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Senario Walkthroughs

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| 08.01.00 Revitalize Burkitsville Zoo |



Time Limit:


12 months




1. Achieve a zoo rating of 50.

2. Achieve an average animal happiness of 75.

3. Exhibit at least 8 different animal species.




You start out with a Bengal tiger, a black rhinoceros, two gemsbok (male and

female), and two chimpanzees (also male and female). They're in really crummy

exhibits, but that's ok. It's nice to have the animals for free.


To start out, immediately delete everything but the exhibits. Not only will

this add over $2000 to your coffers, it'll prevent guests from wandering over

to the exhibits and viewing the unhappy animals. Just let your starting

zookeeper roam free for the moment.


Also, even though guest happiness isn't listed in the objectives, you should

still try to make it as high as possible, because it'll increase your revenue,

and keeping it high here is good practice for later scenarios when you have to

maintain a 93 rating.


So plan ahead before building new exhibits. Try to leave space for wide

cobblestone paths; a mixture of fountains, statues, and flowers; and

restaurants, carousels, and animal theaters (one or two of each is probably

sufficient since the scenario is short).


Then start building exhibits, starting with the animals you already have.

There are 17 grid squares to the right of the entrance. That allows you space

to create a 10x5 black rhinoceros exhibit and a 10x10 Bengal tiger exhibit.

Leave one grid square between the exhibits and the entrance, and another

between the exhibits, and use the zoo's fencing as much as possible. Add a

female Bengal tiger to the Bengal tiger exhibit when you're done. The two

exhibits should cost you all of your money (including what you got for

bulldozing the old exhibits), but you should win an exhibit design award for

$15,000, keeping you flush in cash.


Now you can build the next two exhibits. Use the space above your new

exhibits, about where the old exhibits are now. Put the gemsbok closest to

the new exhibits, and make their exhibit 8x10 (enough for four gemsbok). Then

put the chimpanzees above the gemsbok exhibit and make their exhibit 9x10

(enough for 6 chimpanzees). Your zoo should now look something like:





<- 1 grid square wide, for the zookeeper




<- 4 grid squares wide, for guests





Note: The new exhibits for the gemsbok and chimpanzees will overlap the old

exhibits. So pause the game, bulldoze the old exhibits, build the new

exhibits, and put the animals where they go. As long as the game is paused

the entire time, the game won't consider the animals to have escaped.


At this pint it probably doesn't look like you have enough money to complete

the two new exhibits, but you'll receive $10,000 as soon as your available

cash drops below $1000, and you'll receive $15,000 as soon as all six of the

original animals have a happiness of 95. So build the gemsbok exhibit first

(it'll be much cheaper), and then do as much as the chimpanzee exhibit as

possible. Be sure to give the chimpanzees monkey bars right away, or not only

will their happiness not reach 95, it'll drop to zero.


Note: If you find you can't do all this with your available cash, then feel

free to be less ambitious with the gemsbok and chimpanzees. The gemsbok

exhibit only needs to be 4x10, and the chimpanzee exhibit only needs to be

3x10. (But the smaller exhibits won't be as popular.)


Once the scenario reaches February, hire a second zookeeper and assign one

zookeeper to the rhinoceros and Bengal tigers, and the other to the gemsbok

and chimpanzees. (At some point you should also hire a maintenance worker,

just to pick up the food piles from the old exhibits if nothing else.) Then

buy a restaurant and animal theater and put them to the left of the gemsbok

and chimpanzee exhibits. If you can't afford them yet, just wait for money to

trickle in. With four good exhibits and lots of happy guests, money shouldn't

be too much of a problem.


At this point the scenario is open-ended. The ten months remaining are more

than enough to build four more exhibits, so just pick four animals you like

and then build away. Once the first year ends, you should win easily.



| 08.02.00 Inner City Zoo |



Time Limit:


12 months




1. Achieve a zoo rating of 55.

2. Achieve an average guest happiness of 85.

3. Achieve an average animal happiness of 75.

4. Exhibit at least 6 different animal species.




The area is cramped, but you still have plenty of room for six exhibits plus a

few money-making buildings. For example, the first section of the zoo is 13

grid squares wide. That gives you room for a three-square-wide path down the

middle (your paths will be congested, so it's better to have wide ones) plus

20x5 exhibits on either side. So you can use, say, Bengal tigers and African

lions to flank the path.


Past those first two exhibits, at the junction of the zoo, you can put your

money making buildings. Just continue the main path straight ahead, and put a

restaurant and a carousel on one side, and an animal theater on the other.

There isn't enough room for a gift shop, so just use a gift stand instead.


For the final four exhibits, you can put one where the brown stone hills are

(an animal that enjoys elevated land, like the lowland gorilla or grizzly

bear, works well there), and you can put three more in the second half of the

zoo (the part perpendicular to the first half). However, for the latter three

exhibits you'll probably have to think small, so consider chimpanzees or moose

or American bison, animals that work perfectly well in 40- to 60-square

exhibits. (The bison are also good because their predominant terrain is




| 08.03.00 Saving the Great Cats |



Time Limit:


18 months




1. Adopt 2 African lions, 2 Bengal tigers, 2 white Bengal tigers, 2

Siberian tigers, 2 leopards, 2 black leopards, 2 snow leopards, 2

clouded leopards, 2 cheetahs, and 2 jaguars.

2. Achieve a suitability rating of at least 85 for all cat exhibits.

3. Achieve an average animal happiness of 90.




You'll probably have a much more difficult time with this scenario than the

previous two. That's because you have to build a lot of exhibits, you don't

get to pick which animals you get to display, and you have to do a fair amount

of research (not only for some of the cats, but also for shelters and toys).


So start with the basics: bulldoze everything, build a compost heap, and then

make exhibits for the two crowd favorites, the Bengal tiger and African lion.

Don't make the exhibits larger than needed: 70 squares for the tigers and 80

squares for the lions are enough. Also, make sure the Bengal tiger exhibit

achieves a 99+ suitability rating so you can pick up the $15,000 reward money.

You're likely going to need all the money you can get in this scenario.


Assuming you have some money left, immediately start working on a second pair

of exhibits. If you've researched the white Bengal tiger, choose it for one

of the exhibits (it's a popular animal just like the regular Bengal tiger);

otherwise pick two out of the Siberian tiger, the jaguar, and the cheetah.

(The leopard needs a toy you probably don't have yet.) You should receive a

$15,000 donation when you adopt your third pair of cats, and that should allow

you to complete both exhibits.


Once February rolls around, hire zookeepers and construct some money buildings

(restaurant, carousel, animal theater, gift shop). Then sit around a wait for

a while. You need to generate some money, and while admissions to your zoo

and your money buildings will do their job, life will be much easier if you

can get your guests to 95 happiness ($25,000) or if your white Bengal tigers

produce a baby ($10,000).


Of course, you also need to wait for some research. It's a bad idea to adopt

any leopards until you get the cat climbing tree, so you might want to make

sure that animal enrichment is the only thing you're researching. Once you've

researched the cat tree, the snowy rock cave, and the three cats you need, go

ahead and lower your research spending to $33 or $13 per day. The other

topics are less important than the money you'll save.


Once you're ready to build again, construct exhibits in roughly this order:

non-leopards, leopard, black leopard, clouded leopard, snow leopard. The

clouded leopard's exhibit can be difficult to build (until you get the hang of

it), so it's best to save it for last. Other than those last four leopard

exhibits, you might eventually need a second restaurant, and, if you have

room, you might also want to add a second carousel and animal theater. Don't

waste money on things like the primate house and the elephant ride.


