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Concrete Wall Set by Particle 1.0.0

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Have you ever thought, I wish there were more walls in zoo tycoon so i could cover up those ugly dirt cliff walls?  This wall set makes building a zoo a little bit more fun.  :)


I made wall pieces for every possible wall and cliff shape that you could think of.  This is over 100 new wall sprites added to the game, but they are  all accessed under a few icons to make it easy to use, organized by the grid height of the walls.  The tallest walls are 8 grids high.


These walls are meant to compliment the in game concrete and glass walls but they do not replace them.  Most of the set is just decorative walls, but there are low, medium, and tall exhibit fences as well.  Although these walls are very similiar to the concrete walls you are used to, these walls cannot deteriorate or break and the maintenance workers have washed them a little (about time they did something right?).


If you are not a fan of concrete fences, don't worry!  Brick and stone walls are coming soon...

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What a great job to decorate the zoo even more.

A couple of weeks ago I was looking for some objects dedicated to ZT1 in some pages that could serve as a complementary decoration for the underground tunnel, specifically a fence with some kind of dark window that gave the impression that visitors were walking inside, you think Is it possible for you to design something like that?

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I was thinking of a wall as the attached image, only as decorative or as an installation.



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It looks great, the walls fit great.

I attach another image with the underground tunnel.

Just as a comment: The decorative walls being an extraction of the installation fence of certain volumes, something can be done so that they do not show the edges and are well attached to the ground.



I mean something like in this picture


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I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "do not show the edges" and "are well attached to the ground".  Are you talking about the dirt line that you can see when you place fences over the concrete path, like in this picture?


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I mean this edge





By the way, I was putting together my zoo with the walls and in the rotation I have the following error ....



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ok i get you, thanks for the helpful images carlos.  I'll try to fix the first problem with the edge being slightly off, although it may take me some time, because I might have to actually redo some graphics.


The second problem is something I can't figure out, it seems to be a problem with the game itself when you build vertical zoos.  Like you showed in the picture, it only appears when looking at it from one direction.  It can happen with any fence, not just the ones I made.  I can reproduce the glitch although it is not easy to do it because sometimes just changing one grid up or down will make it look ok... or just moving the whole thing over one grid, can fix it.  To illustrate I made this image real quick using the regular old concrete fence from the game.




1. Everything looks fine from this direction.

2. Rotate it and it looks weird, you can see the back fence is showing through the cliff wall like the cliff is invisible.

3  Adjust one square up in a certain spot and it sort of fixes it.

4. Adjust another square up in a certain spot and it totally fixes it, but now the stairs are blocked. :(


So I don't know how to fix that issue.   When it happens to me when I'm building a zoo, I just mess around with the terrain a little until it goes away, because although it is just a visual glitch, it is quite annoying to look at.

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I have notice this myself.   It appears to be a game issue.

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I imagine anyone who has played this game as long as you zoogrammy, would have seen this glitch many times.  I should add that from a programmer's point of view it just seems to be a problem with how the engine draws the scenery:

Depth Sorting:  In addition to normal placement, we will need to take care of depth sorting for drawing the isometric world. This makes sure that items closer to the player are drawn on top of items farther away.

So if anyone out there has an idea how to fix it, or work around it, that would be helpful, please feel free to share what you know.

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On 11/6/2019 at 10:12 AM, carlos franco said:



hi. i know this off-topic and not relatable to ur comment, but may i ask where u finded this picture? and if so can i download the mod for this cool tunnel archways?

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On 18/4/2020 at 20:18, ZTVeteran said:

Hola. Conozca este tema y no se puede relacionar con su comentario, pero ¿puedo preguntar dónde encontrar esta imagen? y si es así, ¿puedo descargar el mod para este genial túnel de arcos?

You can find it here http://www.ztcdd.org/DG/index.php?topic=5850.0;prev_next=next#new, the Tunnel through which the Giraffe is seen works as a refuge, I do not remember if the tunnels are included in the link, if they are not you can find them on the same page


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@Particle I have a bug report: the low concrete wall crashed my game after a while. I used it sometime in the second half of year 1 and it crashed my game at the end of February in year 3.

Unfortunately, I already overwrote the old save file with it so I couldn't test it further with other concrete walls.

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Thanks for the bug report, I'll see if i can figure out what happened.  :)

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I have a fix coming for this mod, I found the bug, but I'm redoing the whole mod completely, and so hopefully it will be done in a week or 2.

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Could you make wall 6 (the wall that goes up 6 tiles) an exhibit fence?


Thanks for everything you do! 

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