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India   rainforest	  White Bengal Tiger  Blue Fang		
India   savannah		Blackbuck		   Blue Fang

ZooTek Phoenix

India   rainforest	  Aqua-Ino Indian Ring-necked Parakeet	Ghirin	  
India   rainforest	  Asiatic Lion							Bigcatkeeper
India   rainforest	  Cobalt Indian Ring-necked Parrakeet	 Ghirin		
India   rainforest	  Grey Indian Ring-necked Parakeet		Ghirin		
India   rainforest	  Indian Ring-necked Parakeet			 Ghirin		
India   rainforest	  Lion-tailed Macaque					 Jordan		
India   rainforest	  Lutino Indian Ring-Necked Parakeet	  Ghirin		
India   rainforest	  Mugger Crocodile						Ghirin			
India   savannah		Bengal Fox							  Ghirin		
India   savannah		Pygmy Hog							   Jordan

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ZooTek Phoenix

Many	grassland	   Bay Horse (Horse Pack)		  Jordan	
Many	grassland	   Black Horse (Horse Pack)		Jordan	
Many	grassland	   Buckskin Horse (Horse Pack)	 Jordan	
Many	grassland	   Palomino Horse (Horse Pack)	 Jordan	
Many	grassland	   Roan Horse (Horse Pack)		 Jordan	
Many	grassland	   Sorrel Horse (Horse Pack)	   Jordan	
Many	highland		Black Dog					   Sundance
Many	highland		Lava Zebra					  Sundance
Many	highland		Volcanic/Pyro Unicorn		   Sundance

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Many Oceans Worldwide



Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Bottlenose Dolphin	Blue Fang   show	
Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Giant Squid		   Blue Fang	   	
Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Great White Shark	 Blue Fang   show	
Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Humpback Whale		Blue Fang			
Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Lion's Mane Jelly	 Blue Fang   show	
Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Mermaid			   Blue Fang		 
Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Orca				  Blue Fang   show	
Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Sperm Whale		   Blue Fang

ZooTek Phoenix

Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Blue Shark			  Ghirin	
Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Cretoxyrhina mantelli   Ghirin	
Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Delphin				 Ghirin  
Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Porbeagle Shark		 Ghirin	
Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Prosqualodon			Ghirin  
Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Saltwater Bull Shark	Ghirin	
Many Oceans Worldwide   tank	Spinner Dolphin		 LAwebTek	shows

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North Africa



North Africa	desert	 Dromedary Camel	  Blue Fang

ZooTek Phoenix

North Africa	coniferous	 Barbary Lion					  Ghirin		 
North Africa	desert		 African Ruppell's Fox (Sand Fox)  Ghirin		 
North Africa	desert		 African Spurred Tortoise		  Jordan		 
North Africa	desert		 Bennu							 Ghirin	  
North Africa	desert		 Desert Warthog					Bigcatkeeper
North Africa	desert		 Horus							 Ghirin
North Africa	desert		 Scimitar horned Oryx			  LAwebTek	
North Africa	desert		 Wepwawet						  Ghirin	  
North Africa	highland	   Cuvier's Gazelle				  Ghirin	  
North Africa	scrub		  North African Golden Jackal	   Ghirin

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North America



North America   coniferous	 Bigfoot			 Blue Fang			  
North America   coniferous	 Camptosaurus		Blue Fang	Jurassic  
North America   coniferous	 Gray Wolf		   Blue Fang			  
North America   coniferous	 Grizzly Bear		Blue Fang			  
North America   coniferous	 Lambeosaurus		Blue Fang	Cretaceous
North America   coniferous	 Stegosaurus		 Blue Fang	Jurassic  
North America   deciduous	  Apatosaurus		 Blue Fang	Jurassic  
North America   deciduous	  Black Bear		  Blue Fang			  
North America   deciduous	  Mexican Gray Wolf   Blue Fang			  
North America   deciduous	  Moose			   Blue Fang			  
North America   deciduous	  Styracosaurus	   Blue Fang	Cretaceous
North America   grassland	  American Bison	  Blue Fang			  
North America   grassland	  Tyrannosaurus rex   Blue Fang	Cretaceous
North America   highland	   Moutain Lion		Blue Fang			  
North America   rainforest	 Allosaurus		  Blue Fang	Jurassic  
North America   rainforest	 Coelophysis		 Blue Fang	Triassic  
North America   savannah	   Ankylosaurus		Blue Fang	Cretaceous
North America   savannah	   Triceratops		 Blue Fang	Cretaceous
North America   tundra		 Saber-toothed Cat   Blue Fang	Ice Age

