Fantastic Creatures
78 files
Grogoch by Jordan
By Guest
Grogochs are small hairy men who were thought to the aboriginal people of Ireland.
They were originally from Kintyre in Scotland and stories and sightings of them are well known in North Antrim and Rathlin Island (both places in Northern Ireland)
They are said to live in natural caves and clefts in the hillside but sometimes come down to help or hinder locals. There is no record of female grogochs but this might be because they are very similar in appearance to male. Grogochs are dirty creatures and usually have twigs and dirt tangled in their red brown hair.
Grogochs are quite sociable beings and will attach themselves to a particular being doing little household chores for them. Grogochs were said to be part fairy and so are scared of the Church, the only way to rid yourself of a pestering grogoch is to get a clergyman round to your house.
However the grogoch may return even without the person knowing since they have the power of invisibility.
Gryphon by Dragon
By Guest
The gryphon is a cross between a lion and an eagle.
The gryphon can now live in your zoo!
This is my first finished animal, I hope you like it!
Hairy Monster by Genkicoll
By Guest
Hairy Monsters, though rarely seen, can be found in forests worldwide.
They are shy creatures where mankind is concerned, but extremely active and outgoing with their own kind. These feisty creatures are in constant motion, and never seem to stop moving. Even in a zoo setting, no one has ever seen them sleep. They tend to feed on carrion, as their need to move around so much would make it too difficult for them to effectively hunt for themselves.
Because of human encroachment on their natural habitat, hairy monsters sometimes find themselves in human dwellings. Less fearful of children, they tend to hide in a child's closet or under a bed - a difficult feat when they seem incapable of holding still, and one that has often led to discovery. Hairy monsters may find human children much like their own, or it may just be that they are crafty enough to realize that the children will run away immediately, making time for them to make their own escape. Either way, the hairy monsters never stay in human habitations for long.
Many thanks to Ziggy for providing the original gif animations.
Highland Loch Ness Monster by GwennBates
By GwennBates
The Highland Loch Ness Monster has habitat preferences that are more reflective of Scotland's biomes and more natural coloration.
This is my first download for ZT, thanks for checking it out :)
Honey Island Swamp Monster by Ghirin
By Guest
Sightings of the Honey Island Swamp monster date back generations. Before the Europeans arrived, the local Amerindians called the creature Letiche, which they believed to be an abandoned child raised by alligators.
Recent sightings have described a large, two-legged creature with gray hair and yellow eyes. It is reported to have a horrible smell, like death itself and the Swamp Mosters has been blamed for many local area deaths of humans and animals.
*Inspired by the Zoo Tyccon Brains Trust at the Zoo Tek Forums.
Created by Ghirin 2005
India Golden Unicorn by Jordan
By Guest
The India Golden Unicorn is a native of India and Pakistan. It was named for the female of the species, for although the male has very dark coloring, it is rarely seen in nature.
After many years of research, it was found that the reason for this is that the stallions care for the young of the herd while the females scout for food sources.
Idea by Genki
Jaguar Temple Guardian by Sundance
By Guest
In many cultures there are legends of statues or other inanimate objects that
come to life. Temple guardians, gargoyles, dolls, and everyday statues could
come to life under special conditions. Like other temple guardians, the jaguar
temple guardians not only protected their people, sacred artifacts and
temples, but also represented a divine being. It is said that when any of it's
people were in danger the stone statues would come to life and devour the
unlucky souls who dare disturb it.
Joelle the Yellow Wolf by Ape
By Guest
Made in Honor of Wolflover, one of our special members! Part of the Member Animal Pack by Ape.
Member animal pack suggested by Arborius
Kelpie by Ghirin
By Guest
Kelpie Author: Ghirin
The kelpie is one of the water spiritis of Scotland. It dwells near sources of fresh running water, unlike the each uisge, which haunts lochs (lakes) and sea-related bodies of water.
The kelpie is known both for its ability to change shape and it fondness for human flesh. A kelpie can appear in several forms. One is that of a beautiful, bridled tame horse (often black or white) standing by a riverside. Any unwary traveller who tries to mount the horse for a ride across the river will find him-/hersself plunged into the deepest part of the river or stream and quickly drowned, then eaten.
