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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/18/2023 in all areas

  1. I guess I've..... LEARNED A FEW MODDING TRICKS... hehehe
    10 points
  2. fixed the animations, "turned on" the roof lights, a few minor graphics changes. just a few small edits and it's ready for configuration i think. (this is the animation playing in zoot so graphics are close!)
    8 points
  3. It's been a while, but recently thought about getting back into ZT1 modding. Blame Khaydar and Goosifer for that. Fiddling around with trees, so have a sikang pine! If all else goes well there will be an animal to go alongside it.
    8 points
  4. Alriiiiiiight I felt like finally dipping my toes in here. I already made a Brachiosaurus mod a few days ago but the file is still pending approval.
    7 points
  5. Like I mentioned in the topic where I introduced myself, I became interested in the .zoo file format that Zoo Tycoon 1 uses. This was right after implementing support for reading several binary formats that RCT uses. And so I set about investigating the format, with the goals of 1) hacking the saves and doing interesting stuff that the game does not normally allow, and 2) import the landscape into OpenRCT2. Today, the focus is on the former. ZT1 does not include a map editor, and while you can enter developer mode to move the zoo walls a bit further towards the edge, you cannot increase the visible space and actually make your map bigger. So you’re basically stuck with a few standard sizes like 75×75 or 150×150. Or are you? The map size is actually saved in the .zoo file, as you can see when looking at via a hex editor: Now, just modifying this value will result in a crash. This is expected - the terrain data is saved in a continuous stream of mapSizeX × mapSizeY elements. So a 75×75 map contains 5625 elements, while a 150×150 map contains 22500 elements. For 233×233, we need 54289. Since I started with the Large Grassy Zoo map, which is 150×150, that thus means 54289 - 22500 = 31789 additional elements, inserted at the correct place. Note how quickly this number increases compared to map size - that’s exponential growth for you. This is not just me showing off maths though - it means quickly increasing memory usage. The map size is saved using a 32-bit integer, which has a theoretical maximum of about 2.1 billion (or 4.2 billion in certain circumstances). In practice though, testing with different map sizes has shown that 233×233 is the maximum that ZT1 will load. Anything bigger and it will freeze while attempting to load. But then, having a 233×233 map is still quite an improvement from 150×150, is it not? Here is a screenshot. You can see the original borders of the Large Grassy Zoo map and the zoo wall continuing: Zoo Tycoon 1’s extreme zoom makes it difficult to get an oversight of the size. But here is a neat trick to measure map size: use a dirt path, which costs $10 per tile and just divide by 10: (In this example, I built the path outside the zoo walls using dev mode, but even if you build it within your zoo it should be easy to see that this map is indeed 233×233.) Now, I’m sure you’re keen to try it out yourself. Well, for the low, low price of €49,95... nah, just kidding. Here it is. enlarged5c.zoo
    7 points
  6. Spring gift for you all: Better late than never, Bug Mayhem mini pack now available in the link at my signature: Contents: Meganeura Pulmonoscorpius Archaeopteris Water placeable foliage Compatible with Khaydar's Arthropleura Animal sounds from Pokemon games. Hope you enjoy them!
    7 points
  7. So here is that oarfish, I release the rest of the pack (Pelagic Pacific) in a month or two (depends how much time I´ll have and if won´t get sidetracked by making something else... As happens to me often). I also made coastal wolf. Animals: Oarfish (I´ve already posted the pic) Coastal wolf Compatibility: Oarfish: I don´t remember. Find out and write me here! Coastal Wolf: my Haida Gwaii Black Bear Enjoy! coastal wolf.ztd oarfish.ZTD
    7 points
  8. UFO progress shots: - Added a dirt patch - Tried making it slightly bigger so that the biggest guest looks like it would fit. - Will add plants or trees in the rock frames I made above. Idk yet. Scale along the fence is off now but I'll figure it out.
