Themed Packs
123 files
Ratbag's Holiday Party Items
By Fern
Author: Ratbag Oz
Originally Released January 11, 2005 at Zoo Tycoon Unleashed
Updated by Cricket on October 9, 2023 to move to the proper category. Many thanks to Goosifer for noticing it was in a ZT2 category instead of under ZT1 where it belongs!
Updated: January 8, 2023 by fern to remove unnecessary configuration lines and characters, to fix typos in the tooltips, to have the foliage not count toward rock suitability, and to have the rainforest foliage show a location of Many instead of Arctic.
Compatibility: All Game Versions
Description: Well for our friends in the south...
who think xmas is a green time of year
From our resident "southerner"
some southern party items
Graphics by Ratbag Oz Rotations by TigerKitty
Aqua and Purple Rocks, SEA Party trees and a SEA Glowing fern plant (
River Rock Pack by Brandi
By Guest
River Rock Pack by Brandi
Thanks to Fern, Genki and Jane for helping me out with this pack; checking rotations and helping me program the buildings and path :) No DLL file needed!
River Rock Restroom
River Rock Burgers
River Rock Cafe
river rock planters
several loose flowers (dogtooth violets, grasswidows, canyon daisy, tamarack)
river rock fountain
river rock arch
4 river rock ... rocks!
river rock lamp
river rock well
River Rock Path by Genki
Mossy River Rock Path by me
*October 12, 2007 - Pack updated! Will no longer crash your game, and the bathroom is now compatible with all versions of Zoo Tycoon. Thanks, Fern!
Saint George's Day Pack by Tek Divas
By Guest
Celebrate the British St. George's Say with a pack that includes foliage from England and statues of St. George.
Updated by Cricket on March 9, 2012:
Rotations on Euro Arch were adjusted. Downloadable file now includes a folder of the individual files and a combined .ztd file.
Seaworld Items by Brandi
By Brandi
(Originally) This mini pack has Sea World items from Sea World Tycoon:
Loud Speakers
Sea World Shamu Sign
Shamu Gift Shop (scenery-only)
Recently added:
Shamu Gift Shop (working version)
Rotations done by the best, Dragonlord.
Updated by Cricket on June 14, 2018:
Scenery-only Shamu Gift Shop was put back into this pack, by request. You can still have both this scenery-only building and the working gift shop in the game at the same time :D
Updated by Cricket on July 2, 2020:
This pack now includes a combined .ztd file (including the fully-functional working Shamu Gift Shop) and a folder of the individual files.
Spongebob Squarepants Pack by Savannahjan
By Guest
"Spongebob Squarepants Pack" (Updated 01/24/04)
Submitted: Sat, Jan 24 2004 12:28 am *Updated 1/24/04*
"No Patrick, mayonnaise is not an instrument!"
Like Spongebob? Then you are going to LOVE this pack!
Includes the following 18 items:
Spongebob's Pineapple Giftshop (which plays the song 'F.U.N.')
Squidward's Fine Dining and Bad Clarinet Music (Featuring rare interlude music taken from the show and some of Squidwards bad clarinet music when the building is used)
Spongebob's Boat
Plankton Statue
Mr. Krabbs Statue
Gary, Spongebob's Pet Snail
Bikini Bottom Ambulance
Bikini Bottom Jail
Spongebob's Sea Flowers
Patrick Star's House
Spongebob the Pirate Statue
Sandy the Squirrel Statue
Bikini Bottom's Town Clock
Spongebob Jellyfishing Statue
Spongebob Rock Singer Statue
Squidward Statue
The Chum Bucket
Sandy's Treehouse
The gift shop sells Spongebob, Mr.Krabbs, Plankton and Patrick toys. The Diner sells Kelp Smoothies, Squid Kabob and Jellyfish Jelly.
Also, pay close attention to the guests' thoughts after they buy something from one of these buildings. Too funny!!
Author: Savannahjan
Thanks to: LAwebTek for programming and audio creation
Dragonlord for rotations
Special thanks to: Cristijaberjaws, Brandi and Catfish for their assistance, encouragement and inspiration
*Update 1/24/04* Removed the Pirate Portrait from Squidward's Diner and updated the .dll to remove the strings used by the portrait item. The Pirate portrait was causing a conflict which made all items sold by the diner to cause guests to stick to benches.
