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I don't know if it's my comp or not, but, has anyone started to make a zoo, then save and exit, and when you go back to work on it everything's messed up?


Here's an example of what I'm talking about;

Glitch 1


Glitch 2


Glitch 3


And finally, a somewhat over-view.


Last night, I was making a crocodilian zoo for a contest on ZTV. And I saved the game and exited out of it so I can work on a simfile for a contest. I got bored with that and went back to work on my zoo. Everything loaded fine, but when it showed the game picture, the terrain changed, hills were added and ponds were moved.


Desert terrain turned to tundra, and temperate forest turned to alpine and rainforest stayed the same, but the croc ponds were either gone or made smaller and moved. The caiman's pond was suddenly 20% and moved OUTSIDE of their exhibit. Dunno why I didn't take a screenshot. x__x;;


But here's the thing, even though everything changed the animals were happy. Their space and biome icons didn't go in the red zone at all.


So has anyone ever had this problem?

Guest zoomeister

I've never had that bad of glitches yet. Can't and won't say they will happen, either.


However, I was once working on a challenge zoo where I had just purchased a pair of Orca's and was starting to train them up for a show. I had to stop and saved the game to play later. When I came back, I didn't have any Orca's at all!! The tank was there, the food and enrichment items were still there, my training area was still in place, but no Orca's!! Bad thing of it was, I had just saved up enough money to make the purchase and the money was gone and I had no animals!! Needless to say, I didn't go back and work on that zoo since then.


When returning to zoos I've saved, I've also had animals come up outside of their exhibits, whether in a tank or exhibit.


All I can think of is this: that our computers aren't really capable of working in 3-D. There is so many computations going on constantly and one decimal out of place can throw things off for sure. And if the strings of numbers aren't saved exactly right, when we go to open them up it acts like a corrupted file. Not sure if there is a fix or not.


Hm perhaps it is just not a good game that was made Really what is the use of a game when more then half of the people playing it have so many trouble doing so?

Guest ShenTirag

Never heard of anyone having those kind of glitches. Personally I think the main problems/glitches people encounter are just them playing ZT2 on a computer that cannot handle it. It requires higher specs than people realise. I have a relatively good spec computer and have absolutely no problems with it.


But that's the thing. It worked fine a few weeks ago, and last week is when it started to have these weird glitches. I haven't downloaded anything from the weeks it worked to where it stopped.


And it runs fine on my mom's laptop. Well it did, some how the D:/ got disabled -.-;


Perhaps your graphics card? Have you tried running a different zoo? I'm grasping at straws here :tongue:

Boris Aardvark

I like zt 2 but it is hard on the ol' software lol if you think zt2 plays a bit odd you should try to play zt1 on the ds weird things really weird things happen.

Perhaps your graphics card? Have you tried running a different zoo? I'm grasping at straws here :tongue:


Yes, in fact, the example pics were from last week. The croc zoo I started to make yesterday, or the day before.


ZT2 works perfectly fine on the laptop, but as I said, the D:/ was disabled. I un-installed ZT2 last night. I'm gonna try and load it back in and see if the same thing happens.


Edit: Okay, I found out why my zoos glitched when they fully loaded. I forgot, I downloaded the three Genkicoll's Paths packs. Those must've caused the glitches, after I deleted them, the zoos loaded normally.

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