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no map desert Dwarf Desert Nile Crocodile Ghirin






Africa  coniferous	  Kentrosaurus	  Blue Fang	   Jurassic  
Africa  coniferous	  Spinosaurus	   Blue Fang	   Cretaceous
Africa  desert		  Gemsbok		   Blue Fang				 
Africa  rainforest	  Bongo			 Blue Fang				 
Africa  rainforest	  Chimpanzee		Blue Fang				 
Africa  rainforest	  Lowland Gorilla   Blue Fang				 
Africa  rainforest	  Mandrill		  Blue Fang				 
Africa  rainforest	  Okapi			 Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		African Buffalo   Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		African Elephant  Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		African Warthog   Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		African Wild Dog  Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		Black Rhinoceros  Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		Cheetah		   Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		Common Wildebeest Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		Giraffe		   Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		Greater Flamingo  Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		Hippopotamus	  Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		Leopard		   Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		Lion			  Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		Olive baboon	  Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		Ostrich		   Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		Plains Zebra	  Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		Spotted Hyena	 Blue Fang				 
Africa  savannah		Thomson's Gazelle Blue Fang


ZooTek Phoenix

Africa  aquatic	  Aldabaran Giant Tortoise		  Jordan			
Africa  coniferous   Atlas Bear						Ghirin
Africa  coniferous   Barbary Leopard				   Ghirin
Africa  desert	   Fennec Fox						Ghirin
Africa  desert	   Kalahari Lion					 coolperson5
Africa  desert	   Slender-horned Gazelle			Ghirin
Africa  grassland	Aardvark						  LAwebTek
Africa  grassland	Cape Lion						 Ghirin
Africa  grassland	Nile Monitor					  Volksdragon
Africa  grassland	North African Elephant			Ghirin
Africa  highlands	Walia Ibex						Ghirin
Africa  many		 Ethiopian Wolf					Ryno
Africa  rainforest   Aegyptopithecus				   Ghirin
Africa  rainforest   African Green Gold-Winged Dragon  Ghirin
Africa  rainforest   African Ring-necked Parakeet	  Ghirin	
Africa  rainforest   Blue Duiker					   Jordan
Africa  rainforest   Giant Forest Hog				  Bigcatkeeper
Africa  rainforest   Mbielu-mbielu-mbielu			  Ghirin		Ice Age
Africa  rainforest   Mokele Mbembe					 Ghirin		Triassic
Africa  rainforest   Morotopithecus bishopi			Ghirin
Africa  rainforest   Pygmy Hippopotamus				Ryno
Africa  rainforest   Sehite							Ghirin
Africa  rainforest   Sitatunga						 Ghirin
Africa  rainforest   Water Chevrotain				  Ghirin
Africa  savannah	 African Striped Unicorn		   Ghirin
Africa  savannah	 Black Wildebeast				  G2K
Africa  savannah	 Bluebuck						  Sundance
Africa  savannah	 Bluebuck Sable Antelope		   Sundance
Africa  savannah	 Cape Griffon					  Ghirin
Africa  savannah	 Common Duiker					 Jordan
Africa  savannah	 Dimorphic Ostrich				 Ghirin
Africa  savannah	 Lappet-faced Vulture			  Ghirin
Africa  savannah	 Lechwe							Jordan
Africa  savannah	 Lesser Kudu					   Ghirin
Africa  savannah	 Meerkat						   Jordan
Africa  savannah	 Mountain Nyala					Jordan
Africa  savannah	 North African Wildcat			 Ghirin
Africa  savannah	 Nyala							 Jordan
Africa  savannah	 Pale Fox						  Ghirin
Africa  savannah	 Patas Monkey					  Ghirin
Africa  savannah	 Pumapard						  Jordan
Africa  savannah	 Red-fronted Gazelle			   Ghirin
Africa  savannah	 Rothschild Giraffe				coolperson5
Africa  savannah	 Savannah Gold-Wing Dragon		 Ghirin
Africa  savannah	 Savannah Roc					  Ghirin
Africa  Savannah	 Southern Reedbuck				 Jordan
Africa  savannah	 Springhare						Ghirin
Africa  savannah	 Tsavo Lion						Ghirin
Africa  savannah	 Vervet Monkey					 Bigcatkeeper
Africa  savannah	 White backed vulture			  Ghirin
Africa  scrub		Dorcas Gazelle					Ghirin
Africa  tank		 West African Manatee			  Bigcatkeeper