Kelpies may also take humanoid forms, such as that of an attractive young man or woman (depending on the gender of the kelpie) or of a hairy person. Both of these forms are just as dangerous as the horse form.
Kelpies are sometimes confused with the more benign neugle, a water-horse that also entices riders onto its back. Unlike the kelpie, the neugle will often let its victim escape after a sound drenching.
Kelpies can be captured and they make a powerful draft animals. However this is dangerous because when the kelpie regains it's freedom, it will often curse the family/clan of the person who captured it.
*Inspired by the Zoo Tycoon Brain Trust (
Created by Ghirin 2003
Kirin by Ghirin
By Guest
Author: Ghirin
The kirin is the Japanese form of the unicorn. Unlike the Western unicorn, the kirin has the body of a deer that is covered in scales. It punishes the wicked and protects the just. Seeing one is considered to be good luck.
Created by Ghrin 2005
Updated October 1, 2020 by fern to allow it to appear in maps such as the Kids Map, to fix the sounds in a few cases, to show the preferred object's tooltip for the young, to show the full reference web site in the animal info, and to remove some unnecessary files and configuration lines.
Note: The preferred object for this animal is the Snowbell Tree, which is a tree that comes with CC. So CC is needed to see that preferred object in the purchase menu and animal info for this animal.
Lava Zebra by Sundance
By Guest
Lava Zebra by Sundance
The Lava Zebra and Pyro Unicorns love to be together, and they LOVE Volcanoes and Geysers (from Dino Digs)! works with ZT, DD, MM and CC.
Download, and enjoy!!
Made by sundance, with help from Loewenfrau.
Loopy Bat by Genkicoll
By Guest
Loopy Black Bats get their name from the crazy patterns they tend to fly in. These bats are commonly found in forested areas, and prefer to be out at night, but are not shy by any means.
Fully compatible with the Spooky Ghost and the Mummy by Genkicoll, these bats are sure to be a crowd pleaser.
Many thanks to Ziggy for the original gif animations.
Mammoth of Mount Moon by Ghirin
By Guest
A herd of mammoths still lives on the slopes of Mt. Moon in Africa. One of the mammoths befriends Leo (Kimba) the white lion.
Mysterious Mt. Moon is the source of the powerful moonlight stones.
Man-Eating Horse by Ghirin
By Guest
Four man-eatiing mares belonged to Diomedes, the king of a Thracian tribe called the Bistones. Diomedes would feed strangers to the mares as well as any locals that defied him.
The eighth labor of Hercules was to bring the mares back to his cousin, the King of Mycenae. There are two accounts of how he did this. In one, Hercules led a group of fighters to battle with the Bistones in order to get the mares. In another version, Hercules traveled to Thrace alone. He then captured Diomedes and fed him to his own mares. After feeding on their owner, the mares became tame enough for Hercules to handle and take them back to Mycenae.
*Inspired by the Zoo Tycoon Brains Trust (
Created by Ghirin 2003
Marli Pink Unicorn by Genki
By Fern
Author: Genki
Date released: Nov 11 2008 at Zoo Tycoon Unleashed
Updated: June 22, 2018 by Jay to remove unnecessary and conflicting configuration lines (including one that gave a warning in the configuration checker), to change the preferred object icon to match the preferred object tooltip, and to remove some unnecessary files.
As stated above, this was recently updated by Jay. If you have an older version, you will need to download this newer version.
Compatibility: All Game Versions
Description: Marli Pink Unicorn by Genki The unicorn's name comes from two Latin words, and means "one horn." This particular type of unicorn is extremely social and tends to gather in large herds. They love pink and anything colorful, even candies, desserts and lollipops! These unicorns are sure to be a crowd pleaser. Shown with items from Genki's Fantasy Foliage packs.
- fantasy animal
- unicorns
- (and 2 more)
Marvin Martian by Genkicoll
By Guest
Description : Here is the much talked about surprise for pukkie. There are 9 sound files included, though you have to be patient to hear them all
Marvin hails from the planet Mars, but is often found elsewhere. He is often accompanied by his dog "K-9," and sometimes by other creatures.