ZooTek Phoenix

North America   aquatic	   Elasmosaurus				Ghirin		 Cretaceous
North America   aquatic	   Newtycoon the Newt		  JordanMK				 
North America   boreal		MacFarlane's Bear		   Ghirin				   
North America   coniferous	Agropelter				  Ghirin				   
North America   coniferous	Anatotitan				  Ghirin		 Cretaceous
North America   coniferous	Arctic Glacier Bear		 Ghirin				   
North America   coniferous	Bald Eagle				  Ghirin				   
North America   coniferous	Edmontosaurus			   Ghirin		 Cretaceous
North America   coniferous	Euplocephalus			   Ghirin		 Cretaceous
North America   coniferous	Fisher					  Jordan				   
North America   coniferous	Glacier Bear				Ghirin				   
North America   coniferous	Hesperosaurus			   Ghirin		 Jurassic  
North America   coniferous	Kermode Bear				Ghirin				   
North America   coniferous	Kodiak Bear				 Ghirin				   
North America   coniferous	Maiasaura				   Ghirin		 Cretaceous
North America   coniferous	North American Raven		Ghirin				   
North America   coniferous	Othnielia				   Ghirin		 Jurassic  
North America   coniferous	Roosevelt Elk (Wapiti)	  JordanMK				 
North America   coniferous	Woodland Carribou		   Ghirin				   
North America   deciduous	 Antubis					 Ghirin				   
North America   deciduous	 Arkansas Razorback		  voolfie				  
North America   deciduous	 Blond Bear				  Ghirin				   
North America   deciduous	 Blue Jay					Ghirin				   
North America   deciduous	 Bobcat					  coolperson5			  
North America   deciduous	 Brown Phase Black Bear	  Ghirin				   
North America   deciduous	 Cedar Waxwing			   Ghirin				   
North America   deciduous	 Cinnamon Bear			   Ghirin				   
North America   deciduous	 Coyote					  LAwebTek				 
North America   deciduous	 Diplodocus				  Ghirin		 Jurassic  
North America   deciduous	 Honey Island Swamp Monster  Ghirin				   
North America   deciduous	 North American River Otter  Ghirin				   
North America   deciduous	 Northern Cardinal		   Ghirin				   
North America   deciduous	 Striped Skunk			   Jordan				   
North America   deciduous	 White Tailed Deer		   LAwebTek				 
North America   deciduous	 Xenosmilus				  Ghirin		 Ice Age   
North America   desert		Desert Tortoise			 Jordan			   
North America   desert		Mexican Beaded Lizard	   Jordan				   
North America   desert		Sonoran Azure Dragon		Ghirin				   
North America   grassland	 American Wood Stork		 Ryno & LAwebTek		  
North America   grassland	 Barbados Blackbelly Sheep   Ghirin	
North America   grassland	 Barbourofelis fricki		Ghirin		  Ice Age
North America   grassland	 Black Cat				   Ghirin
North America   grassland	 Prairie Coyote			  coolperson5	
North America   grassland	 Pronghorn				   coolperson5
North America   grassland	 Shunka Warak’in			 Ghirin
North America   grassland	 Wild Boar				   coolperson5	
North America   highland	  Arizona Jaguar			  Ghirin	
North America   highland	  Audubon's Bighorn Sheep	 Ghirin	
North America   highland	  Black Puma				  LAwebTek	
North America   highland	  Caribou					 Hersheyqwert
North America   rainforest	Green Parakeet			  Ghirin
North America   scrub		 Champagne Horse			 Sundance	
North America   scrub		 Cleveland Bay Horse		 Sundance	
North America   scrub		 Paint Horse				 Sundance	
North America   scrub		 Texas Panther			   Kiger Cowgirl	
North America   scrub		 TX Ocelot				   Kiger Cowgirl
North America   tank		  Crescent Lake Monster	   Ghirin	
North America   tundra		Arctic Homotherium		  Ghirin		   Ice Age
North America   Tundra		Grolar Bear				 coolperson5

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Northern Pacific Ocean



Northern Pacific Ocean   aquatic	 Elephant Seal	Blue Fang

ZooTek Phoenix

Northern Pacific Ocean   tank   Salmon Shark	 Ghirin


Pacific Coast


Pacific Coast   aquatic	 Southern Sea Otter	 Blue Fang	  show

ZooTek Phoenix

Pacific Coast   tank	Pacific Barracuda		Bigcatkeeper


Pacific Ocean



Pacific Ocean   aquatic	 California Sea Lion	Blue Fang	  show	
Pacific Ocean   tank		Harbor Porpoise		Blue Fang		
Pacific Ocean   tank		Pacific Octopus		Blue Fang

ZooTek Phoenix

Pacific Ocean   tank	Dall's Porpoise		  Ghirin	
Pacific Ocean   tank	Sicklefin Lemon Shark	Ghirin

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Siberia	coniferous	Siberian Tiger	  Blue Fang

ZooTek Phoenix

Siberia	 highland	 Siberian Snow Sheep	 Ghirin

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South America



South America   grassland	  Giant Ground Sloth	Blue Fang   Ice Age 
South America   grassland	  Macrauchenia		  Blue Fang   Ice Age 
South America   highland	   Llama				 Blue Fang		   
South America   rainforest	 Giant Anteater		Blue Fang		   
South America   rainforest	 Herrerasaurus		 Blue Fang   Triassic
South America   rainforest	 Jaguar				Blue Fang

