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Themed Packs

123 files

  1. Japan Pack by African Raptor

    Description : Graphics by African Raptor, Rotations by fern
    coniferous trees: Autumn Tree, Blossoming Tree, Flowering Tree, Spring Tree,
    desert tree: Palm Tree
    decorative bushes: Blue Flowering Bush, Red Flowering Bush
    scenery: Japanese Lamp, Japanese Sculpture
    UPDATE July 28, 2008 - Foliage will now auto-rotate.
    (update 6 May 2012 to add file description to post)
    Updated by Cricket on June 27, 2015:
    Location was added to the Red Flowering Bush and a duplicate cAutoRotate line was removed. A combined .ztd file was added.




  2. Japan Pack by Genkicoll

    There are 9 Japan-themed items in this pack, including a rock walkway. Missy graciously allowed me to use the images from her Asian House Pack, which she extracted from Age of the Empire. The items have been recolored, and the size has been increased. Thanks Missy!
    Three items are water placeable: the Gates of Dawn, bridge and Meditation Shrine
    Rotations by genki and fern
    IMPORTANT information about the bridge:
    This bridge is walkable, but not animated. This means that you will not see guests walking over the bridge, but rather through it. I recommend that when you place the bridge on water, you use either the fresh water or saltwater path under it, using concrete terrain beneath the path for a seamless look with the water.
    (file info updated 1 July 07)




  3. Jewish Pack by ChirpyNytowl (Cricket and nana_nytowl_beth)

    Decorate the Jewish area of your zoo with this little pack!
    Matzo Meal Cafe (sells Kosher combo meal)
    Matzo Fence
    Matzo Observation Area
    Matzo Path
    Gelt For Gifts Gift Shop (sells combo gelt gifts)
    Star Of David Fence
    Jewish Flag
    Jewish Flag Observation Area
    Jewish Flag Path
    Menorah Lamp
    Blue And White Planter
    Poppy Anemone Menorah Planter
    Requires the latest versions of these .dll files:
    LANG--fern-Tek ... You can find it here.
    LANG--ZooTek ... You can find it here.
    Downloadable file contains a combined .ztd file and a folder of all the single .ztd files.  If you use the combined file, you don't need the singles.




  4. Jungle Junk by Jeff (jbl)

    Jungle Junk by Jeff (jbl)
    Originally released: November 18 2004

    Updated: June 25, 2020 through June 20, 2021 by Jay (with suggestions from Casey and fern) to no longer use an ".exe" file, to have the animal and donation no longer be hacks, to include individual files and a combined, to remove unnecessary files and configuration lines, to avoid conflicts with other released objects, to allow a choice of how to make the lion available, to correct the location of the lion, to add the same prey as ZT's lion, to have the preferred object tooltip be shown for the young lion, to allow the lion to tolerate deciduous forest objects, to have the donation work properly and show the correct donation message, to have the scenery not need ".dll" files (which might mean any previously saved zoo with any of this scenery will no longer have the scenery appear in the zoo until the new versions are added to the zoo), to add missing heights, to have the cocktail sold item be the appropriate size and be consistent with ZT's file naming, to add a guest thought for the Jungle Bar building (and to indicate it works like a restaurant), to allow the shelter be in any exhibit, to have the scenery not have numbers added to their names to be consistent with ZT's scenery, to have the Water Hole entrance work consistently in all views, to adjust the positions of the Jungle Bar (which now uses less tiles), and to adjust the positions of the shelter, bathroom, observation areas, Rainforest Themed Restaurant, and Water Hole.

    (Configuration note for Jungle Bar, Jungle Meat Stand, Rainforest Themed Restaurant, and Water Hole: removes money.)