Star Wars Bursa Pack by Clonehunter
By Guest
Star Wars comes to ZT!
The Bursa was a alarge canine from Endor and Naboo, locations from the Star Wars Universe. This pack also includes an Endor Fir Tree, the Bursa's preferred tree. Bursas eat fish, and enjoy coniferous. The location for the animal says America, which is technically both correct and not correct. Since Star Wars is from the US, so are Bursa's actually. The graphics are actually edited frames from star wars galactic battlegrounds, but enjoy anyways.
Bursas were carnivorous quadrupeds native to the planet Naboo. Bursas had tusked snouts and feathery tufts of hair on their thick-skinned bodies, and were known to build and live in mud huts in the planet's swamps.
Bursas live in the swamps of Naboo. Bursas were thought to have pre-dated even the Gungan race on Naboo, and early Gungans were attacked by wild bursas while exploring their world. Such behavior was not uncommon in the bursas, who were known to mercilessly destroy Gungan settlements. Bursas led by the warlord Boss Rogoe destroyed Boss Gallo's village, Otoh Sancture, 3,000 years before the Battle of Naboo. However, Gallo's forces healed an injured bursa chief, and a clan of bursas allied with Gallo in the siege of Rogoe's Keep.
Since then, bursas appeared across the galaxy, mostly as pets to the Hutts or in circuses. On Naboo, however, it was believed wild bursas were driven to extinction by the Gungan Grand Army, though a tamer variety survived into the era of the Clone Wars. The Amaran species took to capturing, breeding, and selling these creatures, which could be trained to dance on their hind legs.
*NOTE: The endor fir is combined into the bursa ztd since it is the preferred foliage for this creature. If you are using the ch-bursa.ztd you will not need to have ch-endorfir.ztd in your game at the same time (though it will not cause any problems if it is).
Adjustments to bursa made by Genkicoll to clean up file and make more efficient. Endor also rotated by Genki.
(edit 11 November 2012 to add authors name and genkis adjustment note)
Tasmania Pack by Brandi
By Guest
Tasmania Pack by Brandi
Eleven new foliage options from Tasmania and Australia plus 2 animal statues.
This pack was updated by Fern in September of 2013 to add cLocation and tidy files.
Tek 10th Anniversary Boxwood Topiary Foliage Pack by Brandi
By Cricket
Decorate your anniversary zoo with these 5 boxwood topiaries. All topiaries can be placed on water and in an exhibit.
This pack includes:
Dolphin Boxwood Topiary
Geometric Boxwood Topiary
Giraffe Boxwood Topiary
Round Boxwood Topiary
Spiral Boxwood Topiary
Graphics adapted by Brandi from various resources. Rotations by Cricket.
This downloadable file contains the individual .ztd files and a combined .ztd file.
Tek 10th Anniversary Candy Land Pack by Savannahjan
By Cricket
Got a sweet tooth? Decorate your anniversary zoo with these 3 scenery items adorned with yummy candies to feed your imagination.
This pack includes:
Candy Land Cafe
Candy Land Factory
Candy Land Sweet
Graphics adapted by Savannahjan from various resources. Rotations by Cricket.
This downloadable file contains the individual .ztd files and a combined .ztd file.
Tek 10th Anniversary Endangered Plants Pack by Brandi
By Cricket
Decorate your anniversary zoo with these 12 endangered plants. All plants can be placed on water and in an exhibit.
This pack includes:
Black Bat Flower
Pine Lily Flower
Baseball Plant
Gigantes Plant
Green Pitcher Plant
Titan Arum Plant
African Blackwood Tree
Bjuvia Tree
Boab Tree
Dragon Tree
Pygmy Fringe Tree
Williamsonia Tree
Graphics adapted by Brandi from various resources. Rotations by Cricket.
This downloadable file contains the individual .ztd files and a combined .ztd file.
Tek 10th Anniversary Faerie Pack by Savannahjan
By Cricket
Add a bit of whimsy to your anniversary zoo! Decorate with these 16 faerie items. All items can be placed on water except for the working restroom.
