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You will have to sleep for that Dad as I am off to bed myself anytime soon (timebarrier :crybaby: ) It is scheduled for tomorrow morning after I catch up with what's been going on here while I was sleeping :elkgrin:

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Pukkie you don't have too much imagination - just the right amount! And how clever of you to find jobs for your friends before Marvin got his "Kaboom"! I don't think the arctic animals even noticed the change of scenery. By the way - did the hot chocolate make the trip ok?


Well it least the stuff to make it did LOL Including Jane :Yess_: as she is in charge of my coffee house I never let coffee come between me and my friends but my friends sure know how to make it And Jane makes the nicest coffee But I am glad she makes hot chocolate too

when you walk around snow and ice the idea of hot chocolate is such a delight. By the way my sister Meggie who likes neither as she drinks tea only convinced Jane to make tea there too Norni was real pleased when he found out when he was rescued Bet he and Meggie drank some nice tea there often

looking out of the window to see these walrusses and polar bears


With the Arctic area all finished and all friends with their closest families and my present family members (still resticted to Joelle (wolflover) and my sister Meggie got acquainted

Visions of our own private rainforest were asking to be worked out. Everyone wanted to help but i found reasons to get more friends over to assist in this process Isabel was more safe with the trashcan and sweeping although even then she somehow can be a danger to herself LOL

So that's why I brought In a friend of myself and Ruben named ZooFreak Stefan always willing to be helped and to be rescued and also Nornironer and Cricket took the flight on Marvins spaceship. He also braught in my babysister Roos with her hubby and my baby niece Anne well baby she's a one yera old LOL Meggie with her hubby Vince were very pleased to know they were safe and Roos would take care of a rainforest cafe at the end of a jungle safari experience, a walk through exhibit where you could pass Bono's Okapi's and Mandrills

Since 3 animals species in a large exhibit is a lot of work I convinced Marvin I needed two friends for the job So Bambiferret (who brought her daughter Hope along aka Supercute and a good friend to Wolflover so she was all excited as well) and Menolly were asked to take on the job So Menoly also said yes and she and her loved ones were also flown to the rescue

Nornironer thought up the idea of save observation area's where one can climb in to and watch the animals from up high It turned out to be a blast for the Martians and the earthly kids & teens


So every now and then Dad who takes good care to prepare me decent earthly meals needs a break and a treat himself and there's where my sister Roos come in

She prepares a delicious meal and me and Dad "eat out" taking a nice evening walk through the jungle safari experience Here you see us going and we noticed Professor Paul upthere in Norni's build observation treehouse So good to see it used...



These are the animals we seens and we wer just in time to see Menolly feed the animals

while Bambiferret just had groomed the baby bongo's



Ruben my son was already there ofcourse and he made it quite clear would there be tigers rescued (was that ever an issue?) he wanted to take care of them but I know Ruud wants them too Ruud is my dutch friend as well as sitehost of ZT.NL So I thought he could then take care for Siberian Tigers (he and Tigers go so well together) but between me and Marvin still dreaming of blowing up the earth was very rigid about the area's so for the time being Marvin would just NOT fly them to the rescue Obstinate little martian :wife:

So I begged Ruud to for the time being he would settle for black and clouded leopards

as Marvin was very incooperative and otherwise he and his faincee Gerda might not even make it to their weeding day (I just couldn't let that happen now could I?)

Gerda talked him into accepting the offer while I would keep on working my charms on Marvin

Hard work has been on this exhibit and here is Ruud settling in with the 2 leopard species


I have to say though my maintaining friends outdid themselves to make an exhibit for Orangutangs who were next on the list to be rescued

Gerda and Ruud are introducing Supercute to them by letting her help out and one day become their only keeper


Astrid Tijgertje (also a friend from ZT.NL) is entertaining visitors in Astrids Animatronics



Then one day Ruben bugged his new father (in his opinion a big improvement to the one he had

before)"hey dad" he said "Me and ZooFreak Stefan we have a friend on earth.. Emile He has some real time experience working in a zoo Can we take a flight with your spaceship and bring him in?" Marvin was not convinced but when Ruben said ask mom if you like she knows him too and she likes him lots too he agreed on it. So back on earth Ruben and Zoofreak Stefan informed Emile that it concerned Asian Elephants and Emile said "then we have to Bring Alex along too" (Now this Alex is not IcePenguin but Alex2010 from ZT.NL who has a thing for elephants) So me, Marvin & the boys where brainstorming as Alex wanted to have elephants as well. "What if we use elphants to have a ride on then?" Alex said. I could vision my sis Roos with baby Anne on such humongous creature and got quite enthusiastic on this great idea, so a building was set up and an exhibit was build nearby and elephants are no longer used then 2 hours in a row for they get exchanged and then rest in their enclosure.


Have you ever wanted to see Martians riding Asian Elephants? Do take a sneak peak when you are in that particular area as it is quite a funny sight to see.

