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Guest orcalover22



Now, that banner was just a small summarization of the complete requirements to be Zoomania's first president.


-Members must have a clean record free of any vital warnings (suspension, mod preview...) ***The post count has been reduced to 90***


-For your campaign to be as easy to follow as possible, please use correct punctuation and spelling for debates, biographies, etc involving the campaign.


-Be forewarned that any involvement with cheating such as but not limited to pming members to convince them for their vote will count as an automatic disqualification.


-Stealing resources from the other campaigns will also not be tolerated. We encourage you to be unique and creative!


Like stated in the banner, all those who are interested must pm the admins. We will then finally decide on a minimum of two candidates within staff so as to not create a bloated amount of choices during voting and to make it more focused on only a few.


Now, I just wanted to quickly describe the rules as to not get any excited people skipping through the whole post by pming one of us that they are interested in running. I want everyone who is interested to know that although we want this to be a fun event, we will also take this as seriously as when selecting new staff members.


Anyway, let's start describing the fun stuff! Two candidates=two parties. For those of you not too acquainted with how politics work, basically a party consists of a group who share similar views on how a government should run. To make it simple: for this event, a "party" will be a group of people who agree with one of the candidates on what ideas they present to improve Zoomania. So say one candidate has a whole list of ideas that you agree with, then you can officially sign up to be part of their party. Every candidate will choose their own party name.


Like in every election, each party consists of a campaign. The candidates can choose their friends to help them run ads to convince others to vote for them (no pming though) and pretty much be their extra voice.


During the process of the ZM presidential election, we will have debates (the three candidates will debate on certain ideas), interviews with the candidates, media reporting (our newsletter team could be up for the job, otherwise I also volunteer!), advertisements, and speeches.


The final winner of the presidential election will be promoted to a limited admin status and will serve a temporary term of four months, and then a re-election will occur. A new staff forum will be amended to our staff forum for us staff to view as well as the president where the president can put ideas directly to us. We will guarantee to do what we can to make these ideas happen and help facilitate. The president will be able to start new site events, post announcements, and decide on contest ideas, though more duties and advantages can be implemented through the course of time.


Currently the only members running are gfh and zooasaurus. Let's give them some competition! If you are interested in joining, please PM me at ZooMania. For more information visit www.zoomaniaforums.com. Please remember, these rules are only in effect for ZooMania.



ZM Administrator

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