This pack includes:
Faerie Animal Nursery
Faerie Bark Teepee
Faerie Blossom House
Faerie Dead Tree House
Faerie Enchanted Tower
Faerie Flower Lantern
Faerie Herbal Tea Cottage
Faerie Leaf Candle Lamp
Faerie Leaf Lantern
Faerie Mushroom Villa
Faerie Pinecone House
Faerie Tall Purple Castle
Faerie Treestump House
Faerie Twig House Restroom (working)
Faerie Umbrella Tree
Faerie White Green Squash House
Graphics adapted by Savannahjan from various resources. Rotations by Cricket.
This downloadable file contains the individual .ztd files and a combined .ztd file.
Tek 10th Anniversary Fairytale Pack by Brandi
By Cricket
Add a bit of whimsy to your anniversary zoo! Decorate with these 7 fairytale accessories. The arches match the Tall Purple Castle from Tek 10th Anniversary Faerie Pack by Savannahjan. All items can be placed on water.
This pack includes:
Fairytale Arch
Fairytale Double Arch
Fairytale Large Arch
Fairytale Carnation Flowerbed
Fairytale Geranium Flowerbed
Fairytale Rose Flowerbed
Fairytale Castle Garden
Graphics adapted by Brandi from various resources. Rotations by Cricket.
This downloadable file contains the individual .ztd files and a combined .ztd file.
Tek 10th Anniversary Floral Pack by Savannahjan
By Cricket
Decorate your anniversary zoo with these 6 floral items. All items can be placed on water.
This pack includes:
Floral Blue Castle
Floral Clock Tower
Floral Gazebo
Floral Greenhouse
Floral Tower
Floral Tunnel
Graphics adapted by Savannahjan from various resources. Rotations by Cricket.
This downloadable file contains the individual .ztd files and a combined .ztd file.
Tek 10th Anniversary Flowers Foliage Pack by Brandi
By Cricket
Decorate your anniversary zoo with these 7 flowers. All flowers can be placed on water and in an exhibit.
This pack includes:
Butterfly Bush
Anthurium Flower Patch
Mixed Flowers Patch
Blue Poppy
Gold Poppy
Orange Poppy
Pink Poppy
Graphics adapted by Brandi from various resources. Rotations by Cricket.
This downloadable file contains the individual .ztd files and a combined .ztd file.
Tek 10th Anniversary Miscellaneous Pack by SavyJ
By Cricket
Decorate your anniversary zoo with these 8 items.
This pack includes:
Ale House
Bee Hive
Carnival Booth
Fancy Castle
Tek Imports
Zoo Security
Zoo Tek Town Hall
Tek Nacho Casa (working restaurant)
The working restaurant serves the in-game sub sandwich, pizza, soda and nachos.
Graphics adapted by Savannahjan from various resources. Rotations by Cricket. Special thanks to Jay and Fern for assistance on restaurant programming!
This downloadable file contains the individual .ztd files and a combined .ztd file.
Tek 10th Anniversary Mocals Memory Pack by the Madmins
By Cricket
Decorate your anniversary zoo with these 10 items made in loving memory of our dear departed friend Mocals. This pack is dedicated to her.
Mocals was an avid Zoo Tycoon 1 player and a joy to work with. She and ZooGrammy met at Zoo Keepers Lounge and became good friends. They both visited other sites and then joined Zoo Tek before we were reorganized into Zoo Tek Phoenix. Mocals was an original and faithful member of the Critter Keepers Club here. She was an excellent zoo builder. She was a warm, caring, compassionate, sweet, fun person. She was often the first person to welcome a newbie, quick to notice if you were down and to offer kind words.
She passed away from cancer in March of 2007. We miss her bubbly personality and the fun she brought to us. In her honor, we have designed this pack. We hope you will cherish her memory when you use these items in your next zoo!
All items can be placed on water.
This pack includes:
Mocals Memory Arch
Mocals Memory Oblong Flowerbed
Mocals Memory Round 2x1 Flowerbed
Mocals Memory Round 2x2 Flowerbed
Mocals Memory Bridge
Mocals Memory Castle
Mocals Memory Cottage
Mocals Memory House
Mocals Memory Blue Tree Planter
Mocals Memory Pink Tree Planter
Brought to you by the Madmins (Savannahjan, Brandi & Cricket).
Graphics adapted by Savannahjan and Brandi from various resources. Rotations by Cricket. Special thanks to Brandi, ZooGrammy and Menolly for input on the dedication.
This downloadable file contains the individual .ztd files and a combined .ztd file.