We also attached a tank as these animals looooooove to swim. Vincent, Norni and Zoomeister made a walkway down to the bottom of the tank so when you walk pass there you can see them swim under water. Absolutely stunning! While walking through the exhibit Emile knowing I once hugged a Malaysian Tapir (even twice) in the Belfast zoo discussed the possibilities to have them in the same exhibit as they would get together well.

I caught up with Marvin just in time to beg him to bring 4 Malaysian Tapirs as well. Emile did not lie.

Look at them swim :wub: happily together :wub:


I think the elephants are not as intelligent as we think they are though.

You see as a huge elephant shelter was made for them to have a suitable shelter along with a natural shelterzone

and for the Tapirs Isabel risked head feet and fingers together with Vincent Meggies hubby to make a wooden shelter for the tapirs. But do you think these elephants go to their especially for them prepared shelter? No way They try to squeeze them selves in in the ones made for the tapirs if possible all 4 of them try squeeze themselves through the narrow opening :whoa: Silly beasts So far for their intelligence! :moosey2:

Here two of them come out as one alone is already too much ofcourse.

Caddienoah witnessed it all from the treehouse upthere while taking a break raking up reindeer poo.



It took a personal flight for my giant friend Gerrit to come over but we really could use more help as we were still building but things already there needed lots of maintainance as well and opposit the elephant/tapirs I wanted to have anteaters from south America.

Xerxes was the next to come together with the anteaters to Mars while Gerrit was painting the fences in a nice colour red and green.

That inspired Ashea to again place waterfountains in matching colours I tell you people this woman is so decorative it is beyond skills She is simply gifted! Me and Astrid stayed on earth while Marvin flew Xerxes and the anteaters all the way to mars to settle in. to ask OetOet (but we call him Peter) if he would like to pick some of his favourite reptiles so be a host to the Martians and to whoever entered his building to educate them all about the reptiles at display. When Marvin arrived (he had to take care of some of our kids first) we were ready to go. There was a very pretty building set up between the anteaters and the next finished exhibit. I was told Ruud came to the idea of that reptilethingie on the roof.


The next exhibit I was telling you about will have Javan Rhino's taking care by Exotic Cats whos is wating to take over the leopards exhibit by Ruud But Marvin still is reluctant to make more space for the Siberian tigers and whatever more I want

He thinks I am a whiner :moosey2: He ain't see nothing yet though I will get to the point I just have to beg and he just can't resist that.

Luckily Rhino's and Michelle (ExoticCats) made it safe and sound though


Ruben ordered Gerrit to paint these fences pink as that would look better with the pink exhibit he and the boys are making with Zoomeister to have what we all want to have on Mars: Tigers! He also often allows Exotic Cats to help him out with the tigers (now Ruud is jealous)or just she can get into the tree house when she feels like it watching the tigers play around Also atank is attached to the exhibit and it is opposite where the Malaysian tapirs and Asian elephants swim Can you imagine walking in between tigers tapirs and elephants Isn't that about any earthling's dream?




Now since Martians enter from different angles of the earthly zoo

we created more entrances to get into the rainforest area.


Next to it we builded an aviary for tropical rainforest birds and we had SavannahJan come

over from earth as she would be such a loss in my life is she was to be distructed with the globe. She also took care of birds in a zoo on earth so Marvin was easy going and even let her pick out the birds she wanted to dipplay there

Next to the Jans tropical birdhouse an exhibit was created for Jaguars

Exotic Cats wasted no time and volunteered How could we resist then?

I flew to earth with Marvin asking Misty Blue to come with us (I didn't want to give her the idea she was to be kidnapped by aliens) and to care for the rhino's So with Misty Blue and 2 jaguars we headed back Exotic Cats was thrilled to have them As I was LOL she fed them immediately to regain strength from their unusual journey


She is also taking care of the Komodo Dragon who Marvin was send for Accompanied by my brother Ernst his wife Marileen and my 3 year old niece Melissa

As Ernst& Marileen will take care of the Carnivorous plants in a special designed building for them.



While on earth Marvin found my kids dad off guard again and managed to get hold of Maninne

Maninne was very willing to go to Mars to be with her mom and her new martion sisters and brothers (think we had 3 by the time but luckily Marvin gave birth to them all :risitas6ba0:

She wanted to take care of monkeys so again the team and some others volunteers shaping an exhibit around the Ernst Carnivorous Plantsbuilding Of course that one needed to be painted in blue (yes my son likes all things pink and my girl loves all things blue lol)


So Marvin, Maninne and her aunt Wendelmoet (my fav. sis AKA Wendy) with her family

got themselves 4 gorilla's and 4 chimps and got settled in Wendelmoet who loves to cook

has a jungletemple design in her head to cook some great meals for the ones living Street Amsterdam next door and to keep a close eye on her niece Maninne


The Koi pond for decoration is looked well after by Cricket while she is doing other things maintaining the neighbourhood


This is an overview on how our Private rainforest turned out

Personally I love it :wub: and before thinking about Panda's and Siberian Tigers we first had to debate on what would be next I was hoping Savannah






This zoo is looking great! I love the story walk-through. Can't wait to see what you've convinced Marvin to save next :connie_5:

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