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I'm getting ready to do the Revitalize Burkitsville Zoo Scenario for ZT:CC and would like to know how many zookeepers and Maintenenece Workers does everyone think I need for 8 species?



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If you have two exhibits very close together and the gates are close, or you can build them so the gate to one actually leads into another exhibit, you can easily get away with 4 zookeepers. If the exhibits are small and you can get three together, one zookeeper might be able to keep all three exhibits clean. If I remember correctly, the paths and existing objects make it hard to put then together like that. But I think they are close enough to have a keeper manage two or exhibits. If you only let it run a little while, you might be able to get away with just two zookeepers, but it would be a stretch, they do love to wander so much. One maintanence man should be enough for that small area.


This zoos layout is easily changed - don't feel bad about changing paths to make things easier on you!


You can have one zookeeper take care of 4 exhibits if you can get the 4 entrances fairly close to each other. Also - you can make the exhibits smaller than 100 squares - many animals will be just as happy. Even 50 or less!


You can also pick up your keepers (yeah, it's a pain) and set them near the poo.


This Scenario requires you to fix it up and all the fences are all different types. I've made them all Iron Bar because I don't want my Chimps to escape, but is this fencing too expensive? What should I use with which animals?I had six months left and was in and out of the red and I had a whole bunch of Chimps and they just kept saying their exhibit wasn't big enough for the number of animals it holds. I had like six or seven even though in this scenario, the game doesn't say Chimp 2, I had like two Chimp 1's instead. Same with my Gemsbok. Two No. 1's.

and a No. 3.




If an animal is present in a scenario, and you acquire a new animal of the same type (or a baby is born), it will begin numbering them 1, 2 and so on. Doesn't matter how many there are to start with. So if it bothers or confuses you, just name them!


Same goes for zoo workers.


Are you keeping the cages as they are? They are too small for most animals - just delete them completely if you like.


For climbing critters: Concrete, concrete & plexiglass or iron bar is needed. The rest can be climbed out of. Utilize the outer zoo wall as much as possible - it will never go bad, and they can not be climbed over. A zoo corner is good for Chimps if you are low on money.


Check the tutorials on making money!


If you don't use the money cheat - first thing to do is get one exhibit at 99% suitability. Gets you $15K. You can recycle a few items out of it to get some $ back. It will drop but the animal will be OK.




Well, obviously, Iron Bar is too expensive and Chain Link won't work for the chimps, too weak, the official site says to get rid of the Concrete and Plexiglass fences for the exhibits, so maybe one of the Reinforced Fences. I'll just have to keep trying I guess. No, I'm not keeping them as they are, I'm expanding them save for the Bengal Tiger's exhibit. That's what the official site said to do. I'm also sharing fence sides to save money where I can. The chimps and Gemsbok are near each other.






But Kim if you make a monkey island surrounded with water the chainlink fence wiil work

Guest Zookreeper

I regularly use one zookeeper for every two exhibits. In this scenario you really need to rebuild the zoo so don't be too concerned as to what you have because you will be rebuilding it anyway.Bulldoze everything you don't need, increase the size of all the exhibits and fix the terrain in each. Then as you earn more money spend it on attractions to make money. Use that to expand your zoo. BTW you can charge double what the game sets as prices without guest complaints. As far as the Chimps go you only need to have four for them to be happy. Only keep what you need for animals in the beginning. If you can afford more later then get them. As for fences I would use the iron bar for climbers and large animals. Chain link is ok for most other animals, but the post and rail fence lasts longer. Good luck!!


Two key things to remember in scenarios the first time around:


Don't read more into the directions than what is there. If they say you need 5 animals - that's what you need. You do not need 5 pairs, nor 5 different ones. If they say 5 different species, then you need 5 different ones, but you do not need 5 pairs. While some animals may say they would like more of their own type, many will be suitably happy enough alone. Once you learn the game better, you can redo them and give yourself harder objectives.


Not all animals need a 100 square exhibit! Some can go in exhibits as small as 10 to 20 squares. Of course they look a little dorky......




I use the Superfence hack - they're not free but they don't break down. There's a Free Fence hack too. But those are compromise you'll decide whether to use or not. Just depends on how much of a challenge you want in the scenarios.


With the water moat method you also need to factor in the price of the water. Plus you do not always get to share walls.


Two 10x 10 exhibits using Plexiglas. $6000




Two 10 x 10 exhibits using chain link $3500 plus $1230 for water= $4730 Leave one square for keeper entry (shown in white). The same in post and rail costs $5730.




Next to the white tile you need one more otherwise zookeeper can't make it to the gate

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