Fantastic Creatures
78 files
Nihon Unicorn by Jordan
By Guest
The Nihon Unicorn, which literally translates to "Japanese Unicorn", is found primarily in the woodland hills of Honshu, Japan. When first discovered, they were thought to be mystical, otherworldly beings that would bring fortune on those that managed to view them. They are still sought out by those that revere them, hence they have become very comfortable with the presence of man. This fact, along with their inherent beauty has made them them a highly-prized animal to have in zoos worldwide. Idea by Genki.
Padfoot by Ghirin
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Author: Ghirin
Padfoot should never be approached because it is a dangerous creature.
Padfoot is a monster found in Yorkshire, England that inhabits the moors around Leeds. It is variously described as a shaggy sheep, white dog, or large black donkey with large glaring eyes. It makes its presence known by the soft, eerie padding behind its victim. The padding sound may be accompanied by roaring or the sound of chains.
Like other bogey creatures, Padfoot must never be struck at or approached or disaster will befall the attacker.
Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, Rose, 2000.
Created by Ghirin 2003
UPDATED August 3, 2009 by genki to fix the following:
- Cleaned up file
- Made corrections to the .uca to fix warnings and errors that were coming up on the .uca checker
- Animal will now swim on water terrain.
Update 8 August 2013 is to add the above August 2009 update info here
Pard by Ghirin
By Guest
Author: Ghirin
Pards are large, spotted felines from European mythology.
The pard is a mythological large cat that was once thought to be one of the parents of the leopard.
In Andre Norton's book, The Jargoon Pard, the pard symbolizes Brown Magic, the magic of animals.
Created by Ghirin 2005
Pern Dragons by Dragon Riders
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Inspired by the Dragonriders series by Anne McCaffrey, this download contains three ztd files: Gold Dragon (with Bronze male and brown young), Green Dragon (with Blue male and blue-green young) and Ruth, the White Dragon.
The Dragons of Pern
Starting with the planet's fire lizards, the Pernese Dragon was genetically engineered to be large enough to carry a person on its back. This was so that they could fly and burn "thread", spores from the erratic Red Star, from the skies before it reached the earth and destroyed everything it touched. These dragons form a lifelong telepathic bond with one person, thenceforth their rider, at the moment they hatch.
There are five colors of dragons on Pern. Gold queen, bronze male, brown male, green female and blue male.
Pern Gold (and Bronze and Brown) Dragon
The golden queen is the dominant ruler of the species. She only mates with the dragon that is clever or quick enough to catch her during the mating flight. Usually, only the bronze, largest of the males, meets these requirements. There was one case of a brown that might have been large and strong enough to last through the exhausting flight, but the queen tragically died before the flight could take place.
Pern Green (and Blue) Dragon
The Green females are normally unable to reproduce, as the chewing of firestone - needed in order to produce the flame they use to scorch thread - renders them infertile. Since the final passing of the Red Star, however, the greens that do not chew firestone have started producing small clutches. Greens are only able to produce the "lesser" green, blue and brown dragons - they cannot produce bronzes or golds.
Pern White Dragon, Ruth
In all of Pernese history, only one white dragon has ever been produced - Ruth, the White Dragon. Ruth is special in many ways, not the least of which is his unusual coloration. In the certain lighting, one can see that Ruth actually sparkles with all of the dragons' colors.
Ruth was hatched under unusual circumstances. All dragons are born by shattering their shells from the inside. In Ruth's case, however, his shell was tough and thick, and the little dragon was unable to break free on his own. Unable to stand watching the little egg and the fruitless struggles of it's inhabitant, a future Lord Holder jumped to the hatching grounds and beat the egg to crack the shell, then cut the sac inside to free the little dragon. Impression between the two was immediate. This was the first time that a Lord Holder had ever impressed, and a great blow to Jaxom's guardian, Lytol.
While Ruth is the most intelligent - and most unique - dragon Pern has ever known, he is also "stunted". Never having fully matured, Ruth is unable to reproduce.
Pernese Dragons are carnivorous, preferring nice fat wherries or herdbeasts, but will take any meat offered to them.
*Original Red Dragon graphics by Lehner. Thank you very much for allowing us to use your graphics, Lehner!
Phantom Cat by Ghirin
By Guest
The Phantom Cat was a monstrous feline from the legends of Japan. It was a large creature that demanded the sacrifice of a virgin every year in its lair on the island of Oki. The Phantom cat was eventually killed by a brave knight and his dog.
Giants, Monsters, and Dragons, Rose, 2000.