Tek 10th Anniversary Planters Foliage Pack by Brandi
By Cricket
Decorate your anniversary zoo with these 3 planters. All planters can be placed on water and in an exhibit.
This pack includes:
Daisy Planter
Iris Planter
Poppy Planter
Graphics adapted by Brandi from various resources. Rotations by Cricket.
This downloadable file contains the individual .ztd files and a combined .ztd file.
Tek 10th Anniversary Trees Foliage Pack by Brandi
By Cricket
Decorate your anniversary zoo with these 10 trees. All trees can be placed on water and in an exhibit.
This pack includes:
Conifer Tree
Blue Jacaranda Tree
Full Blue Jacaranda Tree
Red Jacaranda Tree
Full Red Jacaranda Tree
Japanese Red Cedar Tree
Japanese White Larch Tree
New Zealand Cabbage Tree
Weeping Bottlebrush Tree
White Mallee Tree
Graphics adapted by Brandi from various resources. Rotations by Cricket.
This downloadable file contains the individual .ztd files and a combined .ztd file.
Tek China Panda Pack Combined by Various Designers
By Guest
A pack full of Panda and China-themed items for your Asian zoos.
This pack includes:
by Brandi:
Bell Arch
China Pack
Tekking Treasures
by Coolperson5:
Small Bamboo
by Ghirin:
Small Stand of Tropical Bamboo
Tropical Bamboo
Small Stand of Black Bamboo
Small Stand of Golden Bamboo
by Quivaz:
Panda Showcase
by Toodlepops:
Panda Extras
Panda Research Pack (includes shelters)
by Unknown:
Japanese Serow Statue
*Requires Fern's .dll in the hacks and utilities section
**UPDATED Feb 24, 2008 to include the Asian Paper Walls done by CJJ and Fern.
Thank you, designers, for allowing this combined pack!
Tek Wolf Pack by Cdl (Coeur de Lion)
By Guest
Wolf Pack Author: Coeur de lion
A well made pack filled with all things Wolves
A set of statues and some flowers to celebrate the most beautifull wolf.
Statues by Cdl
Flowers by Brandi
Rotations by Cristi
includes 3 wolfs and 1 working building -Wolf Whistle
updated 2013-10-20
Tek Wonderland Pack Two by GemDiKet
By Guest
Brought to you by GemDiKet, these items should enhance your Wonderland-themed zoo!
Items included in this pack:
large wonderland arch
working wonderland fun house
several new wonderland-themed paths
cheshire cat rock formation
colorful wonderland rocks
wonderland statues, mushrooms and foliage
Updated on 2010.09.15
rotations were corrected on the checkerboard path
locations were added to the foliage so that the 'many' map will display on the menu instead of the gray squares
Teking Treasure Asian Pack by Tek Divas
By Guest
Teking Treasure Asian Pack by Tek Divas
This pack has 11 Asian themed objects to decorate your zoo.
Rotations by Dragonlord. Sampang, Pagoda, and Dragon by Jan. Other images snagged by Cristi, made by Brandi. Thanks guys!
Tekkiversary 11 Anniversary Rock Garden and Turquoise Pond by Brandi
By Cricket
Help Tek celebrate their 11th Anniversary by decorating your zoo with this Anniversary Rock Garden and Turquoise Pond!
Please click on the picture to see the full screenshot.
The downloadable file contains a combined .ztd file and a folder of individual .ztd files. (If you use the combined file, you do not need the individual files)
Tekkiversary 11 Carnival Games Scenery Pack by Savannahjan
By Cricket
Decorate your carnival-themed zoo with these 3 scenery-only carnival games.
This pack includes the following scenery items:
Carnival Kids Bumper Cars
Carnival Game Row
Carnival Super Slide
Please click on the picture to see the full screenshot.
The downloadable file contains a combined .ztd file and a folder of individual .ztd files. (If you use the combined file, you do not need the individual files)
Tekkiversary 11 Party Scenery Pack by Cricket
By Cricket
Help Tek celebrate their 11th Anniversary by decorating your zoo with these 3 party scenery items!
This pack includes:
Gold Party Lamp
Party Palm Tree
Citrine Turquoise Vase
Please click on the picture to see the full screenshot.
The downloadable file contains a combined .ztd file and a folder of individual .ztd files. (If you use the combined file, you do not need the individual files)