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Professor Paul Pack by Tek Divas 1.0.0

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About This File

A pack of buildings and items all dedicated to our wonderful Professor Paul.

This pack needs the Phoenix Lang dll to work in game.


*** Please see update notes at the bottom of this post ***

We (the Divas and Diva Dude) are dedicating this new wonderful download to our Dear Professor Paul! Neil started all this just before we moved to our wonderful new site and it is finally here to share! What would Zoo Tek be without Paul? Well let me tell you it would be very boring! He has been with us from almost the beginning and has helped develop Zoo Tek into what it is today. We may not have had been privileged to the number of animals that we have here if not for his wonderful Zoo Tek Nature Encyclopedia & the Zoo Tycoon Brains Trust!

Here is a little about Paul from Paul

"Americans! What do you expect!

I am Professor Paul, or more formally Dr Paul Francis Claudius My croft Radbourne M.A., F.R.Z.S. (but Dr Paul sounds like a cheesy American psychologist). I am a doctor of zoology (although I don't work as a zoologist) & the creator of the Zoo Tek Nature Encyclopedia & the Zoo Tycoon Brains Trust, two of the best animal resources in the Zoo Tycoon Community.

I can tell you about almost anything from Archaeology to Zoology, I'm a Fellow of the Royal Zoological Society, a member of the Zoological Society of London (we own London Zoo) & I am a fountain of useless information. Did you know, for example, that the King Ataxerxes in the Bible was Ataxerxes II,not Ataxerxes III as a lot of people mistakenly think?

I can also swear fluently in Latin (which is handy on the Internet)."

Now this pack is all about Paul and his lovely little town of Cromer. We have the beautiful Cromer Lighthouse (graphics by Genki) . Why not take a tour of this Lighthouse Museum and learn all about Cromer.

Next you can have your guest snack on some yummy treats at a Crab Shack (graphics by CDL and Brandi).

Now with so much knowledge to share Paul has his own museum to store it. Jane created this wonderful Radbourne Museum so we can all learn more about animals. Don't forget to stop in the museum gift shop and get your own Snowy toy, WAW T-shirt, or better yet your own copy of Zoo Tek Nature Encyclopedia!

Now as you all know Cromer has this great Gem shop and now you can have your guest shop there also and buy some precious gems. (wonderfully made by CDL)

How could we leave out Paul's best friends Snowy and Dexter? Well we didn't.  Here they are done so well by Jan. Now we all can have Snowy and Dexter in our zoos.

Thank you Paul for all you do!

Credits (Jay for programming, Fern Jane and CristiJaberjaws Rotations, Brandi, CDL, Jane, Genki, and Jan for graphics)


Updated May 14, 2016 by Jane to make the buildings water placeable and, for the Radbourne Museum, to reduce the purchase cost, to have it also take care of guest energy needs, to have guests spend less time in it, to reduce the maximum gift cost, to reduce the upkeep amount, and to make the building moveable.

The Radbourne Museum was further updated on July 4, 2016 by Jane to reduce the purchase cost further, to make guests happier, to reduce the upkeep further, to allow guests to go in if they are seeking a place to rest, and to change the file name from "RadbourneMuseum.ztd" to "J RadbourneMuseum.ztd".

The current ztd dates in Professor_Paul_Pack.zip are:
CromerCrabShackcdl05.ztd: May 14, 2016
CromerLighthouseMuseum.ztd: May 14, 2016
CromerLighthouses.ztd: May 14, 2016
dexter.ztd: October 19, 2005
J RadbourneMuseum.ztd: July 4, 2016
Paul's Gems Cdl05.ztd: May 14, 2016
snowy.ZTD: September 20, 2005

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