When you get to the clouded leopard exhibit, save your game. Give it a snowy

rock cave, and then give it as many trees (four to a square) and rocks as you

can. Finally, start elevating the land using cliff mode. You can create

"steps" for the leopards to climb, but mostly just pay attention to the happy

and unhappy faces that appear when you try moving the land around. Eventually

you should break 85 suitability, and at some point after that the leopards

should be happy with the elevation.


Once you have the ten exhibits you need, all you have to do is let time run

out, periodically checking to fix trampled terrain and sell off animals to

prevent overcrowding.



| 08.04.00 Endangered Species Zoo |



Time Limit:


18 months




1. Earn a suitability rating of at least 70 for 12 exhibits.

2. Achieve a zoo rating of 70.

3. Achieve an average guest happiness of 93.

4. Achieve an average animal happiness of 90.

5. Possess a baby black leopard, okapi, and white Bengal tiger.




A couple things right off the bat: Get used to the 93 happiness rating for

guests. You're going to have to hit that mark for most of the remaining

scenarios, so if you've been having problems in that area previously, you need

to learn how to deal with it here. Also, when the objectives mention "baby"

animals, they really mean "non-adopted." As long as you produce one each of

the three endangered species (and you don't sell them and they don't die) then

you've done your job.


Getting some endangered species to breed can be a problem. That means you

need to start researching endangered species right away so you can add the

species to your zoo as quickly as possible. You also need to research the cat

climbing tree (for the black leopard), and it doesn't hurt to research the

improved reproductive rate. So check on or off the appropriate research

areas, and set your funding to max.


Otherwise, start out by doing the regular things: delete all the existing

paths and foliage, and put a compost heap in one of the far corners. I'd also

recommend you delete the animal theater, so you can later put it exactly where

you want it, and the two food stands. It's better to have restaurants than

stands anyway. All the deleting should net you an extra $30,000 or so, which

is a nice addition to the starting $50,000.


With all that money in hand, start making exhibits. Since you have a black

bear and moose, go ahead and create exhibits for them first, and then delete

their old exhibits. Make the new exhibits large enough for a pair of animals

each (40 squares for the moose, 70 squares for the bear) to help their

popularity, and buy a mate for each animal when you're done with their

exhibit. Between the reward money for creating an exhibit with a 99+

suitability rating and deleting the old exhibits, you should still have around

$75,000 left when you're done.


So, you guessed it, make more exhibits and, once February arrives, build some

money buildings. However, don't spend all your money. Leave $25,000 or so

around so when you finish researching one of the endangered species you need,

you can immediately build an exhibit for it.


Speaking of the endangered species, when you make exhibits for them, make the

suitability rating as high as possible so they'll be more likely to mate.

Also, think about making multiple exhibits for the animals. All three species

prefer a small number of animals in their exhibits, so you can't put, say,

four animals in an exhibit to increase your mating chances, but you can make

multiple exhibits. It's sort of boring, but it works. Lastly, remember that

the okapi is a shy animal. So put it on the fringe of your zoo somewhere, and

alternate solid fencing with see-through fencing so the animals will be less

skittish around your guests. (Or simply put the exhibit someplace where

guests can't get to it.)


Otherwise, just build a zoo. You don't have to do anything fancy, and you

should have plenty of money, so feel free to experiment and try out some new

animals. It doesn't hurt to stick to a couple favorites like the Bengal tiger

and the African lion, but with the other exhibits it's nice to see what else

the game has to offer.


Note: Even if you do everything perfectly, your endangered animals might not

mate. That's because mating is random, and so it's possible for you to simply

get unlucky. So you should save your game either when you finish building

your exhibits or with six months left (whichever comes first) so you have

someplace to fall back on.



| 08.05.00 Beach Resort Zoo (*) |



Time Limit:


12 months




1. Achieve a zoo rating of 80.

2. Achieve an average animal happiness of 90.

3. Earn a suitability rating of at least 80 for 7 exhibits.

4. Exhibit at least 2 animals from the arctic, 2 animals from Australia, 2

animals from South America, 2 animals from North America, 2 animals from

Southeast Asia, 2 animals from the desert in North Africa, and 5 animals

from the savannah in Africa.




You need to build seven exhibits, and you need to display animals from seven

different parts of the world. What a coincidence! If you don't want to hunt

through the animal list and figure out which ones to use, these work: polar

bears, red kangaroos, giant anteaters, black bears, Bengal tigers, dromedary

camels, and plains zebras.


The most interesting exhibit is the savannah one. Since you're going to have

a savannah scenario coming up, you might want to experiment here and try

combining different species together. The plains zebra and Thomson's gazelle

work pretty well together, as do the common wildebeest and the African



Otherwise, there isn't anything special going on in this scenario. You start

out with $50,000 and you can gain another $20,000 by bulldozing stuff.

Combine that with the rewards for a 99+ exhibit suitability rating and a 95

guest happiness rating, and that's about all the money you need to build seven



In fact, you might want to leave the island on the map as is, and work around

it rather than modify the terrain. You'll have island maps coming up as well,

and it's best to be prepared.



| 08.06.00 Valley of the Dinosaurs (DD) |



Time Limit:


18 months




1. Achieve a zoo rating of 75.

2. Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 75.

3. Exhibit at least 8 different dinosaur or prehistoric animal species.

4. Earn a suitability rating of at least 85 for 8 dinosaur exhibits.




Note: The objectives can be a little confusing. Whenever they say "dinosaur"

they really mean dinosaur or prehistoric animal. I'll use the same convention

in my walkthroughs.


You start out with $150,000, and if you bulldoze everything in the park you

can add about $40,000 more. That's probably enough right there to build eight

exhibits, provided you "go cheap" and put only one dinosaur per exhibit and

keep the suitability around 85. But it's better instead to build a real zoo;

then you can practice with building regular exhibits, and, more importantly,

you can practice with making guests happy.


Still, just to be safe, it's probably best to use some of the cheaper

dinosaurs. Here are some good ones to select:


1. Camptosaurus

2. Caudipteryx

3. Gallimimus

4. Giant Tortoise

5. Herrerasaurus

6. Plateosaurus

7. Stegosaurus

8. Triceratops


If you use those dinosaurs, then you don't need to research anything (other

than some foliage, but even that is optional). But note that two of the

dinosaurs are downloads, and so if you don't have them then substitute

something else, like the Plesiosaurus or the saber-tooth cat (the cat might be

good anyway, just because there's a big patch of gray stone close to the zoo



Then just build away. Add in pairs of restaurants, carousels, animal

theaters, and dinosaur cinemas, plus a gift shop, and you should make enough

money each month to build all the exhibits you need. Also, see if you can get

your guest happiness rating over 90; that's as high as it needs to be for any

of the Dinosaur Digs scenarios.



| 08.07.00 Jurassic Zoo (DD) |



Time Limit:


24 months




1. Achieve a zoo rating of 75.

2. Earn a suitability rating of at least 85 for 7 Jurassic exhibits.

3. Adopt an Allosaurus.

4. Adopt a Camptosaurus.

5. Adopt a Caudipteryx.

6. Adopt a Kentrosaurus.

7. Adopt a Plesiosaurus.

8. Adopt a Stegosaurus.

9. Adopt an Apatosaurus.




You're not given any latitude here. You need to build seven Jurassic

exhibits, and the objectives specify the seven Jurassic dinosaurs you have to

use (there are only seven Jurassic dinosaurs anyway). So bulldoze everything

on the map, including the existing exhibits, and then take your $200,000 and

start building away.


