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I used Brandi's 15th anniversary dl to put some foliage in my current game.  Last night it was fine.  Today I start it up , it plays a few seconds, freezes than POOF! disappears from the screen & CPU & memory (task manager screen).  I took out all the anniversary dls, 12 uci maps from my uci map folder, 20 uci dls so the dlupdate list has 198 items abd still that game crashes. I also tried pausing it immediately after starting but still POOF!


The UCI maps by themselves seem fine.  I guess I will start another zoo using a fresh map.


I also found lang016.dll somehow wound up on my destop -- then game would not properly boot so I put it back in the main ZT folder & other maps seems to work but the "Bridge Tropic 21" zoo still does its crash thing.


I notice the main folder does not have a lang004, lang005, lang006, lang011, lang014.  It does have lang03CExpMenu.dll.


Should I uninstall then reinstall the game after I store the fern, jane, JBL, TKZTUF, ZA03, ZKL, ZooTek, ZTCDD, lang999-overide dlls (& uc maps) into safekeeping folders?






fountain, if you will post the zoo here, Fern can run a diagnostic on it.  Send her a PM to be sure she sees it.  If you could also put everything back in your game, she may want a pic of that.


I will try.  I did not get any pictures of it.  I wanted to show some Brandi's orangey flowers.


I did have 3 different versions of the royal poinciana tree because of 3 dls.


I used the conifer bridge game map? Pretended it was a subtropical zoo on a mountain.


Sometimes I get a hand tremor & click on something I did not intend & I do not notice I dragged something to a different place. I'm thnkful it does not happen more often.

lang004, lang005, lang006, lang011, and lang014 do not exist. A missing lang016.dll would not cause a crash; a missing lang016.dll would just cause the messages for Atlantean objects not to appear in ZT.

There are a number of causes for ZT to crash. The timing of the crash can often say what caused the problem. The "Causes of ZT crashes and how to avoid them" topic at DG can help pinpoint a problem:

But yes, it is also possible for ZT to crash if a critical ZT file is missing. The programs to list what are in folders and subfolders are already available here:
That link will provide us with info of what is in your ZT game
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Thanks Fern! :goldstar:


Thanks Fern!


I remember the last time this happened in a game was with an exhibit that somehow managed to get sea urchins in a tank & I had to use a map editor to get rid of it.  I will give that examination after using the ZTDD links. 


17 hours ago, Fern said:
lang004, lang005, lang006, lang011, and lang014 do not exist. A missing lang016.dll would not cause a crash; a missing lang016.dll would just cause the messages for Atlantean objects not to appear in ZT.

There are a number of causes for ZT to crash. The timing of the crash can often say what caused the problem. The "Causes of ZT crashes and how to avoid them" topic at DG can help pinpoint a problem:

But yes, it is also possible for ZT to crash if a critical ZT file is missing. The programs to list what are in folders and subfolders are already available here:
That link will provide us with info of what is in your ZT game

Fern, I followed that link and was able to see that post, but I couldn't log in to the site because I can't remember my username or password.  :cry:


You do not need to be logged in to see or download at DD or DG


Fern, I managed to make text list of dlupdate folder & main ZT folder.  Do I email these to you or post here?


BTW the freeform kids map & game I am using to discover Borasato (sp?) animals needs is working fine while the Conifer Bridge map based zoo is still crashing the whole game. 


I forgot I also did try using Jay's Map Editor to clear conifers outside the zoo walls but I couldn't get the hang of it, meaning all I did was remove the gate & then put it back when the bulldozer icon would not respond. 


The "Bridge Tropic Mt 21" zoo worked for a couple game years & I added more tank exhibits.  It crashed after I switched out & added foliage from Brandi's 15th Anniv pack at the orange tile roof Beach Restaurant & the Black Pearl pirate gift shop next to it.  Also my foliage menu had 3 versions of royal poinciana tree because of the anniv pk, Catfish's Tropical Foliage & Aux, plus an individual file that has a much bigger tree for the same price as the 2 smaller versions.  I also used Gem's Coral Pk & Coral Concrete Planters in the switch out.  I also switched out  RDFT $5 tile path & replaced it with aqua & water-like paths.


Hope that info helps.






pm it to me.

I had that problem and I can't remember what Jay said but did you read the instructions at DG about using it. It is something simple.

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