39 files
AQ Forest Buildings by Atlantean Queen
By Cricket
Camp Vending Machine: (far left bld) - gift shop
Campers can get those essential but often forgotten items needed to enjoy the outdoors in comfort."
Sells: Animal Print Sunglasses, Bug Spray, Suntan Lotion
Get Around Shoppe: (centre bld) - attraction
Description : Here guests can rent baby carriages, walkers, blades, wheelchairs, etc.; as well as get info on changing rooms, bathrooms, rest and picnic areas.
Camp Center: (far right bld) - attraction
Even the hardiest of campers appreciate some amenities, including a restroom and a nice place to sit. Guests go there for bathroom, energy
**Note: These require lang--TKZTUFcombin.dll date 6 Nov 06 or later
Originally released : Nov 12, 2006 at Zoo Tycoon Unleashed
Updated 12 July 2015 by fern "to get around a problem that MM and CC have that can cause more in-game objects to be made available sooner than expected".
Bug spray icon, all rotations and configuring by fern. All other graphics AQ.
Current ztd dates: 12 July 2015
Arboreal Buildings by ZZ, Genki and Fern
By Cricket
Ever wanted buildings that hide away in the trees? Well, now you have a couple! They each only take up one tile.
Treehouse Cafe - Sells: Apple Juice; BBQ Branches; Cinnamon Cake; Orange Juice; Pine Nut Salad
Arboreal Gifts - Sells: Bottle Of Arboreal Willow Bark; Bronzed Maple Leaf Pendant; Crows Nest; Petrified Egg; Remote-Controlled Hummingbird
Requires Lang Fern Tek DLL dated 22 Dec 09 or later
Updated by Cricket on August 30, 2022:
-Purchase Cost and Upkeep values were adjusted to match the rest of Z.Z.s buildings.
-Buildings were made moveable.
-The .ai files were converted to .ucb files
Black Configured Doors by Truly_happy
By Cricket
Based on Genkicol's original configured doors, these new doors by Truly_happy can turn almost anything into a restaurant, family restroom or gift shop.
There are three doors in this download pack: a restaurant, a gift shop and a family-sized bathroom. All use the same image of an elegant black door but each has a different catalog thumbnail which indicates the door's specific function. The zipped file contains both individual .ztd's and a combined .ztd.
Important!* To improve the flexibility of placement, the graphic has been shifted a half-tile off of the actual 2x1 footprint. I strongly recommend you refer to this guide to avoid issues: A Guide on Placing TH's Configured Doors
Cricket, Fern, Genkicol, and many others - inspiration and all things technical
- gift shop
- family restroom
- (and 1 more)
Brick Buildings by Genki
By Cricket
Brick Buildings by Genkicoll
Seven brick-themed buildings, including 2 restaurants, two attractions, two bathrooms and a zoo information center.
Animal Adoption and Education Center
Guests will enjoy visiting this building for opportunities to learn about animals and their adoption. Some will visit just for fun and others to gain one of the unique certificates and gifts on offer.
Zoology Education Center
In the Zoology Education Center, guests will enjoy learning about zookeeper duties, as well as the relationships between zookeepers and the animals they care for. Some guests will visit just for fun, and others to gain one of the gifts that the center offers.
Brick Brown and Red Restaurant
Serves Benden wine, grilled chicken, prime rib, veggie lasagna, and chocolate torte as dessert.
Brick Red Restaurant
Hibiscus tea, veggie lasagna, a hummus and pita bread platter, moussaka bechamel (layered ground beef meal with a salad), and chocolate torte as dessert.
Zoo Information Center
This shop sells several handy items, including a zoo map.
Small Bathroom and Family-sized Bathroom
These bathrooms use in-game IDs, which means that if you rotate the zoo map or the menu, your selection will hop to the in-game bathroom. Simply re-select the bathroom you want to place.
Requires both the Phoenix Lang dll (dated June 11, 2009 or after) and the Lang Fern Tek dll to work properly in-game.
Includes both separate ztds and a combined ztd. If you are using the combined ztd, you will not need to have the separate ztds in your game.
Updated by Cricket on March 3, 2023:
Single files were put in a .zip file so they are separate from the combined .ztd file. Otherwise, the combined .ztd is difficult to distinguish from the others.
Candy Land Building Pack by CristiJaberJaws
By Guest
Candy Land Building Pack by CristiJaberJaws
Programmed by Bigcatkeeper
Funny buildings with everything you need to make your day at the Zoo Perfect
All images are from RCT2.
Big thanks to DragonLord for all his wonderful rotations; Bigcatkeeper for his wonderful programing, help with icon images and the dll file; Catfish for all his wonderful icons; LawebTek for his help with all his wonderful icons and to Brandi and Jan for their support and inspiration.
Cavern Cafe and Gifts by Z.Z.
By Cricket
ZZ - Buildings - Cavern Cafe and Gifts
Your guests will be delighted by the stalactites and stalagmites that surround them inside the Caverns as they dine and shop for souvenirs.
Cavern Cafe serves a steak combo meal.
Cavern Gifts sells the in-game coloring book, t-shirt, plastic animal and stuffed panda.