As in the previous scenario, you can probably build everything you need using

your starting funds, provided you skimp as much as possible. But once again

it's better to build a real zoo and try to make guests happy. Also note that

unlike the previous scenario, you actually have to do some researching here;

three of the Jurassic dinosaurs require research, so go to the research panel,

uncheck all of the Zoo Tycoon topics (leaving the Dinosaur Digs topics

checked), and make sure your "conservation" tab gets at least normal funding.


When building exhibits, it's a good idea to use an order something like this:

Caudipteryx, Camptosaurus, Stegosaurus, Allosaurus, Plesiosaurus, Apatosaurus,

and then Kentrosaurus. (The latter three all require research, and the

Kentrosaurus is the most boring of the bunch.) All of the dinosaurs other

than the Caudipteryx require a lot of space, so plan accordingly, and make

sure you place restaurants every 20 squares or so, to keep guests happy.


Also, be sure to put in some money buildings. I used four restaurants, two

gift shops, two animal theaters, two dinosaur cinemas, three carousels, and a

stego putt. (The stego putt isn't a good idea, but I just wanted some

variety.) Those buildings should earn you enough profits to build whatever

you can't build using your initial capital.



| 08.08.00 Carnivore Zoo (DD) (*) |



Time Limit:






1. Create exhibits of 85 suitability for the first shipment of animals.

2. Create exhibits of 85 suitability for the second shipment of animals.

3. Earn a suitability rating of 90 for all Tyrannosaurus rex exhibits.




Here are the shipments you'll receive:


1. Four hyenas, two Velociraptors, two Spinosauruses, and two black


2. Two polar bears, two white Bengal tigers, and two Allosauruses (plus


3. Two Tyrannosaurus rexes (plus $20,000).


You can use the partial exhibits if you want -- for example, the hyenas could

go in the savannah exhibit on the right, and the black panthers could go in

the rainforest exhibit on the left -- but, as always, I'm going to suggest you

bulldoze everything and start from scratch. If nothing else, the starting

exhibits are bigger than they need to be, and the $40,000 you'll get for

bulldozing everything won't hurt either.


So pair up your exhibits so the Zoo Tycoon exhibits are together and the

Dinosaur Digs exhibits are together. Then you can assign a single zookeeper

to the panthers and hyenas, and a single scientist to the Velociraptors and

Spinosauruses. Also, remember that it's a good idea to lower the Spinosaurus

exhibit by two notches so you won't have to continually worry about dinosaurs



And note: the first four exhibits need a bit of researching. The panthers and

Velociraptors like the rocky cave shelter, the Velociraptors and Spinosauruses

like the dawn redwood tree, and the panthers like the cat climbing tree.

Since you don't have a time limit in the scenario, you might want to take the

first month off, do some researching, and then start building exhibits in the

second month.


When you get to the second shipment of animals, remember that white Bengal

tigers don't live very long. So you might want to give them a large exhibit

(like 140 squares) so they're more likely to breed. Also, like with the

Spinosaurus, it's a good idea to lower the Allosaurus exhibit to prevent the

Allosauruses from escaping.


The last shipment only has a pair of Tyrannosaurus rexes in it. You don't

have to worry about lowering the exhibit here, because once you make the

exhibit suitable enough and put the rexes inside, the scenario will end.

Also, you don't have to make the exhibit suitable for both rexes. Only one

rex has to be in a suitable exhibit for you to win the scenario.



| 08.09.00 Oceans of the World (MM) |



Time Limit:






1. Achieve a zoo rating of 75.

2. Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 85.

3. Earn an exhibit suitability rating of at least 80 for all exhibits.

4. Exhibit at least 6 different animal species.

5. Exhibit at least 2 animals from the Arctic Ocean.

6. Exhibit at least 2 animals from tropical oceans worldwide.

7. Exhibit at least 1 animal from the Pacific Ocean.

8. Exhibit at least 1 animal from the Atlantic Ocean.




The first three objectives are pretty easy. You should meet them in every

scenario, just as a matter of course. So the main consideration for this

scenario is to decide which animals to display. The latter four objectives

guarantee that at least four of the species have to be marine animals, but

that means you can also use a pair of Zoo Tycoon animal species if you want.

So this is what I'd suggest:


-- A pair of Bengal tigers (70-square exhibit), and a pair of saltwater

crocodiles (40-square exhibit). The tigers and crocodiles can be your two

miscellaneous species, and they can help get your zoo off to a good start

while you experiment with the marine animals.


-- A pair of beluga (80-square exhibit). This meets your Arctic Ocean



-- A pair on manta rays (80-square exhibit). This meets your tropical oceans

objective. Oddly, manta rays seem to be more popular than sharks, but go

with your favorite shark if you want.


-- A single octopus (50-square exhibit). This meets your Pacific Ocean

objective, and it's your only choice.


-- A pair of moray eels (50-square exhibit). This meets your Atlantic Ocean

objective. You could also use tuna, but who wants to see tuna?


Note: If you use my suggestions, then you don't need to research anything

except staff improvements.


Once you pick the species you want to display, all you have to do is play the

scenario. Since there isn't a time limit, you just need to ensure you make a

profit so you can eventually afford to build everything, and you need to plan

ahead, so everything fits.


To make money, the same things that worked in Zoo Tycoon also work here. Once

a month has gone by, put in a restaurant (Lobby's if you want), plus a

carousel and a gift shop. Don't waste time with things like the ring toss and

photo booth; they don't generate enough money to make a difference, and they

should only be used if you have an odd square or two you don't know what to do

with. However, if you have enough space, definitely put in a swim shack.

Swim shacks can generate a lot of money.


As for space, there are 13 squares on either side of the entrance gate. That

gives you room for a 4x10 crocodile exhibit and a 7x10 Bengal tiger exhibit on

the left side (with the crocodile exhibit closest to the gate), and a large

marine tank (such as for the beluga) on the right. Then the rest of the zoo

should have plenty of room for the remaining three exhibits plus money




| 08.10.00 Save the Marine Animals (MM) |



Time Limit:






1. Earn a suitability rating of at least 75 for all West Indian Manatee


2. Research the Sea Mammal Rescue program.

3. Earn a suitability rating of at least 80 for all Beluga exhibits.

4. Research the Beluga Care program.

5. Earn a suitability rating of at least 85 for all Manta Ray exhibits.

6. Research the Oil Exposure program.

7. Earn a suitability rating of at least 90 for all Humpback Whale


8. Earn a suitability rating of at least 80 for 6 exhibits.




This is a "puzzle" scenario, so don't worry too much about creating a viable

zoo. Just try to meet the objectives as quickly as possible. To that end,

first bulldoze everything except the big exhibit tank in the middle of the

park. That should net you about $16,000. Then go to the research tab and

uncheck everything but "marine recovery" and put it at full funding. Leave

conservation at no funding.


Now build a little 4x5 exhibit tank for the West Indian Manatee. All you have

to do is put two medium ocean floor rocks in the tank to bring the suitability

to 75. So add the rocks and the manatee and wait for the current research

topic to complete. When it does, the manatee will disappear and you'll

receive a $1000 grant plus a beluga whale.


