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Fantastic Creatures

78 files

  1. African Green Gold Winged Dragon by Ghirin

    African Green Gold-Winged Dragon by Ghirin
    The gold-wing dragons comprise a family of dragons with 2 main characteristics: large gold-colored wings and a metamorphic life cycle.
    The adults are draconic in form and have the ability to fly while the young are wingless and resemble gray monitor lizards.
    The African green gold-winged dragon is one of the most social dragons, living in large family groups. Its green body scales match its rainforest habitat.




  2. African Striped Unicorn by Ghirin

    African Striped Unicorn by Ghirin
    The African striped unicorn is known from cave paintings in Africa that depict zebra-like animals with 10-inch long horns.
    *Inspired by Professor Paul's Nature Encyclopedia*




  3. Agropelter by Ghirin

    Author: Ghirin
    The agropelter is an aggressive, carnivorous hominid said to be native to the Great lakes region of North America. Lumberjacks described this creature as being about 1 meter tall and ape-like. It is very dangerous and kills its prey by dropping heavy objects (such as hunks of wood) on it.
    Created by Ghirin 2005




  4. Antubis by Ghirin

    Author: Ghirin
    Antubis is the fearsome anteater-like creature that roams the halls of Kingdom Hospital in the state of Maine, USA. He serves both as the guardian of the dead girl Mary and stands between the gates of life and death.
    Created by Ghirin 2004




  5. AOFE Dragon by Particle

    This is the dragon that was promised! :)  This dragon came from the original AOFE mod (I guess).  I found the stand, walk, attack, and death animations, and made this dragon with them.  Unfortunately, there are no flying animations, because for some reason it was a ground unit.
    This is my first animal so he will probably get updated.  But for now it seems to work ok so try it out and let me know what you think.
    Updated: I was lucky to have Jay's advice on my first animal.  Thank you to Jay for your help.  Jay is the master!


    1 comment


  6. Articule Desert Worm by African Raptor

    The Desert Worm is a creature found in desert oases. They have huge mouths with which they swallow bugs, and even small mammals, whole. They are believed to reach as long as 6 m. The Desert Worm is the largest worm in existence.
    Many Worms are reclusive and generally peaceful. Some, however, seem bloodthirsty; they attack travelers without provocation. Desert Worms are solitary creatures, only gathering to mate.
    Desert Worms are found only in the desert regions of countries. Worm sightings tend to be rare, because the beasts themselves are hard to find. However, some tribal societies pride themselves on hunting the creatures. Ethnologists report that some tribes require young warriors to track and hunt a worm as a passage to adulthood.
    Desert Worms are regarded as having limited intelligence, even by animal standards.
    UPDATED July 28, 2008 to fix LCID error, which can cause some people's games to crash.


    1 comment


  7. Beast of Bodmin by G2K

    The plaque for this animal is supposidly a picture of the beast of bodmin. Made by G2K many thanx to Ghirin




  8. Beast Of Gevaudan by Ghirin

    Beast of Gévaudan
    Author: Ghirin
    The Beast of Gévaudan was a large, wolf-life creature that roamed the mountain district of Gévaudan, France. The Beast first appeared in June 1746 and showed a preferrence for women and children. Most of the injuries were around the head, with the skull often crushed.
    The true identity of the Beast has not been determined, although rabid wolves have been suggested.
    *Inspired by the Zoo Tycoon Brains Trust at the Zoo Tek Forums
    Ghirin 2004




  9. Black Dog by Ghirin

    Black Dogs are found in the folklore of both England and Scotland. These creature are usually described as the size of calves with shaggy black hair and glowing red eyes. Black Dogs are often encountered in places of transition in human lives such and bridges and crossroads. Some Black Dogs are said to guard ancient treasures or sacred places from trespassers.
    The exact nature of Black Dogs varies from place to place. If left alone, many Black Dogs are benign; howeever, if a person attempts to strike out or otherwise engage such a dog, that person will be savagely attacked and maybe even killed. In some places, merely seeing a Black Dog is a portent of death while in other places Black Dogs are said to lead lost travelers to safety.
    Inspired by the Zoo Tycoon Brains Trust (http://www.geocities.com/professorpaul1/home.html)
    Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, Rose, 2000.
    Created by Ghirin 2003




  10. Blue Tiger by Ape

    The Blue Tiger is dedicated to Exoticcats. It will be a colorful addition to any zoo!




