploaded here kinda obscures the back spines) 3. Ammonites 4. Ocean sunfish, new base game manta ray sprites, and base game whale shark
  5. Savannahjan

    Lapis' Works

    Ooh, I love those. Description please.
  6. YoungerPrinceLothric

    Lapis' Works

    These are really, really gorgeous.
  7. LapisLazuli77

    Lapis' Works

    Been a hot minute, eh? Here's some stuff sitting in my kitchen, I've got a LOT of things at varying stages of completion...
  8. Earlier
  9. pukkie

    Updates to current files 3

    Thank you Jay this si a mighty fine update
  10. HeatherL

    Neutral Foliage and Termite Mound by Jane

    Thank you so much for providing individual files! Every time I try to divide Jane's files, something goes wrong and it doesn't work.
  11. Cricket

    Updates to current files 3

    Neutral Foliage and Termite Mound by Jane has been updated. This file was previously listed as All Foliage Combined by Jane. Updated June 9, 2023 through June 12, 2023 by Jay to add individual ztd files in addition to the full combined ztd file and ztd files combined by original habitat, to reduce 4 icons to 1 for each object since the icons were identical, to have the foliage turn to tree rubble instead of rock rubble when trampled by large dinosaurs to match ZT's settings, to link directly to ZT's graphics instead of having copies, to not use numbers when placed in zoos for those that did, to move the termite mound to the rocks purchase menu to match ZT's, to add the "Many" location where it was missing, to fix the incorrect footprint setting caused by APE for the Fallen Rainforest Tree, to fix the auto rotate setting for the Trembling Aspen Tree, to allow the Water Lily on the surface of tanks and use dead graphics when on land to match ZT's, to increase the height setting for the Water Reed to match ZT's and use dead graphics when on land, to decrease the height setting for the Thornbush to match ZT's, to use better compression, and to remove unnecessary files, configuration lines, and spaces. If "J All Foliage Combined.ztd" is used, then the other ztd files are not needed. If any of the "By Original Habitat" combined ztd files are used, then the individual ztd files for those inside the combined are not needed. Since all of the ztd files now link directly to ZT's graphics, certain ZT expansion packs are needed for some of the ztd files to work. With CC, all of the ztd files work. CC is needed for "J All Foliage Combined.ztd", FoliageNatDeciduousComb.ztd, FoliageNatSnowComb.ztd, BonsaiNeutralByJane.ztd, SnowbellTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, SnowyBushNeutralByJane.ztd, SnowyGrassNeutralByJane.ztd, or SnowyTreeNeutralByJane.ztd. CC or the Endangered Species Pack official download are needed for DurianTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, FallenRainforestTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, GiantFicusTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, RafflesiaNeutralByJane.ztd, RainforestFlowersNeutralByJane.ztd, RainforestStumpNeutralByJane.ztd, SavannahFlowersNeutralByJane.ztd, SenegalDatePalmNeutralByJane.ztd, or TermiteMoundNeutralByJane.ztd. CC or the Endangered Species Pack official download or the Mexican Pack official download are needed for AgaveCactusNeutralByJane.ztd or YuccaTreeNeutralByJane.ztd. CC or the North African Pack official download are needed for DesertFlowersNeutralByJane.ztd, DoumPalmTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, and SandBushNeutralByJane.ztd. CC or the North African Pack official download with either the Endangered Species Pack download or the Mexican Pack official download are needed for FoliageNatDesertComb.ztd. CC or MM are needed for FoliageNatWaterComb.ztd and BeachGrassNeutralByJane.ztd. CC or DD are needed for FoliageNatConiferousComb.ztd, FoliageNatGrassComb.ztd, ArcticBirchTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, ArcticBushNeutralByJane.ztd, ArcticGrassNeutralByJane.ztd, BaldCypressTreeNaturalByJane.ztd, ClubMossShrubNeutralByJane.ztd, DawnRedwoodTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, FernBushNeutralByJane.ztd, GingkoTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, GlossopterisTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, HorsetailNaturalByJane.ztd, LepidodendronTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, LeptocycasTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, MagnoliaTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, MonkeyPuzzleTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, NorfolkIslandPineTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, SigillariaTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, ThouarsusCycadTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, WalchianConiferTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, and WilliamsoniaTreeNeutralByJane.ztd. CC or MM with DD are needed for FoliageNatWaterComb.ztd. CC or DD with the Endangered Species Pack official download are needed for FoliageNatRainforestComb.ztd and FoliageNatSavannahComb.ztd. Any ZT version can be used for the other ztd files. Current ztd dates: June 9, 2023: AcaciaCaffraTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, AgaveCactusNeutralByJane.ztd, ArcticBirchTreeNeutralByJane.ztd, ArcticBushNeutralByJane.ztd, ArcticGrassNeutralByJane.ztd, BaldCypressTreeNaturalByJane.ztd, BambooNeutralByJane.ztd June 12, 2023: J All Foliage Combined.ztd, FoliageNatConiferousComb.ztd, FoliageNatDeciduousComb.ztd, FoliageNatDesertComb.ztd, FoliageNatGrassComb.ztd, FoliageNatHighlandComb.ztd, FoliageNatRainforestComb.ztd, FoliageNatSavannahComb.ztd, FoliageNatSnowComb.ztd, FoliageNatWaterComb.ztd June 10, 2023: all other ztd files Current zip size: 763 KB