The beluga whale has a 20 density just like the manatee, so put it in the

manatee's old tank. Since you only used rocks before, the tank should still

have a 75 suitability rating. So just add some kelp to raise the suitability

to 80, and then wait for the research topic to complete again.


Note: You shouldn't need to hire a marine specialist or attach a filter to the

tank. None of the first three animals should stick around long enough to get

hungry or create a mess.


This time you'll receive a manta ray and a $2000 grant. Probably not

coincidentally, the manta ray also has a density of 20, so pop it into the 4x5

tank and add a couple fire coral plants to bring the suitability up to about

85. Then, once again, wait.


Finally, you'll receive a humpback whale and a $2500 grant. The humpback

whale has a density of 130, and it's the reason we kept the large exhibit tank

around. So put the whale in the tank, and then increase its depth and add

rocks and seaweed until the suitability hits 90. You should find yourself

with about $16,000 left.


Once the last research topic completes, you'll get a final grant of $20,000

plus six animals: a hammerhead shark, a harbor porpoise, a narwhal, a grizzly

bear, a polar bear, and a red kangaroo. Those are the only animals you'll

receive, so just make the smallest possible exhibits for them and get their

suitability ratings to 80. The $36,000 you have now should be more than

enough to purchase the necessary exhibits, especially since you can bulldoze

the humpback whale tank (worth about $9000) and put the hammerhead shark into

the existing 4x5 tank without modification. If you're quick enough, you might

even be able to complete the scenario without having to hire any staff.



| 08.11.00 Free Admission (MM) |



Time Limit:


18 months




1. Earn a net income of $50,000.

2. Exhibit at least 3 zoo animals.

3. Exhibit at least 4 marine animals.

4. Exhibit at least 7 different animal species.

5. Earn a suitability rating of at least 85 for 7 exhibits.




The best way to make money is to have happy guests. If they're happy then

they stay in your zoo longer (and spend more money), and when they leave they

sometimes become benefactors and donate money to you each month. So even

though you're going to earn far less money than usual in this scenario, don't

skimp on the exhibits. Happy animals in suitable exhibits make happy guests,

and that's what you want to strive for.


So, to start off, do the usual -- bulldoze everything you can -- except that

in this case you should leave the compost building alone. The bulldozing

should net you about $30,000, bringing your available cash to about $50,000.


Then plan ahead a little. The terrain has some ups and downs to it, but a

wide section to the right of the entrance is flat, and so that's where you

should put the bulk of your zoo. Try to visualize about where you want to put

exhibits, and leave room so you can include money buildings and paths that are

at least two squares wide.


Also, to the left of the entrance, raise up the water terrain two notches so

it is level with the rest of the land. That's a good place to put a swim

shack and perhaps a boat or dolphin shack as well depending on how much water

you raise.


Finally, start building your exhibits. I used Bengal tigers, African lions,

saltwater crocodiles, African elephants, beluga, manta rays, and bottlenose

dolphins. The elephants were probably a mistake, and you might want to try

something cheaper like red kangaroos instead. The dolphins had a show tank

with grandstands near the center of the zoo, and the shows ended up making a

decent profit, but nothing like the restaurants and swim shacks.


Ideally, it's a good idea to finish construction in the first 12 months and

then use the last 6 months to generate your $50,000 net income. If you put

money buildings liberally around your zoo, then you should easily make $10,000

a month during the home stretch, and that should be enough to get you the net

income you need. But if not, wait until the last minute and then bulldoze all

of your money buildings, scenery and paths. The money you receive for the

bulldozing will go towards your profits, and it should be enough to put you

over the top if you're close.



| 08.12.00 Aquatic Show Park (MM) |



Time Limit:






1. Earn a total profit of $500 for all Orca shows.

2. Earn a total profit of $500 for all Bottlenose Dolphin shows.

3. Earn a total profit of $500 for all California Sea Lion shows.

4. Earn a total profit of $500 for all Southern Sea Otter shows.

5. Exhibit at least 6 different animal species.

6. Earn a suitability rating of 85 for at least 6 aquatic exhibits.

7. Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 85.

8. Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 85.




Once again you don't have a time limit, and so the only thing you really need

to worry about in this scenario is the guest happiness rating. That means,

even though the objectives require six species and six aquatic exhibits, you

might want to add some Zoo Tycoon animals to your zoo anyway, just because

guests seem to like them better than marine animals.


Also, it's probably a bad idea to create four show tanks and have them running

all at the same time. Then guests tend to run from show to show, arriving

late or not at all, and, as a consequence, not doing much to make themselves

happy. Instead, either create the four show tanks but only have one or two

running at once, or only create one or two show tanks and have multiple

exhibit tanks connected to them.


So bulldoze everything and then plop down two or four Zoo Tycoon exhibits,

plus a restaurant and a couple other money buildings. Bengal tigers and

saltwater crocodiles are always a good choice, but use whatever animals you

like. Then, once guests start getting happy and you start earning money, go

ahead and add the six aquatic exhibits. Besides the four aquatic exhibits you

have to build, I added beluga whales and narwhals.


Even if you only have one show tank, it might still hurt guest happiness,

especially when otters or sea lions perform, since they can't do the best

tricks. So once an animal earns its $500 profit, disconnect it from the show

tank by raising or lowering its exhibit wall height. (For combo exhibits,

raise or lower the land part first, and the lower or raise the tank.)


Once all four animals have earned their necessary profits, either bulldoze the

show tank(s) and grandstands, or only let the bottlenose dolphins and Orcas

perform. Just make sure the show(s) have enough tricks for at least 20



Then you just need to make guests happy. The key to this is more exhibits.

So once you've completed the show objectives, just use all your profits on new

exhibits. Eventually, with enough exhibits around to please the guests, their

happiness rating should top 85, allowing you to win the scenario.







| 09.01.00 Island Zoo |



Time Limit:


24 months




1. Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 93.

2. Achieve a zoo rating of 75.

3. Achieve an average animal happiness of 93.

4. Earn a suitability rating of at least 85 for 10 exhibits.




The good news is that you have 24 months to build 10 exhibits. That's fewer

exhibits and more time than in the Endangered Species Zoo scenario, and since

you can also pick which animals you want to display, the exhibit part of the

scenario shouldn't be a problem. What can be a problem is designing a zoo

that fits on the small and oddly shaped islands sprawled across the map.


Luckily, the islands are just large enough to fit in the money buildings

(except maybe the animal theater) but you won't be able to flood guests with

animal exhibits like in previous scenarios. So making money shouldn't be a

major problem, but keeping guests happy can be. That means you might have to

buy more scenery objects than you have in the past (you'll have lots of nooks

and crannies for it anyway), and it means you'll have to be careful with your

exhibits and maximize their viewing areas, without overcrowding their paths or

scaring the animals.


Let's consider the first island:







XXXXRRRRR X B Bighorn Statue













By putting a restaurant in the upper left corner (facing up) and a carousel on

the right side (facing down), that leaves room for a 60-square exhibit. There

are a few animals you could try there, but lions seem to be a good choice

since guests like them and the exhibit size gives them room for three adults.


You can also put an exhibit on the small island just above the main one. If

you reserve the first row of squares for observation, that leaves 47 squares

on the island for the exhibit. Again, there are a few animals who don't mind

exhibits that small, but I'd suggest the red kangaroo. It's another crowd

favorite, and it's easy to take care of.