  11. Bug Bear by Ghirin

    The Bugbear is a monster from English folklore. It is a malevolent being thought to take the form of a bear or a large beast.
    Giants, Monsters, and Dragons. Rose, 2000
    Sound Effects:
    Created by Ghirin 2003




  12. Bull of Bagbury by Ghirin

    Many generations ago in Shropshire England, an evil squire was transformed into a large bull upon his death. The bull haunted the lanes of the area and caused much destruction with its loud roar.
    The local people enlisted the help of the local parson to control the ghost bull. Reciting prayers and reading aloud from the Bible, the parson caused the bull to shrink in size until it could be confined to a box. The box was then buried under the doorstep of St. Etheldreda's Church to confine the ghost creature.
    Created by Ghirin 2005




  13. Carpathian Vampire by Genkicoll

    These shape-shifting vampires live in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains.
    They are rarely seen in nature since most humans fear them and would hunt them mercilessly if their presence was known. This persecution by humans is unfounded, for though the Carpathian Vampires are true carnivores, they never hunt humankind.
    The vampire young stay almost entirely in their bat form, as they can be both more independent and safer from would-be attackers such as wolves, bears and humans.
    Programmed to like exhibit-neutral items.
    Many thanks to Jane for providing the original gif animations.




  14. Cat Sith by Ghirin

    Cat Sith
    Author: Ghirin
    The Cat Sith is a feline monster from the Gaelic lore of Scotland. It is a large cat, the size of large dog and has shaggy, rough black fur. Scottish highlanders believe that the Cat Sith is the metamorphosed form of a witch.
    Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, Rose, 2000.
    Created by Ghirin 2003




  15. Champ by Moondawg

    Champ is the name given to a reputed lake monster living in Lake Champlain. Authorities regard Champ as legend. The state government of Vermont has put Champ on its Endangered Species List.
    Champ or Champy, is the name given to a reputed lake monster living in Lake Champlain, a natural freshwater lake in North America, partially situated across the US-Canada border in the Canadian province of Quebec. While there is no scientific evidence for the cryptid's existence, there have been over 300 reported sightings. The legend of the monster is considered a draw for tourism in the Burlington, Vermont area.
    Like the Loch Ness Monster, some authorities regard Champ as legend; others believe it is possible such a creature does live deep in the lake, possibly a relative of the plesiosaur, an extinct group of aquatic reptiles.
    Lake Champlain is a 125-mile (201 km)-long body of fresh water that is shared by New York and Vermont and just a few miles into Quebec, Canada.
    The Champ legend is unquestioned by many in the area and has become a revenue-generating attraction. For example, the village of Port Henry, New York, has erected a giant model of Champ and holds "Champ Day" on the first Saturday of every August.
    As the mascot of Vermont's lone Minor League Baseball affiliate, the Vermont Lake Monsters, Champ became more prominent after the team was renamed from the Vermont Expos to the Vermont Lake Monsters. Champ has been the primary attraction of the New York - Penn League affiliate since their inception. Several nearby establishments, including a car wash, use "Champ" as a logo.
    Two Native American tribes living in the area near Lake Champlain, the Iroquois and the Abenaki, had legends about such a creature. The Abenaki called the creature "Tatoskok".
    An account of a creature in Lake Champlain was ostensibly given in 1609 by French explorer Samuel de Champlain, the founder of Québec and the lake's namesake, who is supposed to have spotted the creature as he was fighting the Iroquois on the bank of the lake.[1] However, in actuality no such sighting was recorded, and it has since been traced back to a 1970 article.
    * Inspired by the Zoo Tek Brains Trust




  16. Chubby Holstein Cow by Genkicoll

    The Chubby Holstein Cow is a special breed of grass guzzler. This dairy cow is known for producing the world's finest chocolate milk. Guests will love this adorable, happy-go-lucky cow.
    Many thanks to the members of the Designer's Guild for their input on this project.




