Animal Shelters
18 files
44 Wild Life Animal Shelters Combined by Jane
By Savannahjan
Wild Sheep Farm
Wild Camel Farm
Wild Otter Rest
Wild African Elephant Rest
Wild Anteaters Rest
Wild Arabian Oryx Rest
Wild Archaeopteryx Rest
Wild Cougars Rest
Wild Dromedary Rest
Wild Gigantopithecus Rest
Wild Gorilla Rest
Wild Indian Elephant Rest
Wild Jaguars Rest
Wild Javan Rhino Rest
Wild Komodo Dragon Rest
Wild Lion Rest
Wild Okapi Rest
Wild Pigfarm
Wild Polar Bear Rest
Wild Quagga Rest
Wild Rhinos Rest
Wild Tapir Rest
Wild Walrus Rest
Wild Velociraptor Rest
Wild White Tiger Rest
Wild Viking Rest
Wild Black Panther Rest
Wild Bongo Rest
Wild Buffel Rest
Wild Emu Rest
Wild Gazelle Rest
Wild Gemsbok Rest
Wild Goat Rest
Wild Hippos Rest
Wild Leopard Rest
Wild Lion King Rest
Wild Llama Rest
Wild Mammoth Rest
Wild Mouflon Rest
Wild Orangutan Rest
Wild Penguin Rest
Wild Sealions Rest
Wild Turtle Rest
Wild Warthog Rest Animals want to have some privacy to rest and expand family and hide from zookeeper.
Let them
You will need Phoenix lang dll file for this building to work in the game
Put the ztd in your Zoo Tycoon updates folderand the lang dll in Zoo Tycoon main folder Moveable and water placeable
2011-2017 by Jane527 downloads
Cave Shelters by RDingFT
By Fern
Author : RDingFT
Compatibility : All Game Versions
Description : I try to make some cave shelters for zt animals~ :)
The combined file
Coniferous Cave 1&2
Deciduous Cave
Highland Cav 1&2
Rainforest Cave
Sand Cave
Savannah Cave
Snow Cave
Message ids are in the current LANG--ZTCDD.dll, LANG--fern-Tek.dll, lang--TKZTUFcombin.dll
Includes a combined and single files.
DD Shelters For All Animals by Blue Fang and Fern
By Cricket
(Graphics - Blue Fang, Configuring - Fern)
Requires DD or CC as they link directly to the ingame graphics
The Dinosaur Digs shelters have now been configured to allow any animal. The burrow will now go in a tank, on land and on water.
The two caves will go on land or on water
ids used: 2931, 32931, 57931, 7575, 37575, 62575
Requires lang--TKZTUFcombin.dll dated 13 Oct 07 or later.
Desert Burrow by Genki and Fern
By Cricket
This desert burrow will work for any animal that likes a shelter, regardless of their size or habitat.
Graphics by Genkicoll with configuring and icons by fern. Thank you, fern!
Requires LANG--fern-Tek.dll dated November 4, 2007 or later.
Hay House Shelter by SavyKet
By Cricket
This Hay House Shelter by SavyKet (Savannahjan & Cricket) will add a roomy shelter for large and small animals alike.
Requires the latest versions of at least one of these .dll files:
LANG--fern-Tek ... You can find it here.
langZA03 ... You can find it here.
Ice Floe For Certain Animals By Taz
By Fern
Ice Floe For Certain Animals By Taz
Author : Taz (Tasmanian_tiger), with configuration by Jay
Category : Toy, Open shelter
Current ztd date: September 27, 2013
Compatibility : All Game Versions
Description : Certain user made animals will climb onto this ice floe to rest and relax. Only put this in a tank or exhibit if every animal in the tank or exhibit has a purchase menu tooltip saying they can use the Ice Floe For Certain Animals By Taz. Other animals might get stuck trying to use this ice floe.
Igloo Shelter by DJ_Pluffs (ZT Design)
By Cricket
Originally released at ZT Design: February 2003
Updated: zip was updated November 7, 2006 by fern to use the February 2003 ztd instead of exe
Description: Original info: This is a great little shelter that the penguins and polar bears really love, and replaces the normal shelter for the exhibit. Created by DJ_Pluffs@ZT Design.
NOTE: This item won't always show up automatically in your game unless you are using the freeform unlock...
otherwise, it must be researched just like the other shelters...
Updated by fern:
This file is no longer in an exe format. Also the messages are now in the ZTUF dll. So you may now remove langIglooShelter.dll
For those that have run the exe file, the ztd would have been placed in the Updates file. It will also appear in the menu when you start the game as there is a freeform unlock in the file.
The messages for this shelter are in lang--TKZTUFcombin.dll dated November 6, 2006 or later. The messages are also in LANG--ZKL.dll. Currently, no dll includes a message for when the Zookeeper's Recommendations say an animal dislikes the shelter.
Notes: This ztd is considered a hack because it includes modified configuration of the in-game emperor penguin and polar bear to allow those animals to like this shelter. The modified configuration started with the MM versions and not the CC versions, so these animals will not have any prey that were created in CC. This ztd cannot be used with other emperor penguin or polar bear hacks. The only animals that can enter this shelter are the emperor penguin, polar bear, magnet, and reindeer. Magnet and reindeer can enter this shelter even though they dislike the shelter.
Large Barn by Toodlepops and Fern
By Cricket
A very large barn for your critters.
Graphics Toodlepops, configuring fern
This will just be labeled Barn ingame.
Requires the LANG--ZTCDD.dll
Will also work with any of the dlls from the main sites
Little Red Barn Shelter by GemDiKet (Gem_del_mar, Brandi and Cricket)
By Cricket
This little red barn is part of the GemDiKet Tek 2009 Fall Pack.