Note: One zookeeper can take care of the lions and the kangaroos. Just make

sure the gate for the lion exhibit is in the upper right corner, and that you

don't put too much scenery around the bighorn statue and block the zookeeper's



Another note: If you run low on cash, you can use any type of fence you want

along the edge of the islands when you're building exhibits. Animals never

move more than one notch up or down at a time, and it's three notches down to

the ocean.


The best place to expand next is to the left. The island there is convenient

because it connects in two places to the first island, and so you can fill it

up without drawing your guests too far away from the hub of your zoo (and the

restaurant). This is roughly how I organized it:



Crocodiles Moose


Rest- X

aurant X


Petting X

Zoo X Gift

X Shop


Bengal X Chimpanzees



I didn't plan to expand any farther in this direction, so I just blocked off

the avenues to the other islands with the crocodile exhibit. The petting zoo

is just there because it fit, and I was starting to make good money at this



When you're ready to expand again, the small island to the right of the first

island is big enough to hold a couple 50-odd-square exhibits. I used a polar

bear and a pair of black leopards. Then the tiered island beyond that island

can hold a couple African elephants (on the top tier). You can also build the

exhibit on the second tier (which is conveniently 150 squares in size, enough

for three elephants) but then the elephants will complain about how steep the

terrain is. So you won't be able to get a great suitability rating for the

exhibit, but with enough foliage you should comfortably be able to break 85.


Past the tiered island is a large island. If you've been building the same

exhibits that I built, then you only need one more exhibit on the island, and

so you don't have to use much of it. Regardless, put a restaurant on the

island, and maybe a gift shop, and then the exhibit(s) you need.


That's all the expanding you need to do, so now you just need to watch your

guests and make sure they stay above a 93 happiness rating. If their

happiness starts to flag, then start hiring tour guides, and raise the price

of admission to your zoo. You might also have to add in some benches because

of all the walking the guests have to do to get to the exhibits, and you might

need to add in a bathroom or two as well.



| 09.02.00 African Savannah Zoo |



Time Limit:


24 months




1. Exhibit at least 20 animals from the savannah in Africa.

2. Earn a suitability rating of at least 80 for 13 exhibits.

3. Achieve an average animal happiness of 93.

4. Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 93.

5. Achieve a zoo rating of 75.




You start out with the following animals: one giraffe, two Thomson's gazelles,

two lions, one hippopotamus, two plains zebras, and three ostriches.

Conveniently, all the animals are from the African savannah. Also

conveniently, there is enough diversity in the animals that they're the only

African savannah species you need in the scenario.


Just put:


-- The giraffe in an exhibit large enough for two (70 squares), and buy it a


-- The gazelles and zebras in an exhibit large enough for eight (120 squares),

and let them breed to fill it. But note that both starting zebras are

female, so they'll need a mate.

-- The lions in an exhibit large enough for five (100 squares), and let them

breed to fill it.

-- The hippopotamus in an exhibit large enough for two (70), and buy it a


-- The ostriches in an exhibit large enough for five (50 squares), and let

them breed to fill it.


Those five exhibits can hold 22 animals, which is enough for the first

scenario objective, plus a little breathing space in case animals die.


The problem is, you start out with very little money. You can do some

bulldozing to gain $10,000 or so, but you also need to level the terrain

around the entrance, which gives about half of that money right back. So when

you start building exhibits, build the lion exhibit first since it's easy to

get 100 suitability for lions, and since that will net you an extra $15,000 in

award money.


Then start building the other four exhibits. Since you get to bulldoze old

exhibits as you replace them, and since the predominant terrain in the zoo is

savannah (meaning building new exhibits is cheaper than you might expect), you

should break about even when building the first five exhibits. But if you run

into money problems, wait to purchase mates for the animals who need them, and

don't do anything special (to start off) for the zebra / gazelle and ostrich

exhibits. Those animals are happy enough with just savannah terrain on the



Note: Check old exhibits for poo before you bulldoze them. Once the exhibits

are gone, only maintenance workers can remove the poo, and you won't otherwise

need maintenance workers until the second year. Plus, getting the $50 doesn't



When you're ready to expand again, create exhibits for animals who don't

belong to the African savannah. Guests like variety, and so you should try to

give it to them. Also, realize you only need eight more exhibits in the

almost two years remaining, and so you don't have to skimp. So go ahead and

create a big Asian elephant exhibit, or at least be sure to give polar bears

and Bengal tigers (or whatever) all the space they need.


Lastly, don't spread your exhibits all over the place. Keep your zoo compact.

As long as guests can always see one or two exhibits, you shouldn't have any

problem keeping their happiness rating above 93. And with happy guests come

more donations and more benefactors, which gives you more money so you can

create more exhibits. It's a positive spiral that you should always take

advantage of.



| 09.03.00 Mountain Zoo |



Time Limit:


24 months




1. Exhibit at least 15 different animal species.

2. Earn a suitability rating of at least 80 for all exhibits.

3. Achieve an average animal happiness of 90.

4. Achieve a zoo rating of 75.




There isn't anything special about the objectives. You should be able to make

exhibits with 80 suitability ratings in your sleep by now. No, the only real

questions are: "How much of the map should I flatten?" and "When should I

flatten it?" Unfortunately, the answers seem to be: "As much as you want" and

"Whenever you want." So don't worry about having to display mountain animals;

you can display whatever you want.


Start out by bulldozing everything on the map. That should net you over

$25,000. Then turn around and spend that money by flattening out the lower

right hand corner of the map (a roughly 25x40 section of land). That's enough

room for six exhibits, almost half the exhibits you need to create.


Then with the $50,000 starting money plus the emergency donation ($10,000)

plus the suitability award ($15,000) plus maybe the guest happiness award

($25,000), start building exhibits. You should be able to fill up the

flattened section of the map in the first few months, and still have some

money left over.


Then all you have to do is build nine more exhibits in 20 more months. That

means the majority of the scenario is all about making profits. As long as

your starting exhibits and money buildings bring in about $7500 or more profit

each month (difficult at first, easy later), that should be enough to build a

new exhibit every couple of months, plus do the terrain flattening necessary

for creating the exhibits.


Also, since guest happiness isn't a part of the objectives, you don't need to

worry about adding scenery or using the most expensive path types. And since

you only need 80 suitability for the exhibits, you can skimp quite a bit and

save money by not putting in all the foliage or rocks the animals want. You

can even add in cheap, unpopular animals (like the camel) if you get desperate

at the end. Or, heck, use mountain animals like the scenario description

suggests, and save money by not flattening land. It's up to you.


So just be patient, and you should make it through the scenario.



| 09.04.00 Tropical Rainforest Zoo |



Time Limit:


36 months




1. Exhibit at least 17 different animal species.

2. Achieve an average animal happiness of 90.

3. Earn a suitability rating of at least 90 for all exhibits.

4. Achieve a zoo rating of 80.

5. Achieve an average guest happiness of 90.




This is a lot like the Mountain Zoo scenario -- except there aren't any

mountains to deal with, you get an entire extra year to display two more

animal species, and there's a whole lot more stuff to bulldoze at the start.

You do have higher requirements for guest happiness and exhibit suitability,

but those requirements aren't all that difficult, and you probably met them in

the Mountain Zoo scenario anyway. So, to sum up, if you made it this far then

you shouldn't have any trouble with this scenario.


About the only thing to decide is what to do with the rivers. They're only

two notches deep, so they only cost $16 per square to raise, and so there

isn't any reason not to raise them if designing your zoo is easier without

them. The only reason you might want to leave them in is if you're worried

that without them your zoo this time will look a lot like you zoo last time

(and the time before) and you're looking for a change.


