Language .dll files
Files that must be added to the dlupdates folder to make user-made buildings, attractions, etc. usable by guests.
6 files
LANG Fern Tek dll File
By Fern
LANG Fern Tek dll File
File name: LANG--fern-Tek.dll
Author: Fern
Date Released: January 29, 2007
Updated February 8, 2019 by fern to add messages for Sweetheart Tea Cottage and Love Shack Snacks.
Updated in September of 2020 to add messages for items sold of "Pumpkins" and "Clay Pottery".
Updated December 3, 2020 by fern for changes made to the Arctic Discovery House by Prehistoric Dinosaurs.
Updated December 16, 2020 to add messages for Butterfly House.
Updated March 11, 2021 to add messages for Tide Pools
Current dll date: March 11, 2021
Compatibility: All Game Versions
Description: This file contains messages for a number of things that have been released at the Tek/Phoenix web site and at this site.
This .dll is required for the following items:
Animal Adoption and Education Centre
Arabic Express
Arachnid Antics
Arboreal Gifts Arctic Discovery Center
Asian Paper Wall
Atlantia Museum
Barn shelter
Blacksmith Shop
Breeding Center
Brick Wall
Burrow Shelter Butterfly House
Candy Cane Factory
Cave Shelter
Celestial Cafe
Celestial Gifts
Children's Discovery Center
Cromer Crab Shack
Cromer Lighthouse Museum
Cromer Lighthouse
Crustacean Cove
Decorative Ruins Wall
Decorative Wall
Deepwood Castle Dinner Theatre
Deepwood Castle Gift Shoppe
Diva's Delve
Diva's Dive
Donut Whole
Dragon Riders Cafe
Dragon Riders Collectibles
Dragon Riders Gift Shop
Dragon Riders Weyr
Dragon Wall
Drive-in Diner
Fancy Shelter
Female Bathroom
Firehawke's Frogs
Firework Shop
First Aid Stand
Fishy Fun Aquarium
Flutterby Festival
Food Stand
Forest Animal Petting Zoo
Gate Shelter
Get Around Shoppe
Gingerbread Fun House
Golden Horseshoe Saloon
Haunted House
Hot Cocoa Stand
Kissing Booth
Large Elephant Annex
Le'ale'a Hut
Leaping Lizards
Lemur's Lounge
Llama Stealing Moose Hide-Out
Low Decorative Wall
Male Bathroom
Marmoset Forest
Marsupial Madness
Meerkat Mansion
Mocal's Research Center
Museum of Animal History
Nocturnal Nook
Norwich Castle
Observation Tower
Oliebollen Stand
Oriental Noodle House
Oriental Tea House
Otterly Awesome
Outstanding Owls
Panda Research Center
Park Information Kiosk
Paul's Gems And Fossils Shop
Penguin Palace
Phoenix House
Pukkie's Pandamonium
Ray Of Sunshine
Recent Extinct Animals Memorial Hall
Reptile Rampage
Research Center
Rodent Retreat
Rustic Shelter
Sand Castle Cafe
Sand Castle Gifts
Sands of the Pharaoh Restaurant
Sensational Scorpions
Shack Bathroom
Shelter For All Animals
Small Elephant Annex
Sneaky Serpents Snowy Butterfly House
Spooky Restaurant
Spring Fling Flower Shoppe
Tall Decorative Wall
Tall Wall
Terrapin Pond
Thick Atlantean Wall
Thin Atlantean Wall
Totally Batty
Treehouse Cafe
Tropical Sherbet Stand
Valentine Stand
Venus Flytrap Fence
Waterfall Fence
Way Station
You Are A Star Theatre
Zoo Town Hall
ZooTek Arcade Where To Put The dll:
Extract LANG--fern-Tek.dll from and put LANG--fern-Tek.dll in Zoo Tycoon's main folder, which is where lang0.dll is, among other things. Then you can MOVE OUT any of the following dll files if they are in the main ZT folder, since their messages are included in LANG--fern-Tek.dll:
LANG--ZooTek.dll ... Zoo Tek Language File
By Savannahjan
