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1 hour ago, joesquad117 said:

@Vondell - Is this filter a reskin of the ingame filter?

that one I custom modeled in Blender, so it's new parts. that was before I knew filters are always programmed to take up a full square tile. If I make another one it'd be the same size as the ingame one.





also, the animal I'm working on now I mentioned earlier is the american beaver. I'm using the zoo tycoon 2 3D model inside my blender workspace for rendering ZT1 images. if all goes as planned it will be part of a set that includes a modular dam and a lodge shelter that can be either underwater in a tank or on terrain water's surface.


beaver_set0001.png.ad4251241d71dd0618fec369e9c8db3b.png  5a0b5b8503ded_beaverdam2.png.60e798e6d477c7de97d535ef182f9e46.png





I've been hoping to get it rigged and animated and configured before this year's up, but I think it's gonna go over into next year. a lot of work goes into animals with new graphics. but it's pretty enjoyable work, so it's worth it to me to take the time. I'm also working on a few more things little by little, as usual. here's some previews of things to come.


some of my other files will be available by the end of the year as part of a special release event.




   preview_four_aspen_set_black.png.bc46fe6b48e2948ffa946c799dbae914.pngs2.gif.fe71a51cad24d5756626f3405a0249bf.gif  z2.gif.1b95ebc8d9a808635576975b55ca3f88.gif 5a0b5d0bddf85_cr1.png.50bb94f25cb64b18b492dfcb2561e53a.png








  • Love 1

Oh those are marvelous!

I love the beaver and the trees!



I love the beaver and I like combined land/tank exhibits.  I don't usually like fall decor, but those trees are beautiful - the wind movement and falling leaves, fantastic!  I'm drooling.

On 10/15/2017 at 1:38 AM, jbl89 said:

Also, if anyone's interested, I got the filter above working, but it's on 2x2 (so full square) instead.

I would be interested in that filter, please.


Vondell anything you come up with is exciting!!!!:runcirclsmiley2::cheerleader:


This stuff is all fantastic! Honestly, there are very few models from ZT2 that I think would make good ZT1 mods, and after just this one sneak peek, I think the beaver is definitely one of them. 


Neato! The aspens look splendid!


For the beaver, have you tested my rendering script? It will render out all actions for all angles at one click, and optionally convert them to ZT1 graphics afterwards.

I see you're using cycles render (my script uses blender internal), which to me feels lik a bit of overkill for the purpose of rendering tiny sprites, at least for textured animals. It does indeed make sense for objects without built-in shading.

22 hours ago, HeatherL said:

I would be interested in that filter, please.

Not sure whether Vondell would like it that way, since he talked about a potential redesign.

Very much looking forward to the Beaver! I also like the falling trees. Just a little detail, but it makes ZT1 much more lively. Kind of wondering why it wasn't like this in the original game. Probably because they thought computers weren't performative enough back then?


Also like the school bus and zoo van.


Curious about the other things as well, they still seem so mysterious right now.


oh, yeah -- feel free to share your most recent configuration of the filter.

actually, i don't officially know what our policy about sharing unreleased downloads or if we have a formal one. but -- just as a reminder to everyone, remember to test anything that hasn't gone through the downloads testing process individually after downloading any, just in case there are version incompatibilities or other bugs that might have not been accounted for. (for example, all the collected unreleased or WIP files i've linked to in this thread are made with Complete Collection, so there might be incompatibilities if you're running the base game or just DD.)


that said, my personal standard is that anything I share here, everyone's free to modify or incorporate into other projects or build from, including for other submissions. just make a note of where the graphics/etc come from if you end up releasing something. i think game modding is a really uniquely fun kind of collaborative space so i'm always open to that.


also, yeah, re: why they might not have animated trees: i figure they didn't consider using so much processing power for decorative items that would appear so frequently, considering peoples' hardware at the time. now most people are probably playing on machines with resources that wouldn't sweat it.

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