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Now, I've seen a lot of things in my day; pink elephants, dancing fairies, and my dotty Aunt standing on her roof, rotating herself, because she thought she was a lighthouse!! :24: :24:


But, "an invisible fence?". :wub: If it's invisible, how do I use it? :uglyhammer: How can I place an invisible fence, if I can't see it? :JC_see_stars: Where is the tutorial for using this invisible fence? Is it invisible too? :risitas6ba0:


:help::help::help: Oh, and: :help:


There are a couple of ways to use it easily.

My favourite method is to build an ordinary exhibit with ordinary fences and when all done including paths and surrounding areas then replace with the invisible fence. You can see when a fence is being replaced by the colour it turns. Many people still leave the ingame gate there so they can find the exhibit entrance.


The other method is using terrain, desert and/or fresh water. These are two terrains that show the fence clearest. You can always change the terrain after. It shows as a dark dot in the center of the tile edge. Look closely at this screen and see if you can spot them.

Well I would add the screen if I could see the ad attachment button

Look closely at this screen and see if you can spot them.

Well I would add the screen if I could see the ad attachment button



Very good! I will try your suggestions. :vishenka_34:


There are a couple of ways to use it easily.

My favourite method is to build an ordinary exhibit with ordinary fences and when all done including paths and surrounding areas then replace with the invisible fence. You can see when a fence is being replaced by the colour it turns. Many people still leave the ingame gate there so they can find the exhibit entrance.


The other method is using terrain, desert and/or fresh water. These are two terrains that show the fence clearest. You can always change the terrain after. It shows as a dark dot in the center of the tile edge. Look closely at this screen and see if you can spot them.

Well I would add the screen if I could see the ad attachment button


If you type in fast reply then click on full editor first

In a normal reply it should be visible as you click on it

Fern, on 29 April 2010 - 12:12 PM, said:
 Look closely at this screen and see if you can spot them. 
Well I would add the screen if I could see the ad attachment button


pukkie Posted Today, 02:26 PM

If you type in fast reply then click on full editor first

In a normal reply it should be visible as you click on it


I thought Fern was just joking, because of the subject of "invisible fence"[/size][/size] :wife: :risitas6ba0: :post-1551-1124418072: :cheer-girls-group-3x2-green:


Nope there is no way to add a screen. Tried your way Pukkie and there is no "attach" button. So can this topic be moved to an area where there is one.

I don't use quick reply as it used to freeze my screens in the old site.


John T, you just slay me... :risitas6ba0:


I love the invisible fence, I use it in every single zoo I build. Ferm gives good advice about building with another fence first, and then replacing it with the invisible one. I would suggest practicing as it can be a little tricky. Be sure that you don't block the exhibit gate with a little dot of invisible fence facing the other direction. In any one spot, you know you can put two pieces of fence back to back, so just be careful that you don't have the 'back side' of your gate blocked with a piece of invisible fence.


Something I love to do is to put in objeccts and foliage that the animal might not like, but I like the way it looks. Or you may want to add trees and flowers into some exhibits where the animal doesn't like much foliage. Just put in the item you like and surround it with invisible fence. It will be it's own little exhibit with a gate, but you won't be able to see that it is fenced off. The zookeeper won't bother with it since there isn't an animal in it. Keep in mind that you will be removing a single square of a particular terrain type when you make it a separate exhibit, so you may have to adjust the balance of terrain types left in the exhibiti proper after you have fenced off all the things you have enclosed.


Dinosaurs often trample their foliage and then they get unhappy. If you put the invisible fence around 3 sides of the foliage, it is still 'in' the exhibit and counts toward suitability, but the dino usually will not trample into that single square that is not open for them to 'pass' through. If they do trample it, just put a rock in front of the single open space and that should make it totally safe from big dino feet.


The more you work with the fence the more versatile you will find it to be.


Personally i LOVE THE INVISIBLE FENCE ....i HAD ISSUES WITH IT AT FIRST BUT QUICKLY GOT THE HANG of it (sorry for the caps my fingers hit the caps lock and I don't realize it for a bit). Using the invisible fence allows me the oppurtunity to build "natural" zoos. Thie following is probably one of the best of my examples for using the invisible fence to create a natural landscape http://zootekphoenix.com/forums//index.php?showtopic=4309

Good luck with learning to use this fence and I promise that when you get the hang of it it will be a nessesity in every zoo you do.


Savannahjan, :254: What great advice on using the invisible fence. I can't wait to try these tips. And, use them in my new book: "How to write a book using only award winning tips from other people". :JC-ROFL: :risitas6ba0: :cheerlie:



Exoticcats, :254: All I can say is: That is one BEAUTIFUL ZOO. What an incentive for my other new book: "How to collect pictures for an award winning book, and publish it in a country with no extradition treaty". :yahoo: :fryingpan: :risitas6ba0:


Seriously, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :smilies-10997:


As soon as you finished them books I want to buy first copy John

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