LANG--ZooTek.dll is a language file that contains message IDs that are required to make various Zoo Tek Phoenix (Tek) buildings work properly in game. This .dll consolidates many of the .dll files needed for Tek downloads. By using this .dll file, several other .dll files can be removed from your system, if they are present (see section at bottom). Current file date: February 22, 2025 Updated by Cricket on February 22, 2025 to add guest thoughts and messages for buildings and items sold for new working buildings for upcoming releases and these recently released: Cocktail Cellar by SavyKet Drink Diner by SavyKet Updated by Cricket on April 1, 2023 to add guest thoughts and messages for buildings and items sold for new working buildings to be released during Tek's 20th Anniversary. Updated by Cricket on October 25, 2022 to add guest thoughts and messages for buildings and items sold for the following upcoming releases: Day Of The Dead Balloon Vendor Day Of The Dead Items Pumpkin Mobile Gift Stand Spooky Botanical Garden generic Free Attraction generic Paid Amusement Haberdashery Gift Shop and items sold Repair Shop Japanese Garden Souvenir Store by Zarawatto and items sold Updated by Jay on January 29, 2022: LANG--ZooTek.dll was updated to support the changes for the ZooTek Forums 2003 Christmas Pack, to support the changes for the Candy Land Pack, to correct the spelling for a number of proper names, to put the messages for a number of old sold items into the format that ZT does sold items, to update messages that were previously copied from other dll files but had since been adjusted slightly, and to add the messages shown in Zookeeper's Recommendations for old buildings that the animals do not like in their exhibits. Updated by Cricket on September 22, 2021 to add a new guest thought for the Evil Clown House by SavyKet and ID sets for the Library by SavyKet Updated by Cricket on June 27, 2021 to add a few more guest thoughts and a new item sold for the Warehouse Nightclub by SavyKet Updated by Cricket on June 25, 2021 to add guest thoughts and messages for buildings and items sold for the following: Equine Education Center by SavyKet Rental Building (Sandy Kite Shack and Sandy Surf Shack buildings by ZZ) Juice Market by SavyKet Warehouse Nightclub by SavyKet Updated by fern on November 10, 2020 to add "the Greek Style Bathroom" for Zookeeper Recommendation messages. TO INSTALL:
Extract the .zip file and place LANG--ZooTek.dll in your Microsoft Games/Zoo Tycoon folder. Buildings that require LANG--ZooTek.dll: Animal Adoption and Education Centre
Animated Water Fences
Atlantean Bathroom
Botanical Garden
Brick Brown and Red Restaurant
Brick Red Restaurant
Candyland Building Pack
Children's Discovery Center
Clan Campbells Food Cocktail Cellar by SavyKet
Construction Site
Craft Center
Creatures of the Deep (COTD) Swim Center
Cromer Crab Shack
Cromer Lighthouse Museum
Cromer Lighthouses Day Of The Dead Balloon Vendor
Diva's Delve
Diva's Dive
Dragon Riders Cafe
Dragon Riders Collectibles (vending machine)
Dragon Rider's First Aid Shack
Dragon Riders Gift Shop
Dragon Riders Weyr Drink Diner by SavyKet
Drive in Diner by Voolfie
Dwarf House Restaurant Equine Education Center by SavyKet Evil Clown House by SavyKet
Fairy Flower Shop
Fairy Gift House
Fairy Retreat
