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UCI User's Peeves

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Guest eternalgravity

Not to start flames, but to get a better idea of what users want in an object. But what is your pet peeves with User created objects?

Buildings for instance, my pet peeves are actual entrances not being where you think they should be or having a back exit where there's no sign of one. I've had guests stuck where I couldn't see them before.

Animals vary really. My main ones are liking terrain types that don't appear on the zookeeper suggestions and low initial happiness. Having protesters at the gate after you just bought the animal is annoying.

I think this would be helpful as I'm creating objects and animals and I'm curious as to what irks you guys, as users. If you're like me, you're just glad to have the lovelies someone created for you. And telling the creator that you don't like something about it after all that work..and there's always the possibilty they'll get mad and not create anymore. No way! So here's a roundabout way of saying 'hey, this is annoying'. :wink:

You can also put what you really like in objects as well.


And as I stated above, no pointing fingers. Please don't mention specific creators/objects.

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For buildings it really does irk me when the exit of the building is at the back unless it's specifically mentioned that this is the case. I hate having trapped guests :tongue: The only other thing I can think of with buildings (and this goes for every UCI) is that I hate to see a beautiful building/object that someone's created, but it is improperly rotated and/or has a horrible "halo" around it. I once downloaded 3 matching buildings that were just lovely, but I couldn't bear to use them because they were all surrounded by a thick, bright green halo. Nowadays I'd just fix it and use my version, but back then I didn't know how to design.


For animals, it really bothers me when I can't get the suitability at LEAST in the high nineties. I want to get every exhibit to 100% if possible, but when it absolutely won't go over 80%, it really bugs me! >_< Another pet peeve with animals usually only happens with brand new animal makers. The animal adoption panel will show that it's a savannah animal whose favorite tree is the baobob, when in actually it's a highlands animal whose favorite tree is the Himalayan pine! I do have a 3rd thing that bugs me, and that's when small little animals that should be able to be contained by any fence MUST have the iron bar fence because they go right through every other fence.


Anything that crashes my game annoys me NO END, especially when I can't pinpoint which UCI is doing it! Lastly, some of my older creations bug me because I'm a perfectionist, and they don't meet my current standards for my own work. hehe :tongue: One of these days I'll remedy that, but in the meantime, I just won't think about it. :24:


Good thoughts and suggestions.


This isn't a criticism thread, it's a thread to help (us!) designers to make better items for everyone! I hope more members will give us some input :)


What is annoying me most are UCI's whos author is unknown or disappeared so that if you have ideas triggered of by it or you want it to be updated It just can't be done wich makes that item just go to waste.

I once had this mega gorgeous hippo trashcan and when it was downloaded it was stated to be updated soon to a working version wich never happened and then when I shopped around to ask if someone could make it get to work.

No one could before no one knew where the author had disappeared to and therefor could not ask permission.

I do not have it anymore for a trash can decorative as it is needs to do just that where it is ment for. Hold trash!




I remember that hippo trashcan! It was adorable! However, non-working just doesn't do it for me when it comes to trashcans. I'm with you on that one. Wonder if I still have it ... *scampers off and frantically searches all of her downloads *


You mean this one from ZA?

Hippo Trashcan by chimaera 6-Jun-04 hippotrash.zip

Guest eternalgravity

I haven't gotten a halo in forever. Blurry images are unappealing as well.

I do have the bad habit of editing a UCA to get the high suitability or stop fence breaking. *whistles innocently*


Found another peeve. Buildings with low appeal. You set a building down in a high hunger area and they'll still go to the restaurant on the other side of the park. I usually end up losing money, deleting the building and plopping a more popular one down.


I haven't come acrossed any unconfigured items yet, but I know there are some nice scenery 'items' that should be buildings. Makes you wonder why they didn't go the extra mile with so many people willing to help.


There are in actual fact not that many people who can configure a building correctly and make sure there are no conflicts. Many early buildings had problems. Currently active people who can configure and test properly over 5 ZT sites numbers 4. One of the others retired recently.

A fence is an ai file not a uca which is an animal file.

Guest eternalgravity

Ah, sorry, I was under the impression there were more people that could configure.

I wasn't referring to editting the fence file, but rather the cBashstrength in the uca to stop the animal from breaking out of fences. Like a certain penguin we recently fixed.


Speaking of UCAs, critters that are compatible are great. Exhibits are much more interesting with variety.

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