Marvin wears a Roman soldier's uniform (a reference to Mars being the Roman god of war) with old-fashioned basketball shoes. His head is a black sphere with only eyes for features. The crest of his helmet appears, with the "push broom" like upper section, to resemble an ancient Greek Hoplite's helmet.
On numerous occasions, Marvin has tried to destroy the Earth, as it obstructs his view of Venus, with his Illudium Pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator.
Marvin will like anything in his exhibit, with one exception: He does not like the cold!
Midnight Unicorn by Jordan
By Guest
Midnight Unicorns are stunningly black and beautiful creatures living in mountainous regions of Eurasia. Idea by Genki.
The Midnight Unicorn is so-named due to the coloring of the male. Black as the darkest, moonless night, the stallion is stunningly beautiful to behold. Smoky in color, the mare is beautiful in her own right, exuding the elegance known to the species. Found primarily in the highlands, these creatures easily traverse mountainous regions. These amazing creatures have been known to appear to lost climbers in the various mountain ranges of Eurasia, having been reported from the Alps to the Himalayas. When the tales are later shared, the sightings are written off as illusions plaguing weary and worried souls.
Mike the Green Rhino by Ape
By Guest
Made in Honor of Ryno, one of our special designers! Part of the Member Animal Pack by Ape.
This animal likes rainforest habitat. It's green hide blends well and keeps it hidden from view of poachers, which is why this secretive species has managed to live so long!
Member animal pack suggested by Arborius.
Moby Dick by Ghirin
By Guest
Moby Dick was a character from the novel by Herman Melville. In the book, Captain Ahab, who lost a leg to the great white whale, searches the seas for a rematch with Moby Dick.
*Inspired by the Zoo Tycoon Brains Trust at the Zoo Tek Forums
Created by Ghirin 2004
Mongolian Death Worm by Ghirin
By Guest
The Mongolian Death Worm (locally known as allghoi khorkhoi) is a monster from Mongolia which can spray an acidic, lethal liquid at its victims from a range of several feet. The mere mention of its name brings bad luck.
Created by Ghirin 2005
Mono Grande by Ghirin
By Guest
The Mono Grande, also known as the Mono Rei, and Didi, is a bipedal, ape-like creature reported in the forests of South America. It has been described as being 5 ft tall, covered in black fur and extremely aggressive. These creatures have been said to wield thick clubs or branches to attack trespassers or potential threats.
*Inspired by the Zoo Tycoon Brains Trust (
Created by Ghirin 2003
Mummy Creature by Genkicoll
By Guest
The Mummy is commonly found in the tombs of Egypt, but these "captive" mummies prefer a forested exhibit.
These mummies have been around for quite a long time, and they have a tendency to lose their heads! They enjoy sharing their exhibit with both the loopy black bats and spooky ghosts by Genki.
Many thanks to Jane for providing the original .gif animations.
Mystic Fire Unicorn by Genkicoll
By Guest
The Mystic Fire unicorn, whose name comes from their distinctively-colored manes and tails, can be found in forested areas worldwide. They are very social, trusting creatures, and are sure to be a crowd favorite.
The unicorn's name comes from two Latin words, and means "one horn."
Mythic Salamander by Ghirin
By Guest
The salamander is a creature known in ancient times and was mentioned by Pliny the Elder is his book, Historia Naturalis (A.D. 77).
From the Aberdeen Bestiary:
“The salamander is so called because it is proof against fire. Of all poisonous creatures, it has the strongest poison. Other poisonous creatures kill one at a time; it can kill several things at the same time. For if it has crawled into a tree, it poisons all the apples and kills those who eat them. In addition, if it falls into a well, the strength of its poison kills those who drink the water. It resists fire and alone among creatures can put fires out. For it can exist in the midst of flames without pain and without being consumed by them, not only because it does not burn but because it puts the fire out.”
Giants, Monsters and Dragons. Rose, 2000.
*Inspired by the Zoo Tycoon Brains Trust (
Created by Ghirin 2004