Updated by Cricket on February 16, 2023:
The Cavern Cafe was missing a config file for the menu item. This is now fixed. Thanks to Fern for noticing this!
Celestial Cafe and Gifts by Z.Z.
By Cricket
These beautiful buildings are portals to the most famous restaurant and gift shop in the universe!
They are 1-tile buildings that will satisfy guest needs.
Celestial Cafe sells the following food items:
Anathian Mixleplix
Celestial Martini
Orion Kale Flowers
Salarian Tea
Celestial Gifts sells the following gift items:
Baldorian Gemstone
Dranic Dragon Sculpture
Galactic Candle
Lamarian Tribble
Xanthian Rose Brooch
These working buildings need the latest version of the LANG--fern_Tek.dll language file.
Updated by Cricket on August 30, 2022:
Upkeep values were adjusted to match the rest of Z.Z.s buildings.
Chicken Coup Cafe by SavyKet
By Savannahjan
Guests will love the primitive ambience of the Chicken Coup Cafe. Tip: Watch your step!
Rescued from the Tek 12 Halloween & Fall pack.
Colour Coded Buildings 1 by CDL (Coeur de lion)
By Guest
Set of four colour-coded animal houses, Fishy Fun, Marsupial Madness, Reptile Rampage and Rodents Retreat, fit nicely into a corner on their own or join them together for a different look.
Many thanks to Fern for programming and the exceptionally hard rotations
Yes, the legends are true. These buildings do in fact exist and now at last they are yours to use. A set of four buildings designed to fit into corners, the added advantage being that they also slot together.
Rodent Retreat - Red
Reptile Rampage - Green
Marsupial Madness - Orange
Fishy Fun Aquarium - Blue
Let your guests enjoy the wonder of these creatures.
Requires LANG--fern-Tek.dll
Colour Coded Buildings 2 by CDL (Coeur de lion)
By Cricket
Yes, the legends are true. These buildings do in fact exist and now at last they are yours to use. Another set of four buildings designed to fit into corners, the added advantage being that they also slot together.
These also meld with the other colour coded set, giving you 8 colours now to choose from.
4 new animal attractions
Totally Batty
Lemurs Lounge
Meerkat Mansion
Penguin Palace
Requires Lang Fern Tek DLL dated 22 Dec 2009 or later
Graphics, names and ztd creation - CDL
Configuring, rotations, tooltips/guest thoughts - fern
Colour Coded Buildings 3 by CDL (Coeur de lion)
By Cricket
Yes, the legends are true. These buildings do in fact exist and now at last they are yours to use. Another set of four buildings designed to fit into corners, the added advantage being that they also slot together.
These also meld with the other colour coded set, giving you 12 colours now to choose from.
4 new animal attractions
Arachnid Antics
Crustacean Cove
Nocturnal Nook
Sensational Scorpions
Requires Lang Fern Tek DLL dated Dec 2010 or later
Graphics, names and ztd creation - CDL
Configuring, rotations - fern
Tooltips/guest thoughts - fern, Jay and Dr. Rick
Colour Coded Buildings 4 by CDL (Coeur de lion)
By Fern
Colour Coded Buildings 4 by CDL
Graphics by CDL and configuring by fern
Requires LANG--Fern-Tek.dll
These also meld with the other colour coded set, giving you more colours now to choose from.
4 new animal attractions
Beetlemania, Flutterby Festival, Outstanding Owls, Sneaky Serpents
Colour Coded Buildings 5 by CDL (Coeur de lion)
By Fern
Colour Coded Buildings 5 by CDL
Graphics by CDL and configuring by fern
Requires LANG--Fern-Tek.dll
These also meld with the other colour coded set, giving you more colours now to choose from.
4 new animal attractions
Marmoset Forest, Ray Of Sunshine, Skunkalicious, Terrapin Pond
Colour Coded Buildings 6 by CDL (Coeur de lion)
By Fern
Colour Coded Buildings 6 by CDL
Graphics by CDL and configuring by fern
Requires LANG--Fern-Tek.dll dated December 18, 2017 or later.
These also meld with the other colour coded set, giving you more colours now to choose from.
4 new animal attractions
Firehawke's Frogs, Leaping Lizards, Otterly Awesome, Pukkie's Pandamonium
Colour Coded Buildings Combined by CDL
By Fern
Colour Coded Buildings Combined by CDL
Graphics by CDL, configured by fern
All of the colour coded buildings in one file:
Colour Coded buildings: Rodent Retreat, Reptile Rampage, Marsupial Madness, Fishy Fun Aquarium
Coloured Coded Buildings 2: Totally Batty, Lemurs Lounge, Meerkat Mansion, Penguin Palace,
Colour Coded Buildings 3: Arachnid Antics, Crustacean Cove, Nocturnal Nook, Sensational Scorpions
Colour Coded Buildings 4: Beetlemania, Flutterby Festival, Outstanding Owls, Sneaky Serpents
Colour Coded Buildings 5: Marmoset Forest, Ray Of Sunshine, Skunkalicious, Terrapin Pond
Colour Coded Buildings 6: Firehawke's Frogs, Leaping Lizards, Otterly Awesome, Pukkie's Pandamonium
Requires LANG--Fern-Tek.dll dated 18 December 2017 or later
Configured Doors & Signs by Genkicoll
By Guest
Create your own working buildings with these configured doors.