Created by Ghirin 2003
Pink Panther (ZTU) by Gemma
By Fern
Pink Panther (ZTU)
Author : Gemma
Originally released: June 2002
Compatibility : All Game Versions
Description : Part of the ZTU Collection, made by Gemma.
This is a different version of the one from Krimmsun. It was made to resemble "the Pink Panther" from the cartoon.
Updated 8 January 2013 by JohnT and Jay
The ZTU Pink Panther was updated to not crash when used in a non-English Zoo Tycoon, to add sounds for when it is picked up or put down, to add the preferred foliage tooltip for the female and young, to make its configuration more efficient, and to remove unused files.
Rainbow Unicorn by Genkicoll
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These Rainbow Unicorns have been raised in captivity, and are thus very comfortable with humans. They are not shy, and unlike many unicorns, are very social creatures.
The unicorn's name comes from two Latin words, and means "one horn." Rainbow Unicorns today are somewhat rare in the wild. Historically, unicorns have been found throughout the world, with sub-species existing in China, Tibet, Japan, India, Europe and the Middle East.
The unicorn's horn is both the source of its mystique and the reason this animal is scarce in the wild today. Even more than the horn of the rhinoceros, the unicorn's horn is valued by collectors for its alleged mystical powers and healing properties. Due to the long-standing belief that it can detect and neutralize poison, drinking vessels made from the unicorn's horn were greatly prized during the Middle Ages. The horn also came to symbolize medicine, as it was attributed with the power to cure a number of ailments, including stomach problems, scurvy, dropsy, epilepsy and even depression.
This animal is fully compatible with the in-game unicorn, but there are a few small differences that should make it more enjoyable to play with: They do not have to have a shelter, but will be perfectly happy to have one in the exhibit (ignore the message that says there are too many shelters in the exhibit, they still like them ). They will like exhibit-neutral items such as user-made foliage, and they have longer life-spans than the in-game unicorn.
Ratbag's Unleashed Party Tiger
By Fern
Author: Ratbag OZ
The Party tiger wil rock your zoo! It bops, moonwalks and breakdances, it will brighten up your zoo with it's wild disco colours, and enjoys being in a large crowd!
Please enjoy this download, as I enjoyed creating it for you
“I made them hard to breed on purpose, for a challenge. I did this by setting the reproduction chance to low, the frequency to extremely low, the happiness threshold to high, and the baby-adult time to very long. They will still breed after all this, it's just not the easiest thing is all. But that's the way I wanted it”
Originally released at ZTUF 2007
Updated 11 June 2018 to correct LCID so it will not crash non-English games.
Red Worg by Ghirin
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Red Worg
Author: Ghirin
In the World of Warcraft, red worgs roam the Burning Steppes of Azeroth. These wolf-like animals prefer desert habitats.
Created by Ghirin 2005
Savannah Gold Winged Dragon by Ghirin
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Savannah Gold-Wing Dragon by Ghirin
The gold-wing dragons comprise a family of dragons with 2 main characteristics: large gold-colored wings and a metamorphic life cycle.
The adults are draconic in form and have the ability to fly while the young are wingless and resemble gray monitor lizards.
The savannah gold-wing has a body color of rich, glistening brown and is native to the tropical grasslands of eastern and southern Africa. It lives in small family groups
Sea Breeze Unicorn by Jordan
By Guest
The Sea Breeze Unicorn is a shy, but friendly animal that lives in coastal, wooded areas. Legend says that these unicorns were once sea-bound creatures, whose light footsteps allowed them to run across the water. Sailors in the North Atlantic would claim to have seen herds of hundreds of them running across the sea and called them the "steeds of Poseidon". (He was the god of horses too!) But more recently, these peaceful creatures were driven from the ocean by the deadly Kraken. Although they have adapted to life on land, they still love the ocean and prefer to remain close to it.
Idea by Genki.
Sehite by Ghirin
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Author: Ghirin
The Sehite is a hairy, bipedal dwarf-like creature from the Ivory Coast in West Africa. It has reddish-brown hair and a human-like face.
The Sehite is thought to bring bad luck to a person who sees one.
*Inspired by the Zoo Tycoon Brains Trust (
Created by Ghirin 2003
Selkie by Ghirin
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Author: Ghirin
Selkies are the seal people of the Orkney and Shetland Islands off the coast of Britain.
Selkies are shy marine creatures that resemble seals. Female selkies are able to shed their skins and walk on the land in the form of human females. Male selkies are able to cause storms and sink ships.