  17. Crescent Lake Monster by Ghirin

    Crescent Lake monsters ("Cressie") are large, eel-like animals that dwell in the depths of Cresent Lake, Newfoundland in Canada. The Native Americans had legends about a fierce creature that lived in the lake. In recent times, divers have reported being attacked by large eels during search missions.
    Created by Ghirin 2005




  18. Cu Sith by Ghirin

    Cu Sith translates as Faerie Dog in the local dialect of Scotland and this creature is sometimes said to kidnap women for the purpose of nursing faerie children. The Cu Sith is described as a large, dog-like creature with shaggy green fur.
    Created by Ghirin 2004




  19. Cu Sith by Sundance

    Cu Sith by Sundance
    The fearsome Cu Sith [coo-shee] roamed the Scottish Highlands. He was described as an enormous, shaggy, dark green hound. It had a braided tail and feet as large as an adult man's. The Cu Sith was controlled by and belonged to the Faeries. But it was different from the ordinary white bodied, red-eared Faery hounds.
    The Cu Sith was created by sundance with some help from Loewenfrau.
    Works with ZT, DD , MM and CC.
    This little guy is a cutie!




  20. Dobhar Chu by Ghirin

    The Dobhar-chu, also known as the Water Dog, is a creature reputed to live in the lakes of Ireland. A similar creature known as the Master Otter also dwells in Scottish lakes.
    Dobhar-chu hunt humans and livestock and are thus very dangerous. One of the best accounts of the Dobhar-chu comes from the region around Glencade Lake. A woman went down to the lake where she was attacked and killed by a Dobhar-chu. Her husband killed the Dobhar-chu but was chased by another, which he also killed.
    *Inspired by the Zoo Tycoon Brains Trust (http://www.geocities.com/professorpaul1/home.html)
    Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, Rose, 2000.
    Sound effects:
    Created by Ghirin 2003




  21. European Unicorn by Ghirin

    European Unicorn by Ghirin
    The unicorn's name comes from two Latin words, and means "one horn." Unicorns today are extremely rare in the wild.
    Historically, unicorns have been found throughout the world, with sub-species existing in China, Tibet, Japan, India, Europe and the Middle East.
    The unicorn has a wide range of appearances, depending on the subspecies. For example, the Chinese unicorn is shaped like a large stag, having a mane, cloven hooves, and multi-colored skin. This variant has a musical, bell-like call. The Indian unicorn is large and white, resembling a wild ass, with a red head and dark blue eyes. Julius Caesar described the European unicorn as resembling a deer, while later accounts from the Middle Ages depicted the unicorn as more of a goat-like creature, with a tail similar to that of a lion. The unicorns most familiar to modern eyes are descendants of the European unicorn, and are larger, with white horse-like bodies.




  22. Fire Horse by Genkicoll

    The Fire Horse lives on rocky plains near volcanoes. They love the heat and anything fiery, though they still need a source of water nearby.
    These creatures like to live in herds, and are happy to share their living space with both Volcanic Unicorns and Pyro Zebras (by Sundance). Fire Horses will enjoy having volcanoes, tar pits, fires and torches in their exhibit.