Start by creating your own building using the terrain tools, fences, pre-made walls (such as the brick walls or wooden slat walls) and roofs (or try a path in place of one of the pre-made roofs).
Place one of the configured doors against your building to make it a working restaurant, bathroom or gift shop! If you like, add one of the small signs (found in the scenery menu) outside to let your guests know what kind of building they're entering. The signs are walkable, so you don't have to worry about trapping guests in your new buildings.
Each type of door is configured to match the in-game equivalent:
The restaurant door holds 12 guests and serves the same fare as the in-game family restaurant. It will take care of guests' hunger, bathroom, energy and drink needs.
The family restroom door holds 8 guests.
The gift shop door holds 10 guests and sells the same items the original Zoo Tycoon gift shop sells.
*NOTE: Because these doors are linked to the in-game IDs, you will not need to download an updated lang.dll. For the same reason, if you rotate the zoo map or rotate the purchase menu, your selection (in the purchase menu) will hop to the in-game bathroom (or restaurant or gift shop). Simply re-select the door you want to place.
Country House Gift Shop by SavyKet
By Savannahjan
Stop in and browse the Country House Gift Shop. The store features gifts and novelties for zoo guests of all ages.
Rescued from the Tek 12 Halloween and Fall pack.
Deepwood Castle Buildings by Genki
By Cricket
Made to compliment the castle pack by Genkicoll, this pack contains 2 buildings:
Deepwood Castle Diner - Triple Chocolate Torte; Grilled Chicken Meal; Prime Rib Meal; Vegetable Lasagna
Deepwood Castle Gift Shoppe - Sells: Bauble; Jeweled Crown; Goblet; Matching Rings; Medieval Armored Horse
Requires LANG Fern tek DLL dated June 23, 2007 or later, which can be found in the Hacks & Utilities section of the Downloads at ZooTek Phoenix.
Graphics by Genkicoll; Rotations and configuring by Fern.
Note: Included in Dragon Riders Medieval Items Combined
- diner
- restaurant
- (and 2 more)
Divas Dive and Delve by CDL (Coeur de lion)
By Cricket
These two buildings are the wonderful creations of CDL. They are both aquatic themed and will make great additions to your zoos.
Diva's Delve (gift shop) -Sells: Coral Reef Painting; Stuffed Dolphin; Lighthouse Salt and Pepper Shakers; Model Yacht; Treasure Chest Picnic Basket
Diva's Dive (restaurant) - Sells: Brandi's Breaded Plaice; Cdl's Seafood Platter; Cristi's Calamari; Diva's Divine Cocktail; Jan's Jellied Eels
Icons by Brandi. Rotations and programming by Fern and Jay.
This building needs the LANG--fern-Tek.dll
Updated January 13-14, 2022 by fern and Jay to not unlock more things than expected, to position sold items in the way that ZT does, and to provide both individual ztd files and a combined ztd file.
Door Collection by Truly_Happy
By Truly_happy
Door Collection by Truly_Happy
This is a collection of 9 configured door sets. Each door set contains a family bathroom, gift shop and restaurant. Enjoy!
Note: These doors were designed to be placed either flush against a wall or against a building that is set back a ways. Since placement can be tricky, all buildings are moveable. For the family bathroom, you will not see the "hand" that tells you it can be moved. However, if you double-click on it, it can indeed be moved.
First Aid Stand by LAwebTek
By Cricket
Guests will enjoy being able to go to first aid when they need medical attention from that nasty lion bite.
Sells bandaids to guests and replenishes energy.
Rotation fix by Dragon.
Forest Animals Petting Zoo by Zoo Tek Design Team
By Guest
This small petting zoo is perfect for getting up close and personal with the small animals you see in a forest setting.
Thank you Ghirin for the images and Fern and Jay for programming.
Requires LANG--fern-Tek.dll
Fossil Digs by ZZ and Blue Fang
By Z.Z.
Fossil Digs by ZZ and Blue Fang
APE has a scenery building named Dino Dig designed by Blue Fang, so I used it to make four Fossil Digs, one for each season of the year.
They are free attractions that satisfy all guests needs except Gift.
Lizard House by Z.Z.
By Z.Z.
The Lizard House was created from Blue Fangs Beta Reptile House (scenery only building).
I reworked the art for the base and added more greenery so it looks pretty, and made it a Free Attraction.
It satisfies guests bathroom, energy, and fun needs.
Enjoy! :D
*** This file requires the latest version of LANG--ZooTek.dll, which can be found here:
LANG--ZooTek.dll ... Zoo Tek Language File
Matsu's Teppan Restaurant by Z.Z.
By Cricket
ZZs Buildings – Matsu’s Teppan Restaurant
A neutral-toned Japanese restaurant to go with the in-game Japanese Garden.
A 3x3 tile building with the entrance in the center front of the building.
Enjoy! :D