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Kalahari Lion by Coolperson5


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The lion is the largest African carnivore. The native habitat of the lion is the wide savannah of central and southern Africa. This region's wide swaths of tall grasses provide excellent coverage for lions on the hunt, and the occasional tree provides shade for resting lions. The lion spends over 20 hours a day resting, usually in the shade of trees or rocks. However, the lion is a very athletic cat, capable of impressively long and high leaps. They are also terrific climbers.


Unlike other large cats, lions are social in nature, living in prides of up to 40 animals, primarily females and cubs. Lions hunt both singly and in groups, although their success rate is much higher in groups. The lionesses do most of the hunting, while the male lions protect the pride from predators, including other lions. For every dozen attempts, lions average one kill. Their diet varies by region but may include gazelle, zebra, and wildebeest. In captivity, lions eat a steady diet of meat and dry foods. These large cats require a regular supply of drinking water, although otherwise they do not care for this element.


Lions compete with and sometimes prey on the other carnivores found on the savannah. They will sometimes kill and eat leopards and cheetahs. Lions and hyenas have a particular dislike for one another. Adult male lions will go out of their way to kill hyenas.


When agitated, a lion will emit its legendary roar, which can be heard more than six miles away. Lions tend to get quite upset when there is not enough food available.


Lions reproduce very well in captivity.


Updated 2010-11-03

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