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lang dll's

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I have had some weird things going on with my main Zoo Tycoon file. Twice now all my lang dll files have just disappeared. It may be one of the programs I use to clean up files on my computer. I don't know. But they are the only ones that are removed. So....I have Zoo Tycoon and then Marine Mania and Dino Digs on another disc. I have the Endangered Species pack. I have all the Microsoft bonus files: magnet, reindeer, fancy buildings, etc. I have the required lang dll's from various sites within the community. Would someone mind looking at the dll's I'll list here and tell me if any are missing? I hate to try to download a file again just to get the lang dll needed. I'm on dialup. I understand about the combined dll's and know that they replace the individual dll files in files like Balloon Ride, etc. If I am missing any standard dll's would someone be kind enough to email them to me? damselfly269@yahoo.com. Thanks!


These are the ones I have:























You will also want LANG--ZTCDD.dll

And the ZA ones when I make them available again.

I have Jay checking your list. So do you not have CC?


Hey Damselfly, :cheer-girls-group-3x2-green:


Nice to see you posting again!! :hug2: I missed you.


I compared your list to what I have in my Zoo Tycoon main folder.


You are missing: lang010, lang013, lang019, lang020, lang021, and lang300. I also have the one from ZA, langZA03 and 3 other files, res0, res100 and res200, but not sure what those are.


I also have the dll's for the Circus Tent, the Giraffe Annex and the Imax Theater.


You have 2 I don't have. lang302 and langZKL. The ZKL I will go there to get, but if you could email me lang302, I'd appreciate it.








From Jay:

Fortunately, getting ".dll" files for ZT are mostly easy and relatively fast. lang0.dll, lang100.dll, and

lang200.dll can just be copied from the ZT CD-ROMs.

Most of the others can be downloaded again from their respective sites. If one has lang301.dll (or

lang300.dll), then lang302.dll (messages for the Mexican Theme Pack) is not necessary because its

messages are included in the others. It does not hurt ZT to have both, but ZT is wasting a little time

reading the same messages twice. It is difficult to say what is standard. But these are the other ones I

have that contain messages which are not in the above (assuming the last 4 are actually LANG--fern-Tek.dll,

lang--TKZTUFcombin.dll, LANG--Phoenix.dll, and LANG--ZKL.dll):


lang010.dll [North African Theme Pack]

lang013.dll [Dinosaur Digs: Carnivore Zoo (Intermediate) scenario]

lang019.dll [Komodo Dragon]

lang020.dll [Marine Mania: Ultimate Zoo (Very Advanced) scenario]

lang021.dll [Marine Mania: Surf and Turf Zoo (Beginner) scenario]

lang999-curbwd.dll [wooden curb]

langZA01.dll [Zoo Admin combined ".dll" for their early downloads]

langZA03.dll [current Zoo Admin combined ".dll"]

langBalloon_Shop.dll or langZA02.dll [balloon Stand]

langtelephonebooth.dll [Telephone Booth]

LANG--ZTCDD.dll [combined ".dll" for ZTCDD/guildthings]

langJBSPZT-Ultimate.dll [Zooty Zootycoon combined ".dll"]

langAztecThemePack_engl.dll [English version of Aztec Theme Pack at Zoo Tycoon ABC]


I don't know the availability of some of these.


Beth you do not need lang 302. Read Jays message.


Fern Can you tell me what this is lang999-curbwd.dll [wooden curb] ?

Fern Can you tell me what this is lang999-curbwd.dll [wooden curb] ?

It is at ZKL, along with the original wooden curb. It is for the very first curb wall. I found the unused graphics ingame. So I completed them and this dll is to override the placeholder id in the game dll. So it is a dll that can never be added to a combined dll or it won't work


Wow that's awesome Fwern Thanks! :hug2: But what is that info I read there about a snowy highland rock and can I find that at the lounge as well?

Wow that's awesome Fwern Thanks! :hug2: But what is that info I read there about a snowy highland rock and can I find that at the lounge as well?
I am confused. Where did you read about a snowy highland rock? I don't see a mention in this thread.


Ah that was some info added by Jay. If someone has that rock it should be updated. But I don't have it and he does not know where he got it. Probably a site that no longer exists.


ah such sad news But thanks anyway for checking this out! :hug2:

You will also want LANG--ZTCDD.dll

And the ZA ones when I make them available again.

I have Jay checking your list. So do you not have CC?

No CC. I have the single Zoo Tycoon disc. Then I bought the combined Marine Mania/Dino Digs disc. I just downloaded the ZTCDD.dll from the link you sent me. Thank you!


All this has made me confused and discouraged. I appreciate all the responses and help though.

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