Fantastic Creatures
78 files
Water Spirit by Genkicoll
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Water Spirits reside in the waters of the world, from oceans to lakes to rivers.
They are mischievous creatures who enjoy playing tricks on the unwary. While they never do any real harm, the pranks they play have caused many a sailor to curse the misfortune of having come across the spirits.
These spirits do not breed the way flesh and blood creatures do, but they will "call out" to others to come and join them now and then, bringing new spirits to play with them. They may, likewise, get bored and leave if there is not enough to occupy them, so if you decide you no longer want them in your zoo, all you have to do is ask them to leave... or make them a better offer!
Configured to like both neutral-habitat and bad-habitat items, these spirits will love almost anything you decide to throw in their exhibit.
Many thanks to Jane for the original .gifs.
Wonderland Animals by Genkicoll
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Three Alice in Wonderland-themed animals for your fanciful zoos. All three are included separately, as well as combined. If you use the combined ztd, you will not need the separate ztds.
The White Rabbit
Down the rabbit hole you go to the magical Wonderland, the place the White Rabbit calls home. The White Rabbit is know to be a messenger and a herald at the Court of the King and Queen of Hearts. He seems to have a time management problem, or maybe he's just in need of a new watch. If you're lucky enough to run into the White Rabbit, he'll more then likely be running off in a hurry to one of his many engagements declaring, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! I'm overdue! I'm really in a stew! No time to say goodbye...hello! I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!!"
Original rabbit graphics by African_Raptor. Thanks, AR!
Cheshire Cat
The Cheshire Cat lives in the fern-filled forests of Wonderland, a land where everyone, it purports, is mad. Its conversations are certainly maddening, raising philosophical points as often as it spouts nonsense. It constantly grins and can disappear and reappear whenever it feels like it, sometimes even disappearing and leaving its grin behind.
The Caterpillar
The Caterpillar, eccentric resident of Wonderland, tends to speak in short, rather rude sentences, or ask difficult questions. The Caterpillar tells Alice how to grow and shrink using the mushroom upon which he is sitting.
Original "desert worm" graphic by African Raptor. Thank you, AR!
The Cheshire Cat and the Caterpillar are fully compatible.
Wraith Creature by Genkicoll
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A wraith is an apparition of a person, living or dead, that may appear shortly before or after death.
In European pagan beliefs, the wraith is seen as a spirit of vengeance. They are said to be ghostly figures with long, sharp fingers. Wraiths are considered rare amongst the spirit realm, for they consist of pure revenge; yet not all wraiths will be truly vengeful, in that some are merely enraged to the extent of destroying anything they encounter.
In other corners of the world, the wraith is considered to be the reflected image of a person, seen immediately before death. This side is supported by elders' stories.
A wraith is also described as an image seen immediately before one dies, as if it were a variation of the "Grim Reaper" figure.