  23. Fouke Monster by Moondawg

    The Fouke Monster is a legendary cryptid reported near the town of Fouke in Miller County, Arkansas during the early 1970s, where it was accused of attacking a local family.
    Initial sightings of the creature were concentrated in the Jonesville/Boggy Creek area, where it was blamed for the death of local livestock. Later, sightings were made several hundred miles to the north and the east of Fouke.
    The creature was named by journalist Jim Powell, who reported on it for the Texarkana Gazette and the Texarkana Daily News.
    The Fouke Monster was also covered by the state desk headed by Norman L. Richardson of the Shreveport Times. It has been the subject of several films and a number of books.
    Various reports of the creature made between 1971 and 1974 described the creature as being a large hominid-like creature covered in long dark hair, which was estimated to be about 7 feet (2.1 m) tall with a weight of 250-300 pounds. Witnesses said that its chest was about 3 feet (0.91 m) wide. Later reports, published during the early 1980s, claimed that it was far larger, with one report describing it as 10 feet (3.0 m) tall, with an estimated weight of 800 pounds.
    Some accounts describe the Fouke Monster as running in a 'hunched/slouched' posture and swinging its arms in a similar fashion to a monkey. Reports also describe it as having a terrible odor and as having bright red eyes, about the size of silver dollars.
    A variety of tracks and claw marks have been discovered which are claimed to belong to the creature. One set of foot prints reportedly measured 17 inches (430 mm) in length and 7 inches (180 mm) wide, another appeared to show that the creature only had three toes.
    The Legend of Boggy Creek
    The Legend of Boggy Creek is a 1972 documentary-style film dealing with an alleged creature known as the "Fouke Monster", a Bigfoot-like being seen in and around Fouke, Arkansas since the 1940s. The film mixes interviews with local residents who claim to have had encountered the creature with dramatic/fictitious reenactments of said encounters. Charles B. Pierce, an ad salesman from Texarkana on the Arkansas/Texas border, borrowed $160,000 from a local trucking company, used an old movie camera, and hired locals, mainly high school and college students, to make the 87 minute long film in 1972. It generated $20 million in revenue, and is now on DVD.
    The film sets out to question the existence of the Fouke Monster, a creature that is reportedly seen mainly by hunters and ranchers. It is over 8 feet tall with a slender build and long legs and arms. It is completely covered in hair and has three toes on its feet, as indicated by tracks seen in a creek bank.
    Several locals from the small town of Fouke, Arkansas recall their stories, often appearing as themselves. In one scene, a police officer states that it crossed a road in front of him at 30-35 mph, in another, the creature attacks some people in a house; they fire on it, but it sends one of them to the hospital. In another scene, hunters attempt to chase the creature with dogs, but the dogs refuse to go after it. In other scenes, the narrator states that people have shot at it, incl. that a juvenile had shot at it. They claimed that the creature has killed 500lb-600lb hogs, deer, other animals and had eaten them. In a close up scene, a kitten is shown as being killed by the monster. In the end, the creature escapes all attempts to hunt it, and locals debate over whether it is dead, or still out there.




  24. Giant Brown Recluse Spider by Genkicoll

    The Giant Brown Recluse Spider, scientifically named Loxosceles reclusa, live in large colonies. As opposed to most spiders who have 8 eyes, the brown recluse has 6 eyes arranged in pairs - one pair in front and a pair on either side.
    These enormous cousins of "fiddleback" spiders feed mostly on creatures that have passed on naturally, scavenging at night. They prefer seclusion, and often retreat to dark places during the day.
    Does not require a shelter, but will be happy with the rock cave if you decide you want it in the exhibit.
    This spider is compatible with Jane's Autumn Alm, the foliage items in Catfish's Halloween Pack and all of the foliage in Catfish's Autumn foliage pack. Also shown in the screenshot are some items from Brandi's Toadstool Forest Pack.
    Many thanks to those who helped test this, and to Jay for his patience.




  25. Green Sea Lion by Ape

    Made in honor of Greenseal, one of our special members! Part of the Member Animal Pack by Ape.
    Member animal pack suggested by Arborius.




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