Created by Ghirin 2004
Shunka Warak by Ghirin
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Shunka Warak by Ghirin
The Shunka Warak'in ("Carries Off Dogs" in the Ioway language) is a cryptid from the North American Great Plains.
It resembles a hyena, a wolf, or a combination of both. The fur color has been reported to be black or dark red.
While the Shunka Warak'in might be based on a real animal, it is also associated with evil spirits such as skinwalkers.
Updated August 18, 2018 by Cricket so that screenshot would show up again.
Skull Isle Black Widow by Genkicoll
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Skull Island Black Widows live on Skull Island, which can be found off the coast of Sumatra. The foreboding name of the isle derives from the distinctive rocky knoll at the center of the island, which is shaped like a human skull.
This tropical island is home to many bizarre creatures, as well as those thought to be extinct by the rest of the world. In the wild of its homeland, the Skull Island black widow usually feeds on dinosaur young and unwary birds that get caught in its web. Extremely poisonous, one bite is enough to do serious damage, even to a full-grown dinosaur.
Like the domestic black widows we are familiar with, the male of the species is much smaller than the female, and lacking the distinctive red markings of the female. In contrast, however, the marking of the female is not limited to a red hourglass on the underside of her abdomen, it instead circles the entire abdomen.
These enormous arachnids will escape if not carefully monitored, so for the safety of your guests, be sure to use a sturdy fence!
Many thanks to Professor Paul for the idea ^__^
Sonoran Azure Dragon By Ghirin
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Sonoran Azure Dragon By Ghirin
The Sonoran Azure is a large blue dragon from the southwestern region of North America. Despite their great size, these dragons are rarely seen by humans.
These dragons are powerful and require strong DD fences.
Spooky Ghost by Genkicoll
By Guest
These spooky ghosts are more cute than spooky. Ghosts can be found all over the world, but these friendly spirits prefer a forest setting.
While most ghosts we hear about haunt, these simply are curious about human folk and animals, and have agreed to be "housed" in a zoo setting. They enjoy peoples' reactions to them, but sometimes like to be alone, hence the need for a shelter of some sort. Their favorite residence would be a cave or burrow, but they will like most shelters. They are absolutely fine with having almost anything added to their exhibits, so experiment! They're happy to watch you try!
As they are disembodied spirits, they do not multiply, so there are no ghost young. Likewise they will not die, but you can always ask them to leave... they might even comply!
Programmed to like both exhibit-neutral items and bad-habitat items such as buildings and statues.
Fully compatible with the Loopy Black Bat and the Mummy by Genkicoll.
Spyro The Dragon by GamerDeath
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Spyro The Dragon by GamerDeath
Spyro is my first post so please don't laugh. Thank You.
Before the game begins, the five Dragon families lived in their five Dragon Worlds in harmony. Their lives were happy and peaceful until the day a Gnorc broke the rules; Gnasty Gnorc was an unpleasant creature that the Dragons were never too fond of and in return. Gnasty resented the happy Dragon families. More than anything, he detested their beautiful, shiny jewels, which were not only nice to look at, but showed him reflections of his own ugly face every time he did so. Gnasty became such a problem that he was banished to the Dragon junkyard, the world that the Dragons weren’t too fond of but they didn’t see how well it would suit Gnasty. It suited Gnasty just fine. He renamed it Gnasty’s World as soon as he got there and overtook Gnorc Cove and Twilight Harbour. He also built his home there, as well as an industrial settlement, which he would later keep all of the stolen treasure. Gnasty began to fool around with magic spells there and after a while, he hit on the two he wanted: a giant spell to trap all Dragons in crystal as well as a potion to animate the radiant gems and turn them into an army of Gnorc soldiers and Trolls.
Spyro the dragon video game hero. My first download.
The Legend of Spyro
In the new continuity, Spyro's personality differs greatly from his past outings. Spyro is young and compassionate towards others and he is always willing to help them no matter what happens. Spyro doesn't ask for rewards and is just happy to be a big help to those in danger. He even saves Cynder from being destroyed when the area he fought her in was collapsing.
Updated September 4, 2022 by Jay to remove unnecessary files and configuration lines, to position individual frames of the animations so that they do not jump around, to make the frame counts match for the adult stand animation so that the animal does not sometimes disappear while rotating the zoo, to make the animal no longer be allowed on water since the animal would get stuck on water and since it does not have swimming, flying, or gliding animations, to make the preferred object tooltip appear for the females and young, to not allow the young to climb fences since the animations for the young are that of ZT's American Bison, to not have the animal dislike itself, to have adults always use animations that exist in the ztd, to allow dust clouds to occur when the animal catches prey, to correct sounds playing at various times, to make the purchase menu name use the same name as the ztd, and to change typos in the animal info.
