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Aquarium Series by Vondell

Check out the latest Aquarium Sets by Vondell!

4 files

  1. Vondell's Aquarium Path Set

    Vondell's Aquarium Path Set
    Five new paths meant to complement the Aquarium Walls and Aquarium Roof sets. The floating bridge path automatically adjusts to create floating planks for straight sections and fixed wooden decks on corners or larger areas.

    Note: This file is a zip archive that contains both a combined ztd and a folder with individual ztds inside. You do not need both -  If you would like all the paths, you can simply use the combined ztd. If you would like some but not the others, you can pick and choose from the individual ztds in the folder.


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  2. Vondell's Aquarium Roof Set

    Vondell's Aquarium Roof Set
    Five new roof pieces meant to complement the Aquarium Walls and Aquarium Paths sets. They are the same height as the Wall set walls (3H), and the single tile versions come in supported and supportless versions. They can also be used throughout your zoo as observation areas.




  3. Vondell's Aquarium Tank Set 1

    Vondell's Aquarium Tank Set 1
    Five unique, fully animated aquarium tank scenery pieces, featuring live fish and other animals. These were built to complement the Aquarium Paths, Aquarium Walls, and Aquarium Roof sets, but can also be used on their own anywhere in your zoo.




  4. Vondell's Aquarium Wall Set

    Vondell's Aquarium Wall Set
    Three modular walls / fences meant to let players create believable indoor buildings and structures, in conjunction with the Aquarium Paths and Aquarium Roof sets. Each wall comes in both decorative and exhibit fence versions.
    Note: This file is a zip archive that contains both a combined ztd and a folder with individual ztds inside. You do not need both -  If you would like all the walls, you can simply use the combined ztd. If you would like some but not the others, you can pick and choose from the individual ztds in the folder.


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