    Current ztd dates:
    - AsiaticLionByJeff-AddGettingDonationWithFirstBaby.ztd: June 29, 2020
    - AsiaticLionByJeff-MakeAvailableImmediately.ztd: June 27, 2020
    - AsiaticLionByJeff-MakeAvailableWithResearch.ztd: June 29, 2020
    - AsiaticLionByJeff.ztd: May 31, 2021
    - GuyWithTheMenuByJeff.ztd: June 25, 2020
    - JungleBarByJeff.ztd: June 27, 2020
    - JungleJunkByJeffCombinedExceptLionFiles.ztd: June 20, 2021
    - JungleLampByJeff.ztd: June 25, 2020
    - JungleMeatStandByJeff.ztd: June 26, 2020
    - LimestoneShelterByJeff.ztd: June 27, 2020
    - RainforestArchByJeff.ztd: June 25, 2020
    - RainforestBathroomByJeff.ztd: June 25, 2020
    - RainforestElectricObservationAreaByJeff.ztd: June 25, 2020
    - RainforestRockObservationAreaByJeff.ztd: June 25, 2020
    - RainforestThemedRestaurantByJeff.ztd: June 27, 2020
    - WaterHoleByJeff.ztd: June 26, 2020

    Compatibility: MM or CC are needed for the Jungle Bar to show the Frozen Lemon Drink. The other objects will work in all game versions.

    Description: First of all, I really want to thank Dragonlord, who did almost all the original rotation fixes.

    Animal: Asiatic Lion, with choice of how to make it available (immediately or research) and optional donation for first baby
    Buildings: Jungle Bar (restaurant), Jungle Meat Stand, Rainforest Bathroom, Rainforest Themed Restaurant, Water Hole (water restaurant)
    Scenery: Guy With The Menu, Jungle Lamp, Rainforest Arch, Rainforest Electric Observation Area, Rainforest Rock Observation Area
    Shelter: Limestone Shelter

    AsiaticLionNotes.txt: instructions for using the Asiatic Lion
    directorsCut.txt: some notes originally created by Jeff
    JungleJunkByJeffCombinedExceptLionFiles.ztd: The buildings, scenery, and shelter combined into a single file. If used, then the individual building, scenery, and shelter files are not needed.

    The messages for the animal, building, and shelter are in LANG--JBL.dll, dated June 27, 2020 or newer.




  5. Karakoram Pack by Brandi

    Another destination, the Karakoram Mountains. Several new foliage options and local wildlife statues.
    Note:The Blue Sheep statue will be found in your Rocks menu.
    Please click on the picture to see the full screenshot.
    Updated by Cricket on July 13, 2014:
    Locations were added where needed so that the purchase menu will show a map instead of gray rectangles.
    Files were 'cleaned up'.
    Combined file was added.




  6. Kenya Pack by Brandi

    A little late. Kenya celebrates its independence day December 12th. Kenya became an independent country Dec 12 1963. Thanks to Cristi for rotations.
    Kenya has considerable land area of wildlife habitat, including maasai mara, where blue wildebeest and other bovids participate in a large scale annual migration. Up to 250,000 blue wildebeest perish each year in the long and arduous movement to find forage in the dry season. The "Big Five" animals of Africa can also be found in Kenya: the lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino and elephant. A significant population of other wild animals, reptiles and birds can be found in the national parks and game reserves in the country. The environment of Kenya is threatened by high population growth and its side-effects.
    Please click on the picture to see the full screenshot.
    Updated by Cricket on July 13, 2014:
    Locations were added where needed so that the purchase menu will show a map instead of gray rectangles.
    Files were 'cleaned up'.




  7. Lord of the Rings Pack by Catfish

    This groundbreaking new pack uses a proprietary new technique to create 3D images for use in making objects. These images are not extracted from any game but are original new images! This new technique is exclusive to ZooTek and will open the doors for the creation of many new Zoo Tycoon objects.
    In this ZIP you will find one ZTD file containing 8 objects:
    two stone argonaths (listed as rocks), one Gollum statue, one troll statue, one warg rider statue, one realistic looking Balrog statue, one impressively sized Gandalf statue, and one convincing looking Ringwraith on horseback statue. Just unzip and place the ZTD into your updates folder.
    Special thanks to Dragonlord for the difficult rotation work on this pack!