Fairy's Rest and Lounge
Fairy Theatre
First Aid Stand
Forest Animal Petting Zoo generic Free Attraction generic Paid Amusement
Get Around Shoppe
Giraffe Annex
Greek Bathroom
Gristmill Haberdashery Gift Shop by SavyKet
Haunted Restaurant Japanese Garden Souvenir Store by Zarawatto Juice Market by SavyKet
Large Elephant Annex
Leopards in the Snow (LITS) Stuffed Animal Stand Library by SavyKet
Lil Phoenix Fireworks Stand
Llama Stealing Moose Hide-Out
Lumber Jack Pack
Mardi Gras Gift Booth
Native American Learning Center
Oriental Tea house
Park Information Kiosk
Paul's Gems And Fossils Shop
Pink and Blue Bathrooms
Popcorn Stand
Power Generator
Pukkies Cake Shop Pumpkin Mobile Gift Stand
Radbourne Museum
Refreshments Machine Repair Shop by SavyKet
Rock Waterfall Sandy Kite Shack by ZZ Sandy Surf Shack by ZZ
Santas Candy Shop
Santas Workshop
Shamu Giftshop
Small Elephant Annex
Spongebob Superpack Spooky Botanical Garden by SavyKet
Starbucks Coffee
Sweet stand pack
Tropical Sherbet Stand
Tunnels Complete Pack
Tunnel Development Pack
Tunnels PLUS pack Warehouse Nightclub by SavyKet
Wolf Whistle
Wonderland Funhouse
Wooden Bridge Development Pack
ZooGrammy´s Animal Hospital
Zoology Education Center
ZooTek Lodge
Zoo Information Center
Zoo Rental Building
Zoo Visitor Center
ZTF Christmas Pack
ZTF Reptile House Pack
ZTF Research and Menu hacks Delete any of the following .dll files from the Zoo Tycoon folder if they are present: LANG--Phoenix.dll (This file was split into LANG--ZooTek.dll and LANG--Jane.dll) Lang ZTF Combined
Lang Candyland.dll
Lang ZTF 03.dll
Lang ZTF Tunnels Complete
Lang ZTU Popcornstand.dll
Lang-vcenter.dll1,341 downloads
LANG--Jane.dll ... Jane's Language File
By Savannahjan
This file is required to make Jane's buildings work properly in game.
Lang .dll made by Jane.
Current file version is dated June 15, 2020.
Zoo Tycoon has a limit of 63 dll files, including dll files created by Blue Fang. If Zoo Tycoon sees more than 63 dll files, it will not start.
This language .dll file includes messages for the following:
3D Elephant Cinema
Abisko Restaurant
Alicia's lodge
Alpine Lodge
Anitas Bastu
Arctic Outhouse
Beach Apartment
Beach Bathroom
Beach Boatrent
Beach Equipment Rental
Beach Furniture Shack
Beach Giftshop
Beach Inn
Beach Jaccuzi
Beach Lighthouse
Beach MsBrandi
Beach Pool
Beach Restaurant
Beach Shop
Beths Snack Shack
Big Bear Cabin
Bielski's Cafe
Botanical Garden
Borg's Tennis Hall
Brandis Gardenhall
Brown Theme in wall Restaurant
Brown Theme Restroom
Brown Theme Stair Tower
Cafe Latte
Christmas Festival House
Cinderella Castle
Cinema Jabberjaws
Circus Scott
Conference Center
Dizzys Souveniers
Elks Hotel
Endangered Animals Center
Espresso House
Frauenkirche of Dresden
Garbo's Inn
Gems Cafe
Grand Hotel
Greater Flamingo Park
Hawaiian Ice Stand
Honeymoon Cabin
Idre Hotel
Jane's Bistro
Jul Gottekiosk
Keepers Gift Shop
Keepers Taverna
KFC Food Stand
Kids Kingdom Day Care
Kids Koral
Malung Lodge
Marks Road Church
Mc Beths Burger
Mc Burger
Morning Glory Inn
Mossas Varm Korv
Neils Nightspot
Notre Dame
Park Real Estate
Pepe's Hot Dogs
Pineapple Smoothie Stand
Pony Ride Open
Poseidon Palace
Professor Paul's English Barn
Pukkies Gift Bod
Radbourne Museum
Rainforest bridge shelter
Red Cross
Resort Cottage
Redwood Lodge
Royal Albert Hall
Sami Restroom