Otherwise, just pick 17 animal species you like and display them. But note

that you don't necessarily need 17 exhibits. You can combine animals if you

want to save space or money. Just be careful that you maintain a 90

suitability rating for the exhibits, which can be difficult if you start

combining animals.



| 09.05.00 Dinosaur Island Research Lab (DD) |



Time Limit:


36 months




1. Achieve a zoo rating of 80.

2. Achieve a zoo value of $350,000.

3. Earn a suitability rating of at least 85 for 10 exhibits.




The game will dictate which dinosaurs you can put in your zoo. Some will

arrive via donations from the Argentinean government, and some will become

available to adopt once you progress far enough into the scenario. Also,

perhaps confusingly, you won't get ten notices of new dinosaurs; you'll only

get nine:


1. Two saber-toothed cats donated (January 1, year 1)

2. Plesiosaurus made available (April 1, year 1) (It's possible you'll be

able to adopt Triceratops at this point as well, but it's a bug.)

3. Two Iguanodons donated (July 1, year 1)

4. Herrerasaurus made available (October 1, year 1)

5. Two Stegosauruses donated (January 1, year 2)

6. Coelophysis made available (April 1, year 2)

7. Two Spinosauruses donated (June 1, year 2)

8. Two Caudipteryxes donated (January 1, year 3)

9. Two Triceratops and one Apatosaurus donated (June 1, year 3)


To start off the scenario, delete everything (including the research lab) and

fire the DRT. That should gain you an extra $50,000. Then build an exhibit

for the saber-toothed cats near the entrance. Since you can't do anything

else yet, you might want to make the saber-toothed cat exhibit larger than the

100 squares necessary, to give guests a better exhibit to look at, and to

encourage the cats to breed.


Note: While you need ten exhibits, you don't have to display all of the

dinosaurs you receive. If you want to make multiple saber-toothed cat

exhibits and no Apatosaurus exhibits, you can do that.


Another note: The T. rex won't be available in this scenario, so don't

research any of the T. rex topics.


Once February rolls around, add in a restaurant and a gift shop, and hire a

scientist for the cats. (The cats might get hungry before then, but they'll

last until February.) Add in a compost building as well, since dinosaur poo

will earn you a lot of money by the end of the scenario.


Then twiddle your thumbs a lot. Every 3-6 months you'll either receive some

new dinosaurs, or you'll be able to adopt some new dinosaurs. So try to

visualize where you can put ten large exhibits (all the exhibits should be 100

squares or more), and leave room for extra restaurants and other money



Note: If you organize your zoo badly, you don't have to put exhibits where

guests can see them.


By the end of the first year, you should be making about $10,000 in profits

each month. That should be enough right there to finance the rest of the

exhibits you need and also get your zoo value to $350,000. So just build




| 09.06.00 Marine Conservation (MM) |



Time Limit:


24 months




1. Earn a suitability rating of at least 90 for 10 exhibits.

2. Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 90.

3. Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 90.

4. Achieve a zoo value of $200,000.

5. Achieve a zoo rating of 80.




Obviously, the two potentially difficult objectives involve guest happiness

and zoo value. However, if you just finished the Aquatic Show Park scenario

and had trouble getting guests even to an 85 happiness rating, take heart.

You don't have to run any shows in this scenario, and you don't have to create

any combo exhibits (which always seem to be unpopular), and so it's easier, if

not easy, to make guests happy.


In fact, what might cause the most problems is the island's terrain. If

you've played every other scenario by basically just flattening out the land

and creating very grid-like zoos, you'll have to be more creative here.

Luckily, there is a lot of flat terrain on island. The right side is mostly

four notches above the entrance, and the left side is mostly nine notches

above the entrance. So all you have to do is find places for ramps between

the levels and then flatten out the rest of the terrain as you need it (or put

aquatic exhibits in hilly areas, since aquatic exhibits flatten terrain

automatically and for free).


Note: If you want to "cheat" and bring the left side of the island to the same

height as the right side, a cheap way to do it is to create large (dummy)

aquatic exhibits on the left side and then bulldoze them. You'll get 80% of

your fence costs back and you'll lower the terrain in the exhibit area by four

notches. Then you just need to lower the land one more notch (the regular

way) for the sides to be the same level. Using exhibits to do most of the

lowering will save you about half of the cost.


To start out the scenario, bulldoze just about everything. You might want to

keep the yellow brick path and some of the other things near the entrance, but

all the trees and things in the rest of the zoo should go. The bulldozing

should gain you about $15,000.


Then try to figure out where you want to put the porpoise, the manta ray, the

octopus, and the jellyfish. This is how I organized them (roughly):


||JJJ E Entrance

||========== J Jellyfish (level 2, 40 squares)

||PPPPPP|| ||OO M Manta Ray (level 1, 80 squares)

||PPPPPP|| ||OO O Octopus (level 2, 48 squares)

=========== P Porpoise (level 1, 80 squares)



This worked out fairly nicely. For example, the path between the porpoise

exhibit and the entrance was at ground level and allowed guests to look into

the tank, while the path on the other side was one level up and allowed guests

to look down into the tank. Plus, putting four exhibits right near the

entrance helps to make guests happy in a hurry.


Once you put the four starting animals into suitable exhibits, you'll be able

to adopt animals normally, and you'll be able to use your choice of Zoo Tycoon

and Marine Mania animals. The first thing I did was adopt mates for the

porpoise, manta ray, and jellyfish (which is why their tanks started out

larger than they needed to be).


From there, you just need to proceed "normally." So keep your guests

inundated with exhibits, and make sure they have access to restaurants and

gift shops. You'll probably have room for a dozen medium-sized exhibits on

the island, and they should be enough to put your zoo value over $200,000.



| 09.07.00 Save the Zoo (MM) |



Time Limit:


24 months




1. Improve the exhibit suitability rating of the initial animals to 90.

2. Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 90 for the initial


3. Earn a suitability rating of at least 90 for 9 exhibits.

4. Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 85.

5. Earn a total profit of $750 for all Orca shows.

6. Purchase 1 crustacean house.

7. Purchase 1 tropical aquarium.

8. Purchase 1 aquatic gift shop.

9. Purchase 1 Lobby's Restaurant.

10. Purchase 1 aquatic restroom.




Well, what a mess. Everything in the park is broken, dirty, or badly

designed. You have a compost building right next to the entrance, and you're

set up for a bottlenose dolphin show when you need an orca show. So, even

though it might be tempting to try and correct the park, the best thing to do

is bulldoze everything and start from scratch. Plus, bulldozing everything

nets you an additional $70,000.


When you start destroying the exhibits, aquatic animals will go right into

containers but Zoo Tycoon animals will run free. So manually move your

starting zookeeper around so he can contain the animals, and set your

admission fee to $100 so you don't have any guests wandering around while you

try to put the park in order.


Note: The starting zoo isn't completely hopeless. The shortfin mako shark

tank is big and deep, for example, and you can keep it if you like.


Another note: Unlike earlier scenarios, in this scenario you have to use

filters. If you don't, the dirty water will quickly make animals sick, and

your marine specialists won't be smart enough to clean the water and then try

to heal your animals. So when they heal one animal, another will get sick,

and when they try to heal that animal, yet another will get sick, et cetera

and so forth. Meanwhile the tank will get dirtier and the animals will get

madder, and you'll be stuck in a downward spiral.