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    FYI, I've refactored the code a bit and added the cobra root node condition. Haven't tested it as I don't have an old blender installed. Is there interest in an up to date eevee-based version?
  13. Hawkkeye666

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    So I tried it, and the model still canĀ“t be rotated properly. For some reason, only rotation around z axis works, rotations around x and y axis only move the model on the axis, without rotating it.
  14. Cricket

    Lizard House by Z.Z.

    I just added the link to the required .dll file. Please download it and place it in your Zoo Tycoon root directory. If you still have issues with this, please let me know :D
  15. LapisLazuli77

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    You can press the + next to Scene Root to expand the list of contents inside, then click the model itself. Then you can rotate it and stuff without rotating the actual rig itself.
  16. vaulty

    Lizard House by Z.Z.

    is there still a .dll issue keep on going? I also cannot see names.
  17. Here's hoping! I managed to get most of it rigged up (I forgot to rig one tentacle but I need to take a break so I'll fix it later lol). Good thing about Blender is that a lot of people use it, so finding guides on how to do stuff has been easy enough so far! It's been fun figuring out how to put this guy together and animate it, so hopefully soon I'll be able to get some sprites going!
  18. Cricket

    Bygone Era Frosty Palace by SavyKet

    Scroll up then click on the link for this file (in this download listing). It will re-direct you to the proper site to download this .dll file :D
  19. vaulty

    Bygone Era Frosty Palace by SavyKet

    " lang--TKZTUFcombin.dll " non existent, I didn't see that this works without this lang file.
  20. Hawkkeye666

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    Hi, I have one problem. I tried to make Gunnison sage grouse, https://zt2downloadlibrary.fandom.com/wiki/Gunnison_Sage-grouse_(Whalebite) But model is upside down and I cannot rotate model without rotating armature. If I try to rotate (R) model, I can only move it around, similar to when I press G. Is there any possibility of rotating only model, without rotating armature?
  21. Nice! I'm interested to see it animated. Very representative of your sketch and I think the large features will pop nicely in sprite form.
  22. I'll be honest I'm not 100% sure. I've been messing around until it looks decent enough. Lots of messing with the mesh though I know that much
  23. Woow! How are you doing that?
  24. Awww c'mon, look at it! It's totally harmless! No need for hard to digest bulky and inconvenient armor!
  25. No, I think you need to be in a tank or send in a heavily-armored robot to care for that thing.
  26. we need a new animal caregiver is full armour of a icehockey goalie outfit
  27. Whoa, not gonna try to pet that one.
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