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Guest eternalgravity


White, black, buff, blue...both a gray and a slate blue.

The buff one is irking me. The bright orange-brown one and the chocolate one are the same bird. The chocolate one refuses to lighten to the lighter color.

Wanna take a crack at it Genki. I've fought with it for several hours. XD


And I seem to have forgotten shadows. Do they really need shadows? ^^;


Also, if anyone has nice pics of buff or blue silkies I'd like to use them as the display pics. Credit will be given of course. My only buff was ugly and my blue never reached maturity (dog). I have the black and white covered.


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I'll give it a go~ You know where I am, just e-mail it to me and I'll take a look ^__^


Can hardly wait to have chickens!!!!


I don't mind the thread being moved at all. *Weee*


Oh Caddie. you must get chickens.


Check out www.feathersite.com to see all kinds of different poultry and www.backyardchickens.com for ideas on coops and any other questions you might have. :)


I never actually had silkies...lol So I will just have to wait to donate any pictures until you do a breed I had.


*Glomps everyone and bounces away*




Wheeee~ Someone else who knows what glomping is :24: I glomped Neil yesterday, and he had no idea what I was talking about :laugh: P19, do you read manga, or has that term become mainstream now?


*We now return you to your regular programming* :elkgrin:

Guest eternalgravity

Sent, have fun Genki. XP


I think it's mainstream now. Some of my non-anime friends knew about it. The nosebleed thing too.


I have TONS of pics for reference, trust me on that. Just prefer images that are not copyrighted. And it seems to common use sites have white or black silkies.


What breed pics do you have? It may just prod me to do that breed first. There's a lot of breeds and it's hard to choose.

Silkies were obvious as they're my pets. Rather dumb ones, but I love them all the same. XD


Chickens are great as long as you have the space, time, and can tolerate their crowing, danger calls, stalking, and digging up of your garden. My caged ones have a habit of not putting themselves away. Apparently they need my presence to tell them it's bedtime... Nothing like herding a flock of disgruntled chickens into their cage, at midnight. Lol.

Plus side, you have pest control, manure, eggs, and feathers. Meat if you're up to that. My chickens are pets. They're constant companions in the yard...and sometimes follow us in the house. That's a laugh. My sister even carried my former silky rooster through a flea market. They thought he was a little dog. Boy did they get a surprise.

Oh, and contrary to popular belief, the roosters crow all day. 3pm-3am, same difference to the roos. I have six right now...they have crowing contests.


I have heard of manga but that is not where I first heard the term. I first heard it several years ago when I joined the Arolos Weyr and was reading their BoD page.




I would say the term has become mainstream.



A list of my chickens...I really should have this typed up somewhere but if I do I can never find it.


Bantam - Belgian Quail d'Anvers, Silver Duckwing Old English Game, Single-combed Nankin, Black Sumatra, Black Australorp, and Salmon Faverolle


Large Fowl - Ameraucana (Blue, Black, Splash, and White), Barnevelder, Black Australorp, Brahma (Buff and Light), Cochin (Blue, Black, Splash, and Golden-laced), Dominique, Easter Egger, Java (Black, White, and Mottled), Marans (Black, Black Copper, Birchin, and Cuckoo), Partridge Welsummer, Penedesenca (Black and Crele), Red-shouldered Yokohamas, Rhode Island Reds, Salmon Faverolles, Sicilian Buttercups, Speckled Sussex, Wyandotte (Golden and Silver-laced and Blue-laced Red)


Ducks - Mallards, Fawn and White Indian Runners, and White Pekins


Geese - Brown and White Chinese


Turkeys - Black Spanish, Bourbon Red, and Eastern Wild


Gamebirds - Helmeted Guinea Fowl (Pearl, White, Lavender, Royal Purple, Buff, Slate, Chocolate, and Pied in most of those colors), Bobwhite and Cortinux Quail, and Chukar Partridge


I have pictures of almost all of the breeds - rooster, hen, chick, and some egg pictures (not complete of course but have some). A few I seem to have lost although I recently found some originals on an old disc and a hard drive from older computer. When I can get my new computer to reformat them so I can see them I'll know for sure what I have.


Only 6...lol I had at least one rooster for almost all those breeds. Some even had two or three...lol And that's not counting all the babies learning. :) I used to lay awake in the morning (4:30) and listen to them. I could pick out each rooster by his individual crow. For the most part mine weren't too bad during the day although in the early morning it was nearly deafening. Throughout the day there would be random crows unless they were trying to impress someone or they were startled by a loud noise (train, car, dog barking, etc...)


I've owned over 60 breeds in all but I didn't breed all of them. I know I had Sex-links in various colors when I was starting out as well as New Hampshire Reds, Spangled Russian Orloffs, Mille Fleur OEGB, Black-tailed White and Buff Japanese, and a few others. I was also working on a Birchin Faverolle, Red OEGB, Blue-laced Red Cochin, and something else I can't remember off the top of my head. I've always wanted to make a Blue Java and a Mottled Giant as well.

Guest eternalgravity

Well the adult white silkie is almost done in the ztd, just have to plug in the eating animations. It turned out better than I thought.

And Genki has fixed up the buff wonderfully.


A list is good. Rhode Island/Australarp shouldn't be hard, but the patterned ones we'll have to wait and see. I wouldn't mind seeing some laced wyandottes and barred rocks.


I know the difference between Aracauna and Americauna..but..what is an Easter Egger.


We did have more, but we rid ourselves of violent roosters. I had naked and bloody hens. My americauna rooster was rather violent with the hens, snap their necks while mating. Off he went.

Hens are happier (and less nekkid). I have no doubt I'll have tons more roos when the babies show their genders.


I would love to see the Twentse Chicken


Guest eternalgravity

Everything is ztd'd. Now to mess with the uca. I'll do that tomorrow. 3am and I've spent all night on the chickens. ;P


I think that coloration would be doable Pukkie. We'll see how you guys like the silkies before I start another chicken though.

I have other projects that need releasing....and some animals I need to test for a certain gal.

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