Requires LANG--fern-Tek.dll
Mini Barn by Toodlepops
By Cricket
A large barn for your zoo critters.
Graphics Toodlepops, configuring fern
This will just be labeled Barn ingame.
Requires the LANG--ZTCDD.dll but will work with any of the dlls from the main sites
MM Shelters For All Animals by Blue Fang and Fern
By Cricket
(Graphics - Blue Fang, Configuring - Fern)
Requires MM or CC as they link directly to the ingame graphics.
The Marine Mania shelters have now been configured to allow any animal. They now go in tanks, on land and on water.
ids used: 2930, 2931, 32930, 32931, 57930, 57931
Requires lang--TKZTUFcombin.dll dated 13 Oct 07 or later.
Natural Shelters by Z.Z.
By Cricket
ZZ Den - Natural Shelters
All shelters are 1x1 tile, with entrances on all four sides, (except Cliffside Cave Shelters and Mossy Log Shelter).
All shelters have a capacity of 6, and can be used by all animals in any habitat, but look best on the terrain they were designed for.
Pack contains:
Aquatic Tree Stand Shelter
Arctic Tree Stand Shelter
Autumn Tree Stand Shelter
Coniferous Tree Stand Shelter
Deciduous Tree Stand Shelter
Desert Tree Stand Shelter
Grassland Tree Stand Shelter
Highland Tree Stand Shelter
Marine Kelp Stand Shelter (tank and water place able)
Rainforest Tree Stand Shelter
Savannah Tree Stand Shelter
Frosted Grassy Shelter
Gold Grassy Shelter
Green Grassy Shelter
Icy Outcrop Shelter (tank and water place able)
Rocky Outcrop Shelter (tank and water place able)
Snowy Outcrop Shelter
Cliffside Cave Shelter (tank place able) – ½ tile, one entrance
Frosted Cliffside Cave Shelter – ½ tile, one entrance
Mossy Cliffside Cave Shelter – ½ tile, one entrance
Mossy Log Shelter – 1x3 tiles, one entrance
Tree Stand Shelters Combined
Grassy Shelters Combined
Outcrop Shelters Combined
Cliffside Shelters Combined
All Natural Shelters Combined
All Natural Shelters may be placed on land.
The Aquatic Tree Stand Shelter can be placed on water terrain, however, as zookeepers can not swim, it is recommended to place at least one edge adjacent to land terrain for zookeeper access.
The Marine Kelp Stand Shelter, Icy Outcrop Shelter, Rocky Outcrop Shelter, and Cliffside Cave Shelter, can all be placed in a tank.
They can also be placed on water terrain with the same notation as the Aquatic Tree Stand Shelter, with the exception of the Cliffside Cave Shelter, which can not be placed on water.
You need the latest LANG--ZTCDD.dll, which can be found here: LANG--ZTCDD.dll
Many thanks to Genki, Brandi, Jane, and Savyket for use of their beautiful foliage!
Red Barn Shelter Pack by Yellowrose
By Cricket
This little pack includes a working Red Barn Shelter and a scenery-only Small Red Barn.
You will need the latest versions of these .dll files:
Rock Barn Shelter by Fern
By Cricket
A rock barn for your exhibits
Took the rock barn from the farm items pack. Redid the order of the graphics, made some graphic changes and configured it as a working shelter. Original graphics from Wildlife Park I think.
Requires LANG--fern-Tek.dll dated 22 June 07 or later
Shelters by Jeff (jbl)
By Fern
Author: Jeff (jbl)
Originally released September 2004 at Zooty Tycoon.
Updated: May 13, 2020 by Jay to allow animals to go in the Aftmound Shelter, to fix the position of a view of the Vulcan Shelter, to remove duplicate settings, to not unlock more than expected, and to move notes from the ".ztd" to the ".zip".
Current ztd date: May 13, 2020
Compatibility: All Game Versions
Description: Seven shelters coded to specific habitats.
Aftmound Shelter: Africa, Savannah
Baobab Shelter: Africa, Savannah
Cage Shelter: Anywhere, Any habitat
Forest Shelter: Anywhere, Any habitat
Highland Shelter: Anywhere, Any habitat
Tropical Dino Cave: Anywhere, Any habitat
Vulcan Shelter: Anywhere, Any habitat
Requires LANG--JBL.dll143 downloads
Wild Moose Rest by Jane
By HeatherL
This shelter is not part of the combined shelter files by Jane.
Wild Moose Rest by Jane
To Pukkie with love
Animals want to have some privacy to rest and expand family and hide from zookeeper.
Let them
You will need Jane lang dll file for this building to work in the game
Put the ztd in your Zoo Tycoon updates folder
and the lang dll in Zoo Tycoon main folder
Moveable and water placeable
Jane 2018-01-07
Anne-Lis Brenden Sverige
Witches Shelter by Toodlepops
By Cricket
This is a shelter for the various user made witches configured as animals and for bats and other creatures that go bump in the night.
Requires LANG--fern-Tek.dll
Graphics by Toodlepops. Ztd creation and configuring by fern
ZT Shelters For All Animals by Blue Fang and Fern
By Cricket
(Graphics - Blue Fang, Configuring - Fern)
For a long time people have wanted shelters that are acceptable to all animals for combined exhibits. Or they want to use one that fits in better with their zoo decorations. I have reconfigured the ingame shelters so all animals will now use them. All are water-placeable.
One drawback to these is that elephants will now use a burrow if it is there.
For those that want it I have included a combined ztd.
For those that want it I have included a combined ztd.