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Antarctica  tundra	  Emperor Penguin   Blue Fang


ZooTek Phoenix

Antarctic   aquatic	 Crabeater Seal	   Ghirin
Antarctic   tundra	  Arctic Meerkat	   Jordan





Arctic  tundra		  Arctic Wolf	   Blue Fang				 
Arctic  tundra		  Magnet			Blue Fang				 
Arctic  tundra		  Polar Bear		Blue Fang				 
Arctic  tundra		  Reindeer		  Blue Fang				 
Arctic  tundra		  Yeti			  Blue Fang				 
Arctic Ocean  aquatic   Pacific Walrus	Blue Fang				 
Arctic Ocean  tank	  Beluga			Blue Fang				 
Arctic Ocean  tank	  Bowhead Whale	 Blue Fang				 
Arctic Ocean  tank	  Narwhal		   Blue Fang


ZooTek Phoenix

Arctic  aquatic		 Harp Seal				Ghirin
Arctic  aquatic		 Hooded Seal			  Ghirin
Arctic  tundra		  Arctic Fox			   hit4life & LAwebTek
Arctic  tundra		  Arctic Fox			   Ryno
Arctic  tundra		  Barren-ground Caribou	Ghirin
Arctic  tundra		  Boreal Roc			   Ghirin
Arctic  tundra		  Brown Lemming			Ghirin
Arctic  tundra		  Collared Lemming		 Ghirin
Arctic  tundra		  Ermine				   Jordan
Arctic  tundra		  Gyrfalcons			   Ghirin
Arctic  tundra		  Peary caribou			Ghirin
Arctic  tundra		  Tundra Gold-Wing Dragon  Ghirin
Arctic  tundra		  Winter Wolf			  Ghirin





Asia   coniferous	   Gallimimus		Blue Fang	   Cretaceous
Asia   coniferous	   Velociraptor	  Blue Fang	   Cretaceous
Asia   deciduous		Japanese Serow	Blue Fang

ZooTek Phoenix

Asia	coniferous	  Bergman's Bear		  Ghirin				 
Asia	coniferous	  Ebony Velociraptor	  Ghirin	   Cretaceous
Asia	coniferous	  Ivory Velociraptor	  Ghirin	   Cretaceous
Asia	coniferous	  Japanese Macaque		coolperson5			
Asia	coniferous	  Phantom Cat			 Ghirin				 
Asia	coniferous	  Racoon Dog			  Ghirin				 
Asia	coniferous	  Syrian Bear			 Ghirin				 
Asia	coniferous	  White Tiger of the West Ghirin				 
Asia	deciduous	   Kirin				   Ghirin				 
Asia	deciduous	   Rose Lion			   Ghirin				 
Asia	desert		  Asian Ruppell's Fox	 Ghirin				 
Asia	desert		  Desert Velociraptor	 Ghirin	   Cretaceous
Asia	desert		  Nubian Ibex			 Ghirin				 
Asia	desert		  Persian Roc			 Ghirin				 
Asia	desert		  Phoenix				 Ghirin				 
Asia	desert		  Protoceratops		   Ghirin	   Cretaceous
Asia	desert		  Tarchia				 Ghirin	   Cretaceous
Asia	grassland	   Mongolian Death Worm	Ghirin				 
Asia	highland		Altai Golden Eagle	  Ghirin				 
Asia	highland		Argali				  Ghirin				 
Asia	highland		Bezoar Goat			 Ghirin				 
Asia	highland		Siberian Ibex		   Ghirin				 
Asia	highland		Tibetan Fox			 Bigcatkeeper


