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Avimimus was a small dinosaur, standing about 45 centimeters (2.5 ft) tall at the hips and

a length of 1.5 m (5 ft). The skull was relatively small compared to the body, though the

brain and eyes were relatively large. The size of the bones which surrounded the brain and

were dedicated to protecting it are large. This is also consistent with the hypothesis

that Avimimus had a proportionally large brain.


As in the related Oviraptoridae and Caenagnathidae, the jaws of Avimimus formed a

parrot-like beak, and lacked teeth. However, a series of toothlike projections along the

tip of the premaxilla would have given the beak a serrated edge. The toothless beak of

Avimimus suggests that it may have been an herbivore or omnivore. Kurzanov himself,

however, believed that Avimimus was an insectivore.


The foramen magnum, the hole allowing the spinal cord to connect with the brain, was

proportionally large in Avimimus. The occipital condyle, however, was small, further

suggestive of the skull's relative lightness.The neck itself was long and slender, and is

composed of vertebrae are much more elongate than in other oviraptorosaurs. Unlike

oviraptorids and caenagnathids, the back vertebrae lack openings for air sacs, suggesting

that Avimimus is more primitive than these animals.


The forelimbs were relatively short. The bones of the hand were fused together, as in

modern birds, and a ridge on the ulna (lower arm bone) was interpreted as an attachment

point for feathers by Kurzanov.Kurzanov, in 1987, also reported the presence of quill

knobs, and while Chiappe confirmed the presence of bumps on the ulna, their function

remained unclear. Kurzanov was so convinced they were attachment points for feathers that

he concluded that Avimimus may have been capable of weak flight. This interpretation has

not seen wide support among paleontologists, however.


The ilium was almost horizontally oriented, resulting in exceptionally broad hips. Little

is known of the tail but the hip suggests that the tail was long. The legs were extremely

long and slender, suggesting that Avimimus was a highly specialized runner. The

proportions of the leg bones add further weight to the idea of Avimimus was quick on its

feet. The animal's shins were long in comparison with its thighs, a trait common among

cursorial animals. It also had three-toed feet with narrow pointed claws.

Its remains were discovered in the Djadokta Formation by Russian paleontologists, and

officially described by Dr. Sergei Kurzanov in 1981. The type species is A. portentosus.


Because no tail was found with the original find, Dr. Kurzanov mistakenly concluded that

Avimimus lacked a tail in life. However, subsequent Avimimus finds containing caudal

vertebrae have confirmed the presence of a tail.


In 1991, Sankar Chatterjee erected the Order Avimimiformes to include Avimimus, though

this group is not used by most paleontologists today as it includes only a single species.

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Nicely done.Beautiful color pattern.

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