Version 1.0.0
While browsing on Pinterest, I found several pictures of tree-covered islands in the middle of lakes. This is my interpretation of those pictures. There is a conifer-covered island in the midst of a lake. At one end of the lake, there is a waterfall where a river empties into the lake. At the other end of the lake, the water flows into the mouth of another river. There is a dockside base-camp for exploring the lake and island. At the upper shore of the lake is a camp set up for my brother, nephew, my son and myself to relax and explore. (In real life, I would very much like to do this, but with all the problems we have had/having with our son, it makes it impossible to do so. So here I dream.) Before opening the workbench, please have the following in the Dlupdate File: These are available at Tek: Tek 10th Anniversary People Pack by Brandi
Genki's Freshwater Fences
Small Stones by Catfish
Underground Water Passage by African Rapter This is available at Zookeeper's Lounge: Flag Pack
I hope you enjoy building your zoo on this workbench.