    7 points
  9. @HeatherL not a big clown fan huh? 🤣😆 Final animation for the clown is finished (jk):
    7 points
  10. Great ideas. I wasn't too convinced with the bubbles either. Here's a new version with the trickle down effect. I added little funnels (?) in the corners so that it looks like water is overflowing from the second water bed. They're probably hard to see. You'll notice some weird flares happening between loops. Trying to fix those and then I think I can work on polishing up the lighting. Configuration after.
    7 points
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Vondell's Aquarium Tank Set 1 Five unique, fully animated aquarium tank scenery pieces, featuring live fish and other animals. These were built to complement the Aquarium Paths, Aquarium Walls, and Aquarium Roof sets, but can also be used on their own anywhere in your zoo.
    7 points
  12. A screenshot tour of one of my newest zoos — VERY much a work in progress and much will change as time goes on! Some of what you see in this post will have changed by the time I get back to the game. Let's get a few overhead shots in: And some obligatory close-ups, guest attractions and animals. ^ Entrance with a bridge overlooking the water, flanked by shops, a farmer's market, winter-themed emergency medical service (guest-only, but there is an animal hospital nearby), and snow forest resting area for recovering patients. The road (which I will not pretend looks 100% accurate to real life lmao) can take more seriously injured guests to the hospital complex for advanced treatment. Behind the farmer's market we can see Zarawatto's Gigantoraptors enjoying themselves. ^ Close-up of said Gigantoraptors, still in 'baby' stage, not fully developed. ^ alternate view of the EMS, road, and 'sauna.' Located behind the EMS we can see the 'Wild Arctic' where guests can learn about various arctic wildlife. ^ Beside the road we have Borsato's Red-Crowned Cranes and Hawkkeye's Snow Geese! They get along famously together. ^ Here's a closeup of a mixed smorgasbord of ungulates: Hawkkeye's Highland Cattle, North County Mule Sheep, Balkan Donkeys, and Exmoor Ponies. They were quite the challenge to make happy but worth it! (because I started them off with an entirely snowy exhibit and wrongfully assumed they would be okay with scenery objects that weren't programmed for animals. lol.) ^ another angle ^ Close-up of the guest 'picnic' area, with nearby Nanuqsaurus exhibit and back view of the crane/snow goose viewing area (I borrowed the design from user Reuben but tweaked it to my own liking). ^ Zarawatto's Nanuqsaurusup close, still in 'baby' stage, not fully developed. ^ Close-up of one of my personal favorites - the 'Pleistocene Ungulate Exhibit.' In here are Hawkkeye's Steppe Bison, Tarpan, and Borsato's Irish Elk. I have no idea if these animals would have roamed Scandinavian countries while they were alive but I couldn't resist putting one of RDingFT's ported AOE2 buildings as a scenery backdrop. It's called the 'Viking Borgund Stave Church' and looks absolutely breathtaking in amongst the snowy pines, chopped wood and dead foliage. ^ enclosed within the exhibit guests are welcome to explore the various hatcheries: bird, fish, and dinosaur located in one area. ^ the 'Martian Crash Site' area, which I designed to make it appear as though a ship crash landed into the zoo, and afterwards the higher zoo management decided to profit off of the derelict parts. This area needs serious revamping and I honestly cannot wait to trash it because I hate looking at it lol. ^ Hot dogs and nachos in between the hot air balloon thrill rides, because I'm a terrible compassionless person ^ Close-up of the Crane/snow goose viewing area. Reuben is one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to utilizing set pieces and I only just now realized there's a zookeeper walking up on the wall. ^ Close-up of the veterinary hospital, memorial maze, and church garden/animal cemetary. Behind the churches and memorial pavilion, Hawkkye's Regaliceratops and Borsato's Pachycephalosaurs can be seen ^ Close-up of the cemetery ^ Close-up of the -baby- Regaliceratops and Pachycephalosaurs. According to Hawkkeye's compatibility guide, the Blue Fang in-game Styracosaurus is supposed to go along with them, but mine does not - I'm guessing this has something to do with the Combined Realism Hack by VNDragon that overhauls biomes, foliage, and dinosaur textures among other things. For the time being, I cannot add it into the exhibit with the others. ^ Close-up of the farmer's market, with the greenhouse peeking alongside ^ This area, also inspired by Reuben and connected to the Highland Ungulate Exhibit, was perhaps the most challenging that I was trying to recreate. I didn't want to outright copy him, and I wanted to challenge myself by not only experimenting with elevation but use more snow/arctic/tundra-themed pieces. This worked out for the most part, but the upper section still looks too bland and condensed in my eyes and one day I'd like to substitute the brown brick pieces with something more blue in color. It is well past time for me to learn how to use photoshop and make my own mods, and I look forward to experimenting. I will most likely be transforming this area to look as much like a ski lift as the game engine allows me to make it. Until then, thanks for taking the time to view this thread! I still have so, so much more space to fill and I hope you're as excited to see the results as I am! My wrist is killing me and I need to go to bed lol. Edit: I started this zoo on September 7th. I've been chipping away at it since then, just to clarify. None of this was created in one single sitting I promise lol.