ZooTek Phoenix

South America   aquatic	  Chilean Flamingo			 G2K	
South America   aquatic	  Galapagos Penguin			JordanMK	
South America   aquatic	  Galapagos Sea Lion		   JordanMK	
South America   aquatic	  Humboldt Penguin			 JordanMK	
South America   desert	   Plains Viscacha			  And 1	
South America   grassland	Hippidion					Jordan		 Ice Age
South America   highland	 Black Alpaca				 Ghirin	
South America   highland	 Brown Alpaca				 Ghirin	
South America   highland	 Dark Brown Alpaca			Ghirin	
South America   highland	 Fawn Alpaca				  Ghirin	
South America   highland	 Pygmy Brown Bear			 Ghirin	
South America   highland	 Viscuna					  Ryno	
South America   highlands	White Alpaca				 Ghirin	
South America   rainforest   Black & Gold Howler Monkey   Ghirin	
South America   rainforest   Black Jaguar				 Ghirin	
South America   rainforest   Chillean Flamingo			Kiger Cowgirl	
South America   rainforest   Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman		Ghirin	
South America   rainforest   Harpy Eagle				  Ghirin	
South America   rainforest   Jaguar Temple Guardian	   Sundance & Jay	
South America   rainforest   Milne						Ghirin	
South America   rainforest   Mono Grande				  Ghirin	
South America   rainforest   Ocelot					   Kiger Cowgirl	
South America   rainforest   Oncilla					  coolperson5	
South America   rainforest   Orinoco Crocodile			Ghirin	
South America   rainforest   Paca						 Ghirin	
South America   rainforest   Scarlet Ibis				 Hawkman	
South America   rainforest   Small Eared Dog			  Bigcatkeeper	
South America   rainforest   South American Bush Dog	  Ghirin

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Southeast Asia



Southeast Asia   aquatic		Saltwater Crocodile	Blue Fang		
Southeast Asia   rainforest	 Asian Elephant		 Blue Fang		
Southeast Asia   rainforest	 Bengal Tiger		   Blue Fang		
Southeast Asia   rainforest	 Black Leopard		  Blue Fang		
Southeast Asia   rainforest	 Clouded Leopard		Blue Fang		
Southeast Asia   rainforest	 Javan Rhinoceros	   Blue Fang		
Southeast Asia   rainforest	 Komodo Dragon		  Blue Fang		
Southeast Asia   rainforest	 Malaysian Tapir		Blue Fang		
Southeast Asia   rainforest	 Orangutan			  Blue Fang

ZooTek Phoenix

Southeast Asia  aquatic		 False Gharial			 Jordan	
Southeast Asia  aquatic		 Sewer Gator			   Flames the Dragon	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Black Giant Squirrel	  Jordan	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Black Lory				Ghirin	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Bornean Clouded Leopard   coolperson5	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Bornean Elephant		  JordanMK	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Brown Lory				Ghirin	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Cardinal Lory			 Ghirin	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Cigau					 Genki & Jordan	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Crab-eating Macaque	   coolperson5	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Fishing Cat			   Jordan	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Orang Pendek			  Jordan	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Otter Civet			   Ghirin	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Pig-tailed Macaque		Ghirin	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Proboscis Monkey		  Jordan	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Rhesus Macaque			G2K	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Samatran Tiger			LAwebTek	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Siamang				   Ghirin	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Spectre Tiger			 Sundance	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Sun Bear				  Ghirin	
Southeast Asia  rainforest	  Tigon					 Ghirin	
Southeast Asia  tank			Finless Porpoise		  Ghirin

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Tropical Oceans Worldwide



Tropical Oceans Worldwide	 tank	 Common Sawfish	   Blue Fang		
Tropical Oceans Worldwide	 tank	 Great Barracuda	  Blue Fang		
Tropical Oceans Worldwide	 tank	 Green Sea Turtle	 Blue Fang		
Tropical Oceans Worldwide	 tank	 Hammerhead Shark	 Blue Fang		
Tropical Oceans Worldwide	 tank	 Manta Ray			Blue Fang		
Tropical Oceans Worldwide	 tank	 Shortfin Mako Shark  Blue Fang		
Tropical Oceans Worldwide	 tank	 Tiger Shark		  Blue Fang		
Tropical Oceans Worldwide	 tank	 Whale Shark		  Blue Fang

ZooTek Phoenix

Tropical Oceans Worldwide	 tank	Bronze Whaler Shark		 Ghirin	
Tropical Oceans Worldwide	 tank	Dusky Shark				 Ghirin	
Tropical Oceans Worldwide	 tank	Freshwater Bull Shark	   Ghirin	
Tropical Oceans Worldwide	 tank	Galapagos Shark			 Ghirin	
Tropical Oceans Worldwide	 tank	Short-finned Pilot Whale	Ghirin

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