Luckily, the animals you start with are reasonably popular, so your zoo can

get off to a good start. Once you create exhibits for the animals and their

happiness rating tops 90, you'll be able to adopt more animals -- but you'll

be restricted to Marine Mania animals, so you won't be able to buy a mate for

the polar bear. So don't make its exhibit bigger than it needs to be. Also,

don't open your park until your starting animals are happy; otherwise your

guests will be unhappy, dislike your park, and not spend any money. Ideally,

you should have those first six exhibits ready by the end of February and open

your doors in March.


With those first six exhibits taken care of, all you have to do is create

three more exhibits. One of those exhibits has to be for the orca, but the

other two are up to you. I'd suggest something like tiger sharks and harbor



When you build the orca exhibit, try to lay it out so the grandstands for the

show exhibit are easily accessible for your guests. Then, once you reach the

$750 profit margin, decide whether the orca show is making guests happy or

not. If it isn't, bulldoze it so the grandstands don't cut into the profits,

and put something else (like an extra restaurant or carousel) in its place.


If you normally play scenarios without building animal houses (which is a good

idea), don't forget you have to research them before you can build them. So

be sure at some point to select "aquatic houses" under the conservation tab.

You don't have to put the houses (or the aquatic restroom) in until the very

end, and you don't have to connect them to the rest of your park. Just make

sure they're placed somewhere on the map.







| 10.01.00 Paradise Island |



Time Limit:


36 months




1. Achieve a zoo rating of 80.

2. Achieve an average guest happiness of 93.

3. Achieve an average animal happiness of 95.

4. Earn a suitability rating of at least 90 for all exhibits.




You start out with two Bengal tigers, two Siberian tigers, and two leopards.

That's not bad since all three animals are popular with guests, but remember

you shouldn't put the leopards into an exhibit until you research the cat

climbing tree. So right away go to the research tab, put the funding to

maximum, and uncheck everything but "animal enrichment" so you can get the

tree as quickly as possible. It doesn't hurt to get the rock cave either, but

that's not as important.


Note: Don't sell both animals of the same type. If you do, the game will

consider them to have an exhibit suitability of 0, and you won't be able to

win the scenario. However, you can sell one of the animals if you want. Just

be aware that there isn't any way to replace the remaining animal if it dies.


Of course, before you can build exhibits for your donated animals you have to

do something with the terrain. It's a problem here because there are lots of

hills around, and because most of the terrain is much higher than the

entrance. The best course of action is still to flatten the terrain, but

instead of flattening it to the level of the entrance, you should flatten it

to seven notches above the entrance, at a level where there is already a lot

of flat land.


So leave the 3-square-wide path leading from the zoo entrance alone for the

moment, and flatten the terrain around it to your new "ground level." Then

move all the animal cages out of the way and turn the entrance path into a

entrance ramp, so guests move as diagonally as possible from the entrance to

the zoo's ground level. The easiest way to do this is to take the one-square

hill terrain tool, and use it on each of the three squares in the tenth row

from the entrance. Just raise the squares to ground level, and the tool

should create the diagonal path for you.


Now build exhibits for the Siberian tigers and Bengal tigers, and make sure at

least one of them has a 99 suitability rating so you get the $15,000 award

money. Then when February rolls around, hire a zookeeper and put a restaurant

and another money building next to the exhibits. That's all you can do for a

while until you research the cat climbing tree.


Finally, build an exhibit for the leopards. As soon as you put a leopard in

the exhibit and get its suitability into the green, you'll get three more

pairs of animals: grizzly bears, black leopards, and black bears. You should

have enough money to build exhibits for at least two of the pairs.


Note: You won't get an emergency donation of $10,000 for falling under $1000

available cash in this mission, and you won't get $10,000 for breeding

endangered species, either. So don't plan on money from those sources.


The rest of the scenario will continue in the same way. As soon as you get

the donated animals into suitable exhibits, more animals will arrive. You'll

eventually receive:


-- Moose and African elephants.

-- Greater flamingos.

-- Saltwater crocodiles.

-- Giant pandas.


And that's it. So all you have to do in this scenario is build 11 exhibits in

three years, which shouldn't be any problem at all. The only potential

stumbling block is keeping your guests happy enough. If you find that their

happiness keeps dropping under 93, the best solution is to build more

exhibits. Since you can't adopt animals, wait for your current animals to

produce offspring, and then build an exhibit for the offspring. Otherwise,

just make sure you have enough restaurants and gifts shops / stands, and then

prepare to sit around for about two game years fixing trampled terrain.



| 10.02.00 Breeding Giant Pandas |



Time Limit:


36 months




1. Possess at least one baby giant panda.

2. Earn a suitability rating of at least 90 for 15 exhibits.




Note: Like in the Endangered Species Zoo scenario, the "baby" panda here

doesn't actually have to be a baby. The objective just requires that one

panda in your zoo not be adopted.


You begin with $75,000, and you can get another $9000 or so from bulldozing.

That's a nice chunk of money, so immediately start cranking out exhibits. You

have three years to build 16 exhibits (15 plus the panda exhibit), and while

that's plenty of time, you need to get to the pandas as quickly as possible so

you can increase their chance of breeding. So don't make huge, expensive

exhibits. Keep all your exhibits 100 squares or less.


Also notice you have a new topic under research: "panda care." As far as I

can tell, this branch is optional (but helpful). Regardless, switch it off at

the beginning so you can research more important things first (toys and

shelters), and then turn it on after six months or so. Needless to say,

research should get maximum funding, while conservation should get minimum



Ideally, you should create your first 15 exhibits within 18 months, and

certainly within two years. If you have money problems, remember that you

only need to get exhibits to 90 suitability, and be liberal with your use of

money buildings.


Once you have 15 exhibits of 90+ suitability, you'll be able to adopt pandas.

But unlike the Endangered Species Zoo scenario you won't be able to adopt all

the pandas you want (to create multiple exhibits); you'll be limited to two.

So make sure you give the pandas a good exhibit, and make sure they don't get

crowded by guests. In fact, you might want to put the pandas far away from

the rest of your zoo.


Note: If you haven't done so yet, make sure you've researched all the "panda

care" topics. One of them increases their reproductive rate.


Once you have the panda exhibit, save your game. There isn't anything to do

now but wait and hope the pandas mate. If you're bored, keep a close eye on

the pandas and make sure their exhibit is always clean and free of trampled

terrain. Otherwise, put the game in windowed mode and do something else for

an hour, and then come back to see if you've won.



| 10.03.00 Return to Dinosaur Island Research Lab (DD) |



Time Limit:


36 months




1. Achieve a zoo rating of 85.

2. Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 90.

3. Contain all dinosaurs in suitable exhibits.

4. Earn a suitability rating of at least 90 for 12 dinosaur exhibits.




The very first thing you should do in this scenario is pause the game. There

are nine dinosaurs free in the zoo, and if you let them wander around then

potentially they'll attack and kill each other. So instead pick up each one

and then put them down again. That'll automatically place them into miniature

cages, set their happiness to 75, and prevent them from getting hungry.


After that you can treat the scenario normally: bulldoze everything for about

$40,000, place a compost building in a far corner, and then start building



But realize that in this scenario, unlike the other Dinosaur Digs scenarios,

you need to make guests happy. Dinosaurs and dinosaur scenery aren't as

popular as they should be, so you have to be careful. Don't waste space with

unnecessary things (like dinosaur houses), and, if you want to use scenery,

use Zoo Tycoon scenery.