    6 points
  13. 2-in-1, featuring one of my favorite theropods and one of my favorite thyreophorans. Tuojiangosaurus and Monolophosaurus! They share the same exhibit requirements and they're neutral to each other so they can actually share the same enclosure, but Monolophosaurus will eat eggs, so keep that in mind. Jurassic One-Tuo.ztd
    6 points
  14. Going to postpone my remaining Halloween mods for the Fall and move onto making animals. We'll see how this goes. Feets are hard
    6 points
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Balloon animal stand with the vanilla carnival buildings Balloon Animal Stand by Goosifer A balloon animal stand with custom vendor animations made by Goosifer. Fits in with the in-game carnival theme. Made in answer to a wishlist request made by @holly. Credits: Art assets, design, and animations: Goosifer Tools: Blender, Photoshop, GIMP, Tenacity, ZooT 1.1 Configuration: Jay Installation To install, drop the containing .ztd file in the following directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Zoo Tycoon\dlupdate This mod also requires the latest versions of LANG--ZTCDD.dll and LANG--ZKL.dll to be installed. Please visit the following links for directions and downloads to those files: - http://www.lunamanar.com/zklounge/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=816 - http://www.ztcdd.org/DG/index.php?topic=3734.0 Feel free to use the art assets in your own mods. As always I release my assets under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
    6 points
  16. Big French style garden and the centre of the park.
    6 points
  17. Hello, dear Tekies! ^v^ (hope am right here...) a bit of insight of "our" zoos :> ("mom" designed all, "me" downloaded everything) hope you like it! :D friendly greetings, Ren-tschi
    6 points
  18. I was out of commission for a few days while I recovered from my covid + flu vaccines on Monday, but now I'm back with an update on my 'new' cervidae-focused zoo and it's a big update! Some of these are screenshots I completely forgot to show the first time. Let's start with the hornbills. The overarching theme for this section of the zoo is to create the illusion that all four of these hornbill species were living together in a single aviary, separated from each other with the invisible fence mod: ^ Hawkkeye's Great Hornbills. I've showed off these guys before, and I still love them. They breed very large flocks. As of writing this thread I have 7. ^ Hawkkeye's Knobbed Hornbills. These one's were programmed to fly! and they love to gather around the water. It's possible that their food was placed there by the zookeepers and I just can't see it because of the extra foliage I placed there. They're excellent breeders as well, though slightly slower paced. As of writing this, I also have 7. ^ Borsato's flying Rhinoceros Hornbills! I fear I may run out of space for these guys eventually. At present time, I have 8 of them. ^ and finally, Hawkkeye's Helmeted Hornbills. They seem content with there being only 3 of them. Back to ungulates, here's another combined exhibit featuring Hawkkeye's Eld's Deer, his Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Pigs, Khaydar's Water Buffalo, and finally Hawkkeye's Ayam Cemani – a species of hypermelanistic black chickens, which are the reason for them all being housed in an aviary: ^ I had used the pot-bellied pigs before and was perfectly happy with the prospect of using them again alongside a deer species. Good, chunky bois. They're great breeders, too. At the time of writing this, I have 12. ^ the Ayam Cemani. Very well-behaved birds. I have no issues with them. The babies are so tiny though that you can miss them if you aren't looking hard enough. ^ Khaydar's Water Buffalo, lounging by the ponds. ^ Hawkkeye's Eld's Deer. This guy was hidden around a large cluster of grass so I pulled him out into the open so we could get a better