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About This File

Floral-themed building, path, pond, an arch and aquatic foliage.


This pack contains a working Botanical Garden building, a garden path, several aquatic plants (which can be used on land as well), an arch to match the building, a koi pond garden and a flowering bush.

Thanks to Colleen for the help with the building and for Devona letting me use her pond as a base.

Includes a combined ztd file and a folder of the individual ztd files. If you are using the combined ztd, you will not need to have the separate ztds in your game.

Requires Phoenix Lang dll dated July 5, 2009 or after.



File was originally added on 07 July 2009 for all game versions.


Updated: July 9, 2009 to include the separate Botanical Garden ztd, and to replace the .png image with a .jpg.


Updated March 1, 2025 through March 4, 2025 by Cricket and Jay:

Some files were renamed to remove personal notes. 

Files were "cleaned up" (unneeded files and configuration lines were removed, a few typos corrected, animation speeds made consistent, etc).

Order for 2 pond views were corrected.

Use ZT's extra frame format for the pond and botanical garden to make them smaller.

Use better compression method to enhance the graphics and other files.


These are just highlights of what was updated.  When you click on the Download this file button, you will see two files.  One includes the actual pack.  One includes a text file with all of the specific update notes.

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