Then for exhibits, use the nine dinosaurs you start with, and consider adding

in the Plesiosaurus, Stegosaurus, and Camptosaurus. If you've downloaded the

Gallimimus, it's also a good choice. Mostly what you want to do with the

exhibits is make them highly suitable and put your most popular dinosaurs

(like the Caudipteryx) in the most popular places in your zoo (like near the



Also, you don't need to put all exhibits where guests can see them. You can

probably make guests very happy with a mini-zoo featuring Caudipteryx,

Velociraptor, Allosaurus, Spinosaurus, and Apatosaurus, and hiding everything

else in the back.


Note: For some reason paths aren't available at the start. I'm not sure what

triggers the ability to buy them. Usually it happens after I put two of the

starting dinosaurs in exhibits.


Your goal for the first year should be to build six exhibits and start making

$10,000 per month in profits. If you can do that then building the final six

exhibits over the final two years should be straightforward.


If you find yourself falling short of the 90 guest happiness rating, remember

to add in tour guides once you've completed the 12 exhibits. You might also

want to try adding in some Zoo Tycoon animals (like the white Bengal tiger and

the saltwater crocodile) off to one side, since they tend to be cheap and




| 10.04.00 Breeding the T. Rex (DD) |



Time Limit:






1. Achieve a zoo rating of 90.

2. Earn a suitability rating of at least 90 for 14 exhibits.

3. Exhibit a baby T. rex.




Since there isn't a time limit, the first two objectives should be pretty

straightforward. Just build quality exhibits for your animals, and if you can

keep the animals and guests happy, you should break a 90 zoo rating once you

have enough species in your zoo, and once you've done enough research.


Note: Even though the introductory text to the scenario indicates you need to

create dinosaur exhibits, you can use any exhibits you want. The only

dinosaur you need to display is the T. rex.


So the thing to worry about is mating the rexes. You'll receive a pair of

rexes in December of year 1, but don't put them into an exhibit until you've

completed all the T. rex research topics. Then create a huge exhibit for them

(like 600 squares), and make it as suitable as possible. Eventually the rexes

will mate and you'll win the scenario.



| 10.05.00 Giant Marine Park (MM) |



Time Limit:






1. Earn a suitability rating of at least 90 for 13 exhibits.

2. Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 93.

3. Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 93.

4. Earn a total profit of $1000 for all bottlenose dolphin shows.

5. Earn a total profit of $1000 for all orca shows.

6. Achieve a zoo value of $325,000.

7. Purchase 4 metal benches.

8. Purchase 1 crustacean house.

9. Purchase 1 tropical aquarium.

10. Purchase 1 aquatic gift shop.

11. Purchase 1 Lobby's restaurant.

12. Purchase 1 aquatic restroom.

13. Purchase 1 shark tunnel.

14. Purchase 1 swim with dolphins ride.

15. Purchase 1 boat rental shack.

16. Purchase 1 ring toss.




Purchase 4 metal benches? Whew, it's a good thing there isn't a time limit!

But anyway, because there isn't a time limit, the only real difficulty in the

scenario is the guest happiness rating. Just about everything else will come

with time, provided you create nice exhibits for your animals and keep adding

to your zoo.


So for happiness just do the regular things: make sure guests can always see

exhibits, don't waste time with animal houses (other than the ones you have to

buy), make sure your paths are wide enough (three or four squares is a good

idea here), and place enough restaurants.


It seems weird not to have more to say about a very advanced scenario, but

there you go. There isn't anything tricky going on here, you don't have to

jump through any hoops to adopt animals, and the terrain is basically flat.

So just build away and be creative.


Note: The game will indicate you only have three years to finish the scenario,

but you really do have unlimited time.



| 10.06.00 Super Zoo (MM) |



Time Limit:






1. Exhibit at least 5 Zoo Tycoon animals (not species).

2. Exhibit at least 5 Dinosaur Digs animals (not species).

3. Exhibit at least 5 Marine Mania animals (not species).

4. Earn a suitability rating of at least 90 for 15 exhibits.

5. Achieve an average animal happiness rating of 93.

6. Achieve an average guest happiness rating of 93.

7. Achieve a zoo rating of 93.




Note: If you haven't played Dinosaur Digs yet, you might want to try out a

couple of its scenarios to become more familiar with dinosaurs.


You don't start out with a lot of money in this scenario, and bulldozing the

yellow brick path only nets you another $7000. So start out by adding Marine

Mania or Zoo Tycoon exhibits (since they're the cheapest) and then move on to

Dinosaur Digs exhibits. When choosing animals to exhibit, pick popular ones

to make the guests happier.


Since there is no time limit in the scenario, the first three objectives

should be straightforward. As long as you make some sort of profit each

month, you'll eventually be able to afford the 15 exhibits. Objectives #4 and

#5 should also be easy. You should have been beating those numbers in every

scenario that you've played.


That means the last two objectives are the potentially problematic ones. For

guest happiness, just do the regular things -- flood the zoo with high quality

exhibits, use restaurants, avoid animal houses, and put in scenery in squares

you don't know what else to do with. You should also avoid Marine Mania

shows, since they tend to lower happiness.


For zoo rating, you might need to build more than the required 15 exhibits

(since diversity is part of the rating). Also, since the zoo isn't especially

large, you might want to avoid dinosaurs as much as possible since they

require large exhibits. Otherwise, just make guests and animals happy,

research everything, and eventually you should hit a 93 rating while you're

filling up the zoo with exhibits.







October 4, 2002



Initial release.


October 6, 2002



Completed the Zoo Tycoon intermediate scenario walkthroughs. Added more

cheats. Added more animal exhibit information.


October 8, 2002



Added two Zoo Tycoon advanced scenario walkthroughs. Also added buildings,

objects, and more animal exhibit information.


October 10, 2002



Added another Zoo Tycoon advanced scenario walkthrough. Added decorative

fences to the objects section (04.05.00). Added more animal information.


October 12, 2002



Completed the remaining Zoo Tycoon scenario walkthroughs. Completed the Zoo

Tycoon animal information. Added in the African wild dog and the North Africa

theme pack. The guide is now complete for Zoo Tycoon.


November 23, 2002



Added all Marine Mania buildings and objects, plus some animal information and

intermediate scenario walkthroughs.


November 25, 2002



Completed information for over half of the Marine Mania animals, added two

more scenario walkthroughs.


November 29, 2002



Completed the Marine Mania animal information, added the Marine Mania awards,

added two more Marine Mania scenario walkthroughs. Added Dinosaur Digs

buildings and objects, started Dinosaur Digs animal information.


December 12, 2002



Added the giant barracuda and the Atlantean theme pack. Completed animal

information for the Triassic Age dinosaurs.


December 15, 2002



Completed the Dinosaur Digs animal information.


December 20, 2002



Added two Dinosaur Digs intermediate scenario walkthroughs. Corrected some

Dinosaur Digs animal information.


December 21, 2002



Added the Atlantic swordfish (marlin). Added another Dinosaur Digs

intermediate scenario walkthrough.


January 26, 2003



Added another Dinosaur Digs scenario walkthrough. Added terrain to the

African Buffalo entry (thanks WendigoWolf).


February 6, 2003



Added the llama. Added two very advanced scenario walkthroughs. The guide is

now complete for Dinosaur Digs.


February 7, 2003



Added a walkthrough for the Super Zoo scenario. The guide is now complete for

Marine Mania.

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