Savannah bridge shelter
Savy Jans Sauna
Scary Garden
Shrine Ball Stand
Shrine Cantina
Shrine Cirkus
Shrine Clinic
Shrine Horseshow
Shrine Restaurant
Shrine Shabby Circus
Shrine Shooting Stand
Ski Dome
Smore Stand
Snow bridge shelter
Snowboard Rental
Snowmobile Rentals
Space Needle
Spa Malung
Spa Savannahjan
Staff and Service
Starbucks Coffee and Bakery
Starbucks Coffee Machine
Stenmarks Skischool
Sweet Shoppe
Tek Ski Rentals
Tek Ski School
Teks Memory Pavilion
Thai Cuisine
Timberline Lodge
Tropico Beach Cafe
Vikings Clanhouse
Vikings Embassy
Vikings Market
Vikings Mead Hall
Wild African Elephant Rest
Wild Ananas Drink Stand
Wild Anteaters Rest
Wild Ants Village
Wild Aqua Giftshop
Wild Aqua Restaurant
Wild Arabian Oryx Rest
Wild Archaeopteryx Rest
Wild Arctic
Wild BajaMaja
Wild Bedrock Snacks
Wild Bedrock Souvenirs
Wild Bio Gas Produktion
Wild Black Panther Rest
Wild Bongo Rest
Wild Botanical Garden
Wild Buffel Rest
Wild Camel Farm
Wild Cats Rescue Center
Wild Chocolate Stand
Wild Cougars Rest
Wild De Lux Toa
Wild Dromedary Rest
Wild East Tea House
Wild Emu Rest
Wild Feed Center
Wild Festive Souvenirs
Wild Froggy Life
Wild Gemsbok Rest
Wild Gigantopithecus Rest
Wild Gazelle Rest
Wild Goat Rest
Wild Golden Hour
Wild Gorillas Rest
Wild Herb Garden
Wild Hippos Rest
Wild IceCream Stand
Wild Information Kiosk
Wild Indian Elephant Rest
Wild Innovatum
Wild Irish Garden
Wild Jaguars Rest
Wild Javan Rhino Rest
Wild Jungle Aviary
Wild Information Booth
Wild Komodo Dragon Rest
Wild Leopard Rest
Wild Life Burgers
Wild Life in Aquarium
Wild Life Lizards
Wild Life Movie
Wild Life Pizza
Wild Life Restaurant
Wild Life Souvenirs
Wild Life Vivarium
Wild Lion King Rest
Wild Lion Rest
Wild Llama Rest
Wild Mammoth Rest
Wild Mongolian Guestroom
Wild Mouflon Rest
Wild Okapi Rest
Wild Orangutan Rest
Wild Otter Rest
Wild Penguin Rest
Wild Pigfarm
Wild Polar Bear Rest
Wild Quagga Rest
Wild Rhinos Rest
Wild Rosty Mekanao
Wild Sealion Rest
Wild Service Dog Show
Wild Sheep Farm
Wild Soda
Wild Tapir Rest
Wild Turtle Rest
Wild Velociraptor Rest
Wild Veterinary Clinic
Wild Walrus Rest
Wild Warthog Rest
Wild Viking Rest
Wild White Tiger Rest
Wild Wood Feed Center
Wildwood Lodge
Wild Wood Toa
Ye ole Grocery
Zoological Museum
ZooTek Bank
ZooTek Head Quarter
Zoo Tek Nature Center
LANG--JBL.dll by fern
By Fern
Current dll date: June 27, 2020
Compatibility: All Game Versions
Description: This file contains messages for a number of things created by Jeff (jbl).
This .dll has messages for the following:
Aftmound Shelter
Asiatic Lion
Baobab Tree Shelter
Cage Shelter
Christmas Store
Forest Shelter
Highland Shelter
Jungle Bar
Jungle Meat Stand
Limestone Shelter
Rainforest Bathroom
Rainforest Themed Restaurant
Santa Claus
Snowy Gift Shop
Tropical Dino Cave
Tunnel of Love
Valentine Loveshop
Vulcan Shelter
Water Hole
Where To Put The dll: Extract LANG--JBL.dll from and put LANG--JBL.dll in Zoo Tycoon's main folder, which is where lang0.dll is, among other things.
Additional Notes : LANG--JBL.dll can be left in the main ZT folder without any problems. Including LANG--JBL.dll, I (Jay) have 21 user made ".dll" files that I always keep in my main ZT folder.
By Cricket
This is the current combined .dll (language file) for the Zoo Admin objects and will be updated when necessary.
Current file date is March 27, 2020.
