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  1. Today
  2. If you want inspiration, have a look through this thread. You will see how varied building can be. Some of the builders Tek has had and still have far exceed my talent. Some of the comments are worth reading too. Like what and why catfish had peeps in his exhibits. If you can find threads by ZZ and also SavannahJan both would be worth a look since both would be considered masterbuilders.
  3. What a beautiful result That zoo mustbe just how you visioned it It looks absolutely natural and breathtaking That took some serious zoobuilding skills Well done!
  4. pukkie

    Help me please - my stands are gone

    Lol there are cklubs you can join right now Fern you are such a gem helping our new ZooTek member So you see MSOnary whatever the game throws at you there is a ZooTek member around to help you with these issues But mostly Fern
  5. Yesterday
  6. fountain

    Help me please - my stands are gone

    Welcome to the group! Happy that your questions are answered. We are looking forward to seeing screenshots from your zoos when you are ready to share. And there are clubs you can join in the future.
  7. Love your caves and harbor. Good concept, good build!
  8. Hawkkeye666

    Hawkkeye´s ´projects´

    I think they do. Can´t find any particular case of observed predation though. I´ve already made Galapagos fur seal compatible with marine iguana. Is there a model for Galapagos hawk available? Just a small aquarium this time. North American desert fish. Animals: Bonytail Chub, Razorback Sucker, Apache Trout All compatible together. Enjoy! hawkkeyes NA desert fish.ZTD
  9. MrTroodon

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    Oh well this wasnt really fixed, more so found a workaround, still odd
  10. Serpyderpy

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    Zoot has saved me so many times whenever rendering or sprites go awry, though in this case the animation caused the model to quite literally walk outside the canvas haha. I have managed to fix it by deleting all but the first keyframe on the root bone for transformation on the Y axis (for anyone else who might be having this issue and is wanting to also import Frontier animations!)
  11. What a beautiful, well laid out zoo. The observation areas are really nice. Thanks so much for sharing your work.
  12. MrTroodon

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    Ah damn another issue. Okay so, added some nice water ripples to my swimming animation, but the issue is that it aint generating a color platte with those in mind, so when I convert the sprites they just... turn yellow, wich is...
  13. Last week
  14. Hello! Long time no see - I have been playing some Zoo Tycoon 1 again the last few days and wanted to share what I have come up with! Last year when I played ZT1 I had this idea for elevated vantage points for guests that go into the exhibit (My other post Little City Zoo) and the idea worked quite well in my opinion. For some reason I never really thought much about using "natural barriers" for my zoos to use less obstrusive fencing around the habitats for the animals, a few days ago I suddenly had the idea to do this in ZT1, use water, rocks and whatnot in conjunction with low fences that many animals normally are able to jump over, this is what I cam up with: EDIT: The screenshots seem to be super small in this thread, I uploaded them to imgur where they are a bit bigger so you might look at details a bit better: https://imgur.com/a/Z4dHZU4 This is an overview of the whole zoo, it's a medium grasslands map, no money or guest name cheats were used, just a few decorative mods. While building I kinda also got the idea to thematically divide the areas a bit. The grizzly exhibit was the first exhibit I built, I was experimenting with the barriers a bit and since they can jump and swim it was kinda hard to create an exhibit where they couldn't escape all the time. I put elevated vantage points in the back and tried making them look like they are part of a rock-like mountain, some slightly raised points hidden by plants and on each side I used low fences with rocks so that it kinda looks like a river that has a natural rock-barrier running through it: This is the serow exhibit, the fencing in combination with the roofing reminded me a bit of hunter's perches in forests, so I used this look for the elevated lookouts and used low fences for the water barriers. Since they can't swim it was much easier to contain them here. The bison exhibit - I used the ranger / hunter perch look for the elevated views again and the low fence for the water, I also lowered one "watchpoint", made it advance into the exhibit and hid the barriers in bushes and (modded) grass. I liked the look of it - kinda like you would sneak through the bushes like a hunter to get as close to the prey as you can. This is a wolf exhibit, I was able to cut off escape ways with water here again and "pierced" the exhibit barrier with slightly elevated viewpoints into their forest. Since the serow exhibit had some hills in it that I used for the elevated lookouts I extended these hills outside of the exhibit and made the japanese garden building into a little "mountain monastery": Siberian tigers exhibit, used rock fences for a little mountain where the guests can look down as well as slightly lowered and elevated vantage points and water barriers: With the pandas I had another idea - why not try to use the rock walls and roofings to create a little cave that goes through one of their exhibit mountains and leads to a vantage point inside their exhibit: I used the same technique for the snow leopard exhibit, just a few more times because they need more mountains in their enclosure: This is the savanna area - I must admit I am kinda proud of this one haha. The bridge "walls" are modded obviously but it could have been done without them as well, the large rock-walls are normally not accessible to the player but I used a mod that adds developer mode items for the player to use. The exhibits here have multiple species in them, I wanted this area to feel like being on a safari through the large open savanna. Water barriers with low fences and the "bridges" made for really great ways to hide obstrusive fences. There are elephants, giraffes, rhinos, buffalos, zebras, ostriches, gazelles and wildebeests. Other side of it with leopards and cheetas. All animals have green habitability ratings: Right next to the savanna I was experimenting a bit... tried building some kind of harbour with a ship where stalls are in lol. There are sea lions and manatees but I am not that happy with the area, might going to reconstruct everything there: The last corner of the zoo has some tropical animals in it, bengal tigers, okapis, tapirs etc. The center of this area I tried to make look a bit like a village "marketplace": I must say I had a lot of fun with this zoo, it was quite challanging at times - let's just say there were a few... "incidents" with tigers and bears that were in places where they were not supposed to be (can I blame them though? Hotdogs right next to the exhibit probably smell great...). As you might see from the exhibits my "techniques" have gotten a bit better over time (grizzly exhibit was the first I build, savanna one of the last). two exhibits I forgot to take screenshots of but they aren't that special (moose and horses) and use the same techniques as the other exhibits anyway.
  15. Fern