Star Wars Walkers by Enemy Post
By Enemy post
This is a pack of walker "animals" from the Star Wars movies.
This pack includes the Imperial AT-AT and AT-ST, and the Republic AT-TE.
Thanks to the enormous amounts of help and resources I got from the Star Wars, Zoo Tycoon, and Age of Empires communities. In particular, thanks to Jay for major assistance with bugfixes and tweaks and for the sound effects.
Sprites taken from Star Wars:Galactic Battlegrounds.
Feel free to reupload, copy, or do whatever else you like with this.
Steppe Gold Wing Dragon by Ghirin
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Steppe Gold-Wing Dragon by Ghirin
The gold-wing dragons comprise a family of dragons with 2 main characteristics: large gold-colored wings and a metamorphic life cycle.
The adults are draconic in form and have the ability to fly while the young are wingless and resemble gray monitor lizards.
The steppe gold-wing has a body color of rich, glistening brown and is native to the temperate grasslands of Eurasia. It lives in small family groups
The Grinch by Genkicoll
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The Grinch lives just North of Who-ville. Every Who likes Christmas a lot, but the Grinch... did not.
The Grinch hates everything about Christmas, especially the noise, noise, noise! His greatest wish is to keep Christmas from coming, to hear all those Whos cry out, boo-hoo-hoo. Will the Grinch ever learn to like Christmas?
Mr. Grinch has a large belly, long fingers and is covered in green hair. His fingers and feet look longer due to the long portions of hair coming off of them. He has large, sinister black eyebrows, and deep lines on his forehead. His mouth lines are subtle when he is in a neutral mood, yet very stretched when he is happy. He has a pair of brooding, deep-set, yellow ovoid eyes with red irises. In the book, his eyes are pink with black irises, while in the movie, they are yellow with black irises. Another physical characteristic noted to change after the Grinch learns the true meaning of Christmas is his face, which in addition to the line softening mentioned above, becomes somewhat heart-shaped as he smiles broadly. A long neck is prominent, with layers of green fur coming down it. He seems to have pockets in the fur of his large stomach, as he rests his hands inside this area. With regard to posture, he is loose and can bend easily. He often walks in stealth-mode when around Whos. - Source Wikipedia
The Hand by Genkicoll
By Guest
The Hand is a disembodied arm and hand that drags itself around by the fingertips.
Sources say that The Hand was somehow animated by Dr. Frankenstein, and that it somehow escaped from its holding in Frankenstein's castle.
This creature does not truly eat or sleep, it is mindless and directionless, seeking only to exist. Hair-raising to watch, The Hand is sure to horrify and electrify your zoo guests.
This creature does not reproduce. Does not require a shelter, but will be happy with a rock cave or burrow if you decide that you want one.
Tundra Gold Wing Dragon by Ghirin
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Tundra Gold-Wing Dragon by Ghirin
The gold-wing dragons comprise a family of dragons with 2 main characteristics: large gold-colored wings and a metamorphic life cycle.
The adults are draconic in form and have the ability to fly while the young are wingless and resemble gray monitor lizards.
The tundra gold-wing dragon is native to the cold lands of the arctic and is the only member of the of the gold-wing family found in both the Old and New Worlds. It lives in small family groups.
Volcanic/Pyro Unicorn by Sundance
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Volcanic/Pyro Unicorn by Sundance
The Pyro Unicorns and Lava Zebras and love to be together, and they LOVE Volcanoes and Geysers (from Dino Digs)! works with ZT, DD, MM and CC.
Download, and enjoy!!
Made by sundance, with help from Loewenfrau.
*Note from Genki: I recommend changing the name of the .ztd from unicorn.ztd to something less likely to be overwritten, such as sdunicorn.ztd or volcanicunicorn.ztd
The Volcanic Unicorn was updated August 28, 2022 by Jay to remove unnecessary lines and files, to make the preferred object tooltip work for females and young, to make two of the sounds work, to fix several typos and spacing in the animal info, and to rename the ".ztd" to unicornBySundance300.ztd so that it no longer conflicts with other ".ztd" files of the same name (even though this animal was made before those others).
Warg by Ghirin
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Author: Ghirin
Wargs, also known as Wild Wolves, are demonic wolves found in the works of JRR Tolkien. These wolves have a language of their own and often serve as mounts for orcs.
*Inspired by the Zoo Tycoon Brains Trust at the Zoo Tek Forums.
Created by Ghirin 2005