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Aralosaurus by Moondawg


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Aralosaurus (ar-ahl-o-SORE-us) meaning "Aral Sea lizard", because it was found in the Aral Sea when it began to shrink noticeably.Aralosaurus was a genus of hadrosaurid dinosaur which lived during the Late Cretaceous of what is now Kazakhstan.


Aralosaurus was characterized by a small, bony peak on its nose, much like its relatives Maiasaura and Gryposaurus. Some paleontologists have posited that Aralosaurus was actually a lambeosaurine.


Aralosaurus was a herbivore that lived in the late Cretaceous period, around 95 to 80 million years ago, and was capable of both bipedal and quadrupedal movement. Egg clusters show that Aralosaurus lived in herds and had locations for laying eggs where they would be safe.Several relatives, such as Jaxartosaurus have also been found in the surrounding area where Aralosaurus was found.


Aralosaurus was about the size of an elephant, being up to 9 m long, but was over 5,000 kilograms in weight. Although very little is known about Aralosaurus (only one near complete skull has been found); it was identified by a beak with nearly 1,000 small teeth in 30 rows. These teeth were used for breaking up plant matter by chewing, a feature common in herbivorous dinosaurs, but unusual for reptiles.The back of an Aralosaurus skull was wide, a feature suggestive of large jaw muscles used to power its chewing apparatus

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