Contains ids for the following:
* Brown Wood Barn
* Dry Gulch Bank
* Dry Gulch Church
* Dry Gulch Mercantile General Store
* Haystack Hideaway (Photography Blind)
* Stagecoach Cafe
4 Privet Drive
Ali Baba Dining Emporium
Animal Adoption Center
Arcade Tent
Asian Tea House
Auntie Em's Cafe
Aussie Koala's Grill
Blacksmith Shop
Blood and Buckets
Bush Tuck Restaurant
Butterfly Conservatory
Cabana Lounge
Chinese Bathroom
Chinese Garden
Chinese Gift Shop
Chinese Restaurant
Christmas Curiosity Shop 2018
Clapboard Hotel
Dairy Queen
Deepsea Aquarium, Fossil House
Desert Animal House
Dino Restroom
Doctor Adobe's Office
Hacienda Hotel
Harry Potter Expansion Pack
Jungle Petting Zoo
Le'ale'a Hut
Medic Trailer
Mom's Country Kitchen
Ogre's Lair
OZ Emerald City Castle
OZ Wicked Witch Castle
Rainbow Tunnel
Raptor Pack Fantasy Sweet Shop
Red Barn
Ricad's Lab Building
Security Booth
Sheriff And Marshal Museum
Spring Garden Shed
Underground Tunnel Entrance (10)"
Victorian Greenhouse
Warp Pipe (10)"
Water Bridge Entrance (5)" & (10)"
YR Wolf Conservatory
ZA Administration Building
Zoo Admin Contributor's Center
Zoo Tycoon Holiday home
File replaces the ".dll" files from the following:
(Be sure to remove these obsolete .dll files to avoid conflicts.)
Barn Shelter - Part of the Snow Tigers Farm Pack
Privet Drive - Harry Potter Pack - langZTC 4
AR Holiday Centre - lang-hcentre
YR Wolf Conservatory - lang_WolfConservatory.dll
Chinese Buildings - lang-rnd1.dll
Blood and Buckets - langYRrestaurant.dll
Photo Booth - langPhoto_Booth
Transporation pack - Underground Tunnel, warp dome, etc. - langFTTransportMiniExp.dll
Dr. Ricad's Lab - lang_ricad.dll
Jungle Petting Zoo from Rainforest Pack - lang-junglepet.dll
Desert Animal House from Desert Pack - lang-desanim.dll
Glass Tank Walls - lang-zawalls.dll
Fossil House and Deep Sea Aquarium - lang-DDMM.dll
Planet Kitty's Awards pack 2 - lang_newawards2.dll
ZTUSubwayDQ - ZTUSubwayDQlang-.dll (Updated file to replace the lang0 program update)
ZT mega hack: Dall's porpoise - langdallporpos.dll
Menu Hack-part of the Snow Tigers Rainforest Pack - langSnowtigers_Objects.dll
4 building pack from Yellowrose - Arcade Tent, Clapboard Hotel, Medic Trailer, Security Booth
User Scenarios dll File by Jay
By Fern
User Scenarios dll File
Author: Jay
Keywords: Combined dll
Date Released: March 26, 2025
Current dll date: March 25, 2025
Compatibility: All Game Versions
Description: This combines most of the dll files that were created for user made scenarios. Since scenario dll files are needed only while playing scenarios, having a combined dll file makes it easier to remove it from ZT's main folder when not playing scenarios, although it should not hurt anything to leave in ZT's main folder. Also, some of the original scenario dll files had messages in them that were not used by the scenarios but conflicted with messages in other dll files. This dll file avoids that problem. To use, extract langUserScenarios.dll from and put langUserScenarios.dll in ZT's main folder, which is the same place as ZT's lang0.dll. If any of the following user made dll files are in ZT's main folder, remove them, since they are no longer needed:
Note: Although I tested this combined dll with various scenarios, I did not attempt to solve all of the scenarios, since that would take a long time to do.
This download may be made available at any site as a backup as long as the download is not modified and the information in this post is also included, including this information. The main location for this download is at the following ztcdd link, which is where it would be updated before anywhere else: downloads