Atlantic Ocean



Atlantic Ocean  tank	Atlantic Swordfish	  Blue Fang
Atlantic Ocean  tank	Bluefin Tuna			Blue Fang
Atlantic Ocean  tank	Green Moray Eel		 Blue Fang


Atlantic Coast



Atlantic Coast  tank	West Indian Manatee	 Blue Fang

ZooTek Phoenix

Atlantic Coast  tank	Bonnethead Shark		Ghirin
Atlantic Coast  tank	Commerson’s dolphin	 Ghirin
Atlantic Coast  tank	Lemon Shark			 Ghirin





Australia	savannah   Red Kangaroo	  Blue Fang			 
Australia	tundra	 Giant Tortoise	Blue Fang	 Ice Age

ZooTek Phoenix

Australia	aquatic	   Pig-Nosed Turtle	   Ghirin	
Australia	desert		Perentie				Volksdragon	
Australia	rainforest	Eclectus Parrot		 Ghirin	
Australia	savannah	  Dimorphic Red Kangaroo  Ghirin	
Australia	savannah	  Dingo				   coolperson5  
Australia	savannah	  Quokka by Ryno		  Ryno		 
Australia	savannah	  Spotted Tailed Quoll	Jordan	   
Australia	savannah	  Tasmanian Devil		 Jordan	   
Australia	savannah	  White Boomer			Icepengwyn





China   grassland	   Przewalski's Wild Horse   Blue Fang		   
China   highland		Asian Black Bear		  Blue Fang		   
China   highland		Giant Panda			   Blue Fang		   
China   rainforest	  Caudipteryx			   Blue Fang   Jurassic

ZooTek Phoenix

China   coniferous	  Black Tiger				LAwebTek			 
China   coniferous	  Black Tortoise			 Ghirin			   
China   coniferous	  Chinese Roc				Ghirin			   
China   coniferous	  Chinese White Bear		 Ghirin			   
China   coniferous	  Maltese Tiger			  Jordan			   
China   coniferous	  North China Leopard		Ghirin			   
China   coniferous	  Omeisaurus				 Ghirin	 Jurassic  
China   coniferous	  Stegosaur Huayangosaurus   Ghirin	 Jurassic  
China   coniferous	  Tanius					 Ghirin	 Cretaceous
China   desert		  Persian onager			 Ghirin			   
China   desert		  Shuvuuia				   Ghirin	 Cretaceous
China   highland		Golden Moon Bear		   Ghirin			   
China   rainforest	  Protarcheopteryx		   Ghirin	 Jurassic  
China   savannah		Tarbosaurus				Ghirin	 Cretaceous


Eastern USA


ZooTek Phoenix

Eastern USA	deciduous	 Red Wolf	  coolperson5





Eurasia   highland	  Ibex			Blue Fang
Eurasia   tundra		Wooly Mammoth   Blue Fang	  Ice Age

ZooTek Phoenix

Eurasia   coniferous	Eurasian Brown Bear		Ghirin			 
Eurasia   coniferous	Eurasian Raven			 Ghirin			 
Eurasia   coniferous	Griffon vultures		   Ghirin			 
Eurasia   coniferous	New Japanese Wolf		  Ghirin			 
Eurasia   deciduous	 Eurasian Elk			   Ghirin			 
Eurasia   deciduous	 White Dove				 Ghirin			 
Eurasia   desert		Red Worg				   Ghirin			 
Eurasia   grassland	 Brown Dromedary Camel	  Ghirin			 
Eurasia   grassland	 Grey Donkey				Ghirin			 
Eurasia   grassland	 Ox						 Ghirin			 
Eurasia   grassland	 Steppe eagle			   Ghirin			 
Eurasia   grassland	 Steppe Gold-Wing Dragon	Ghirin			 
Eurasia   grassland	 Steppe Mammoth			 Ghirin	  Ice Age
Eurasia   grassland	 White Dromedary Camel	  Ghirin		  
Eurasia   grassland	 White Sheep				Ghirin			 
Eurasia   highland	  Midnight Unicorn		   Jordan			 
Eurasia   highland	  Mythic Salamander		  Ghirin			 
Eurasia   many		  Tibetan Wolf			   Ryno			   
Eurasia   savannah	  Machairodus Giganteus	  Ghirin	  Ice Age