  8. Madagascar Pack by Brandi

    A small pack including 2 native trees, 2 native flowers, a banner flag, and several animal statues.
    Madagascar, or Republic of Madagascar (older name Malagasy Republic), is an island nation in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa.
    Please click on the picture to see the full screenshot.
    Updated by Cricket on July 14, 2014:
    Locations were added where needed so that the purchase menu will show a map instead of gray rectangles.
    Files were 'cleaned up'.
    Combined file was added.




  9. Marvin the Martian Accessories Pack by GemDiKet

    Do you enjoy using Genkicoll's Marvin the Martian in your zoo? Do you wish you could help him attempt to take over the world?? The items in this little pack may assist you with that project :)
    This pack includes the following items:
    Martian Maggot (Marvin's interplanetary spaceship)
    Commander K-9 (Marvin's faithful partner in crime)
    Illudium PU-36 Explosive Space Modulator
    Instant Martian (Marvin's loyal sidekick)
    Instant Martians Dispenser
    Marcia the Martian (Marvin's apprentice and niece)
    Mars Flag
    Mars Path
    The downloadable .zip file contains a folder of the individual .ztd files and a combined .ztd file. (If you use the combined .ztd file, you do not need the individual .ztd files)
    These items were created by GemDiKet (Gem_del_mar, Brandi and Cricket) way back in November of 2009. They were used for that month's ZOTM (Zoo of the Month). Special thanks to Gem and Brandi for their hard work on this pack! Special thanks to Fern for file checks!




  10. Medieval Decor Pack 1 by Sundance

    Medieval Pack 1 by Sundance
    pack includes: Dragon Pillar, Flaming Torch, Large Orange Medieval Flowerbed, Lion Pillar, Water Bucket, Wishing Well




  11. Medieval Decor Pack 2 by Sundance

    Medieval Pack 2 by Sundance
    pack includes: Column, Fire Lamp, Gargoyles, Large Purple Medieval Flowerbed, Medieval Information Stand, Medieval Large Shrub.




  12. Medieval Decor Packs 1 & 2 Combined by Sundance

    Sundance's Medieval Packs 1 and 2 combined into a single ztd. These items have also been updated with new icons and the files have been tidied up.




  13. Mexico Natural Icons Pack by Zarawatto

    This pack release date was originaly planned to be 22 August 13th, as a remembrance for the 501 years after Fall of Tenochtitlan, but the designing works delayed a bit.
    ~ Content List ~
    5 new animals:
    -> Xoloitzcuintle (Canis lupus familiaris), a.k.a. Mexican Hairless Dog. Grassland.
    -> Cacomistle (Bassariscus sumichrasti), a.k.a. Southern Ringtail Cat. Deciduous Forest.
    -> Sarahuato (Alouatta palliata mexicana), a.k.a. Mexican Mantled Howler. Rainforest.
    -> Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno). Rainforest.
    -> Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox). Desert.
    5 new foliage items:
    -> Corn Smut Maize (Ustilago maydis). Deciduous Forest.
    -> Vanilla Orchid Tree (Vanilla planifolia). Rainforest.
    -> Cocoa Tree (Theobroma cacao). Rainforest.
    -> Dragon Fruit Cactus Flowerbed (Hylocereus undatus). Decorative.
    -> Tomato & Jalapeño Chinampa (Solanum lycopersicum + Capsicum annuum). Water placeable.
    5 new animated scenery items:
    -> Atlantic Horseshoe (Limulus polyphemus) Sandy Beach.
    -> Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) Rocky Pond.
    -> Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus) Dusky Tree.
    -> Crested Lizard (Basiliscus plumifrons) Cloudy Garden.
    -> Short Crested Coquette (Lophornis brachylophus) Shiny Shrine.
    -> A .txt file with the credits & a compatibility guide.


    1 comment


  14. Mexico Pack by Brandi

    To celebrate Cinco de Mayo,I have created a small Mexican themed pack,with items and plants that you would find in Mexico. Huge thanks to Genki for creating the flag for me,and thanks also to Cristi for rotations
    Please click on the picture to see the full screenshot.
    Updated by Cricket on July 12, 2014:
    Location and Rock suitability were adjusted.
    Files were 'cleaned up'.




