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Rainbow Unicorn by Genkicoll


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About This File

These Rainbow Unicorns have been raised in captivity, and are thus very comfortable with humans. They are not shy, and unlike many unicorns, are very social creatures.

The unicorn's name comes from two Latin words, and means "one horn." Rainbow Unicorns today are somewhat rare in the wild. Historically, unicorns have been found throughout the world, with sub-species existing in China, Tibet, Japan, India, Europe and the Middle East.


The unicorn's horn is both the source of its mystique and the reason this animal is scarce in the wild today. Even more than the horn of the rhinoceros, the unicorn's horn is valued by collectors for its alleged mystical powers and healing properties. Due to the long-standing belief that it can detect and neutralize poison, drinking vessels made from the unicorn's horn were greatly prized during the Middle Ages. The horn also came to symbolize medicine, as it was attributed with the power to cure a number of ailments, including stomach problems, scurvy, dropsy, epilepsy and even depression.


This animal is fully compatible with the in-game unicorn, but there are a few small differences that should make it more enjoyable to play with: They do not have to have a shelter, but will be perfectly happy to have one in the exhibit (ignore the message that says there are too many shelters in the exhibit, they still like them ). They will like exhibit-neutral items such as user-made foliage, and they have longer life-spans than the in-game unicorn.

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