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Dimorphic Red Kangaroo

Author: Ghirin


Red kangaroos are the world's largest marsupials. Despite the name, not all red kangaroos are red. In the eastern part of their range, males are usually some shade of red and females are blue-gray; elsewhere, both sexes may be reddish brown. Male kangaroos are called "boomers," female kangaroos are "blue fliers," and young are called "joeys." Red kangaroos are found primarily in the dry grasslands and plains of central Australia. The terrain in this region consists of savannah-like grasses interspersed with barren areas of dry dirt, sand, and the occasional rock. Kangaroos prefer open areas, with a sparse scattering of native bushes and trees for shade. Kangaroos are semi-nomadic, and their movements are not restricted by most types of fencing.


These animals congregate in loose and temporary social groupings, called mobs. Although the makeup of a mob can vary, it will commonly contain a dominant male, several adult females, and young of both sexes. Mothers and young can remain together for years.


Kangaroos are able to survive high temperatures by seeking shade during the day and feeding at night. In the wild, their diet consists of green grass, leaves, and roots. They swallow their food whole, later regurgitating a cud and chewing it. In the wild, this animal does not need continual access to fresh water, as long as green herbage is available. When necessary, they will dig for water. In zoos, kangaroos are fed a diet that typically includes fruit, yams, bread, monkey-dog-guinea pig chow, and vitamin supplements.


Baby kangaroos are bean-sized when born. The tiny, hairless embryo makes its way across the mother's belly into the pouch, where it attaches itself to one of the four available teats. Once nursing begins, the teat swells up so that the baby will remain attached. The joey will remain in the pouch for 5 to 6 months as it continues to mature. After that, it will be fully developed and can emerge to explore. Joeys are usually weaned around one year of age, but will remain close to the mother for another six months.


Kangaroos are so well-designed for hopping that they are unable to walk. They have large, powerful hind feet that cannot move independently of each other and a tendon in their legs that behaves like a rubber band, conserving energy as they move. Red kangaroos can hop as fast as 40 mph, making leaps as long as 29 feet. Kangaroos will run from danger, rather than fight, although a large claw attached to their hind leg makes them quite dangerous at close quarters. The kangaroo's long, heavy tail provides balance and support.


Red kangaroos are shy, alert creatures, docile except when cornered. To warn their mob of impending danger, these animals will thump on the ground. Hearing this warning, joeys will jump back into their mothers' pouches. Although males will not defend the members of their mob from attack, they will fight each other for breeding rights. The two boomers will attempt to push each other off balance by jabbing or locking forearms. Sometimes they will lean back on their tails and kick each other in the belly with their powerful hind feet.


Foxes and eagles prey on very young kangaroos. Dingoes prey on young and adult alike. Because of the damage they can do to crops, kangaroos are considered pests and are destroyed accordingly. Red kangaroos are also commercially hunted for skins and meat. This animal is considered a threatened species.


Updated 2010-10-30

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How about of the cubs?



Hey, can anyone edit this so that it default replaces the ingame female kangaroo instead of being an entirely separate animal?

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