  15. Native American Pack 08 by Brandi

    Many pieces of beautiful Native American objects to use in your Western Zoos.
    Please click on the picture to see the full screenshot.
    (edit 30 Aug 2013 to add missing file description)
    Updated by Cricket on July 14, 2014:
    Locations were added where needed so that the purchase menu will show a map instead of gray rectangles.
    Files were 'cleaned up'.
    Combined file was added.




  16. Native American Pack 1 by Savannahjan

    File imported by an administrator




  17. Native American Pack 2 by Savannahjan

    This little pack includes the following items:
    Native American Brave with Bow and Arrow
    Native American Chief
    Native American Maiden with Pappoos
    Native American Spears and Shield
    Tree of the Desert Southwest




  18. Norway Pack by Brandi

    To celebrate Norway's Constitution Day, May 17th, I have created a small pack of items and plants found in Norway.
    Thanks to Cristi for rotations! And big thanks to Genki for creating the flag for me.
    Updated by Cricket on July 13, 2014:
    Locations were added where needed so that the purchase menu will show a map instead of gray rectangles.
    Rock suitability was removed where not needed.
    Files were 'cleaned up'.


    1 comment


  19. Obon Pack by Brandi

    This pack includes several items typicaly found at the Japanese Obon Festival, also known as the Lantern Festival. Rotation work by Cristi and new rotation for the bridge and shrine by Fern. Thank you ladies.




  20. Oz Pack by The Lion's Den

    This pack is the Lion's Den's first group pack!
    What good is a yellow brick road without a tin man, cowardly lion, and scarecrow? There are 19 objects in this wonderful pack, most of them made by our designing moderators Jan and Brandi! This was a large collaborative effort that the entire club contributed to, now being released just in time for you to use in the November contest. You will find that the main characters from the movie are present, as well as many other items such as an animated tornado, several different lollipops, apple trees and poppies, and even an amazing colour changing horse statue!
    Rotation credit goes to Dragonlord, animation work done by Catfish
    Originally released Nov 26 2003
    (update 20 January 2012 to add missing file description to post)




  21. Pink Extras by Brandi

    Here's a blast from the past!
    These Pink Extras by Brandi were used in the Tickled Pink ZOTM (Zoo Of The Month) way back in October of 2009.  They were recently unearthed by Fern. 
    Items contained in this pack:
    Think Pink Planter
    Datura Pink Planter
    Pink Brick Lily Planter
    Pink Brick Bleeding Heart Planter
    Primrose Arch
    Pink Brick Arch
    Please click on the picture to see the full screenshot.




  22. Pirate Pack 06 by Brandi

    A few odds and ends for a Pirate Adventure. Rotations by Cristi ... thanks so much!
    Updated by Cricket on March 13, 2012:
    None of the items count towards rock suitability. They are all neutral now.
    Two of these scenery items had incorrect habitats. They are all neutral now.
    All objects are now water-placeable.
    Files are cleaned up.
    The downloadable file now includes a folder of the individual .ztd files and a combined .ztd file.




  23. Pirate Pack by Catfish

    This pack contains several pirate themed objects, including a pirate ship that has seperate animations for placement in water or on land. When placed on water, the ship floats up an down and the sails and flag blow in the wind. On land, the ship sits still except for the pirate flag waving on the top.
    Programming credits:
    Cannon Balls, Cannon, Standing and Fallen Barrels, Skull, Wreckage, Hanging Skeleton and Pirate Ship by Catfish.
    Double Gallows by LAwebTek; Programming Assistance on Pirate Ship by LAwebTek
    Double Gallows Rotation by DragonLord.




  24. Puerto Rico Flora by Brandi

    Some of the amazing flora found in Puerto Rico.
    Updated by Cricket on July 13, 2014:
    Locations were added where needed so that the purchase menu will show a map instead of gray rectangles.
    Files were 'cleaned up'.




  25. Rainforest Village Items by Brandi

    This pack was inspired by the May Clubs Contest. There are three foliage items, a rock, and two decorative items.
    Hope you guys like it.
    Rotations by Dragonlord.




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