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    Everything in ZT was rotation fixed by Blue Fang including animals so maybe you could try using Zoots rotation fixing area for this
  16. Serpyderpy

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    Testing out Frontier animations and they look great, lots of movement and detail at even at smaller sprite sizes! I am however struggling to find a way to get them to stay still during their running, swimming, walking etc. Does anyone here have any ideas?
  17. MrTroodon

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    Okay so good news, works now but bad news, dont know why.
  18. MrTroodon

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    But then whats the "Convert sprites to ZT1" option meant to do?
  19. Fern

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    Both Zoot and APE code the graphic to the ZT ai or uca you are using. Blender would not do that.
  20. MrTroodon

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    Is not using an uca but a copy of the ai file of the styraco since well, is a remake. But the sprites do work if I create them with ZooT, the problem is when they are done with the Blender addon, wich yeah id prefer to use since it can make the process quite faster.
  21. pukkie

    Lapis' Works

    and we love you for it
  22. pukkie

    Goosifer's [Normal] Projects

    oooh that looks promising specacular
  23. pukkie

    Onary Zoos

    Of course you can dream about playing in a contest MsOnary Your screens look very nice to me so I'd say your basisc are well covered Basically if a contest has a nice theme that appeals to you It is all about the fun ..... And after the fun when you are still within the deadline what's the harm of sending it in? The award is not the winning it is the fun with the game that is the best award Also you could join one of the clubs (perhaps the one Fern is in lol I can see she gives great feedback ) then you get to play with other members and that will double your fun
  24. pukkie

    MM Freeform Unlock

    That must be a great help to sooooo many ZooTycooners Me I love to wait every 3 months for the new items lol Just feels like new presents whilst you play
  25. Fern

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    So how are you loading the graphics? You do not need to use APE but your file should have a uca file. All animals have a uca file and that might need editing.
  26. MrTroodon

    Automatic Sprite Rendering

    Well the thing is Im not even using APE, this is a remake of the styracosaurus in the game. If I convert the sprites using ZooT they work just fine but if I use the Blender addong they just lead to ingame crashes whenever the sprite is meant to appear.
  27. Goosifer

    Goosifer's [Normal] Projects

    School is basically over so had time to touch this project again. Improvements to wing morphology (i was just uh...😏😎...wingin' it last time):
  28. Fern

    Onary Zoos

    We all had to learn at some point. It was ages before I entered contests or joined a club. I think the first contests I did were screenshot only ones so happy animals and guests did not matter. Like making your craft critters ZT can be a relaxing meditation. You can get absolutely lost in creating what you want in design and tweaking it all you like. On the whole I like your screens. You will learn how to refine them as you go. Have a look through the tutorial area here at Tek. You will find useful hints and ideas to try out. Here is another useful idea. If you don't want unhappy guests you can keep them out until you have a nice area for them to view. Just use a Decorative Fence across the entrance to stop them getting in. Also hike up the admission costs for a while. As you build you can block paths until the areas are good enough to see. Decorative fences work for that too. Also stops guests wandering off into the wilderness. There is always one that seems to stray..... I have kept guests in a small area that had a restaurant, gift stand and an attraction plus a couple of animal exhibits while I built the entire rest of the zoo. Was able to keep all ratings up doing this.
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