Europe   aquatic	   Loch Ness Monster	Blue Fang			  
Europe   aquatic	   Plesiosaurus		 Blue Fang	Jurassic  
Europe   deciduous	 Iguanodon			Blue Fang	Cretaceous
Europe   deciduous	 Plateosaurus		 Blue Fang	Triassic  
Europe   deciduous	 Unicorn			  Blue Fang			  
Europe   tundra		Wooly Rhino		  Blue Fang	Ice Age

ZooTek Phoenix

Europe   aquatic	  Attenborosaurus		  Ghirin		  Jurassic  
Europe   aquatic	  Cryptocleidus			Ghirin		  Jurassic  
Europe   aquatic	  Selkie				   Ghirin					
Europe   coniferous   Black Scots Wild Cat	 G2K					   
Europe   coniferous   Cat Sith				 Ghirin					
Europe   coniferous   Cave Bear				Ghirin					
Europe   coniferous   Cetiosaurus			  Ghirin		  Jurassic  
Europe   coniferous   Cu Sith				  Ghirin					
Europe   coniferous   Draconyx				 Ghirin		  Jurassic  
Europe   coniferous   Kelpie				   Ghirin					
Europe   coniferous   Lexovisaurus			 Ghirin		  Jurassic  
Europe   coniferous   Nordic Brown bear		Jordan					
Europe   coniferous   Nordic Gray Wolf		 Jordan					
Europe   coniferous   Rabbit				   African Raptor			
Europe   coniferous   Scottish Wild Cat		G2K					   
Europe   coniferous   Sea Breeze Unicorn	   Jordan					
Europe   coniferous   Telmatosaurus			Ghirin		  Cretaceous
Europe   coniferous   Warg					 Ghirin					
Europe   coniferous   Westie				   Jordan					
Europe   deciduous	Aquila				   Ghirin					
Europe   deciduous	Beast of Gévaudan		Ghirin					
Europe   deciduous	Black Dog				Ghirin					
Europe   deciduous	Bugbear				  Ghirin					
Europe   deciduous	Cu Sith				  Sundance				  
Europe   deciduous	Dryopithecus fontani	 Ghirin					
Europe   deciduous	Eastern Imperial Eagle   Ghirin					 
Europe   deciduous	European Otter		   Bigcatkeeper			  
Europe   deciduous	European Unicorn		 Ghirin					
Europe   deciduous	Forest Tarpan			Ghirin					
Europe   deciduous	Man-eating Horse		 Ghirin					
Europe   deciduous	Nemean Lion			  Ghirin					
Europe   deciduous	Nordic Lynx			  Jordan					
Europe   deciduous	Nordic Moose			 Jordan					
Europe   deciduous	Pard					 Ghirin					
Europe   deciduous	red fox				  G2K					   
Europe   deciduous	Wisent				   Ghirin					
Europe   grassland	Bull of Bagburry		 Ghirin					
Europe   grassland	European Rabbit		  Sundance				  
Europe   grassland	Grogoch				  JordanMK				  
Europe   grassland	Padfoot				  Ghirin					
Europe   grassland	Welsh Pony			   Sundance				  
Europe   highland	 Beast of Bodmin		  G2K					   
Europe   highland	 Cretan Wild Goat		 Ghirin					
Europe   highland	 European Mouflon		 Ghirin					
Europe   rainforest   Dobhar Chu			   Ghirin					
Europe   scrub		Proganochelys			Ghirin





Himalayas	highland	   Markhor		 Blue Fang		
Himalayas	highland	   Snow Leopard	Blue Fang

ZooTek Phoenix

Himalayas   coniferous	Tufted Deer			   Jordan	
Himalayas   highland	  Arunachal Macaque		 Ghirin	
Himalayas   highland	  Highland Rhesus Macaque   Ghirin	
Himalayas   highland	  Mainland Serow			LAwebTek	
Himalayas   highland	  Sunset Penguin			Sundance

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