look at him. The males have gorgeous antler racks, but they can be hard to see against certain terrain. Regardless, I like them a lot. As for what I built today, on Wednesday, here is an exhibit for Hawkkeye's Schomburgk's Deer. I decided to take a break from the multi-species aviary exhibits and just give these guys one of their own. They're swimmers, like the Barasingha, so I went ahead and built them an adjacent tank with land access. I just love watching them kick their little legs under the water's surface: Sometimes when the deer swim, depending on the angle you're watching them from, it can appear as though they're completely submerged. It's an amusing little glitch. I don't consider it anything too distracting. Here are some close-up shots of the tank's viewing area, still a work-in-progress: ^ this 'staircase' you're seeing is a combination of two path's: RDingFT's 'Dark Rock Tile Path' for the flat pieces, and Vondell's Carpet Path for the stair textures. I wanted the incline to actually look like steps, so I placed asphalt terrain underneath and voila. I personally think it turned out great. They go well together. ^ Here is my second attempt at making a graphically suitable area for Savannahjan's Bygone Era Frosty Palace. Asphalt terrain was placed down first, as I felt Vondell's Paved Path, while a great path in its own right, wasn't giving me the look I really wanted. I placed the invisible path mod on top of the terrain so guests would know to walk on it. Using the white curb mod from ZTCDD and the grey recolored sand walls, I was able to make a parking area that looked similar, if not 100% identical, to a parking lot in real life. Vondell's Road Paint mod went a long way in helping to make the area look more realistic and believable, and I topped it off with some Route 66 vans from here on Zoo Tek, as they had similar fun colors that I felt matched the vibes of the Frosty Palace. ^ I applied the same principles to the multiplex theater area, right next to the Frosty Palace. It looks much more presentable than my previous attempt in my last zoo. Guests can buy a snack or two before going inside to watch their favorite movie. I am a little perturbed as to why I'm seeing this thought from guests, however. 😆 both mods exist in my game. ^ Both of these are Easter-themed buildings from mod author Devona: an 'Inn' where guests can create their own meal, and an 'Egg Hunting' house for fun. Both buildings are so brightly colored that I thought they'd fit in perfectly with the Frosty Palace. ^ This exhibit was originally going to be for Hawkkeye's North Chinese Leopard, but instead I thought it would look better with ungulates, so I purchased his Sichuan Takins and Borsato's Chinese Pangolins. The general idea of this exhibit is centered around that magnificent Chinese temple, again from RDingFT, in the corner there. By putting Toodlepop's gate shelters up against it, I hoped to create the illusion that the animals were going inside the temple to rest and recuperate. ^ Some close-ups of the animals. They get along wonderfully together. I think that covers everything for today! Have a wonderful Holiday weekend, everyone!
    6 points
  19. I spent the better part of this evening working on this exhibit and I'm proud to finally show it off: This is an African ungulate exhibit featuring Hawkkeye's Angolan Giraffe, his Common Eland, and Khaydar's White Rhinoceros. Ignoring the fact that the Genghis Khan Mongol hut from RDingFT would ideally be in an Asian exhibit, I'm extremely happy with how this came out. When I remembered that Catfish and Coeur de lion made those shelter annexes, I knew I had to use them for one of Hawkkeye's giraffes. At the time of posting this, guests have not traversed into the area yet and used the annex but I know they'll be heading over there soon. Using a variety of neutral RDingFT and Genki statue and foliage, pieces, I created a lush sanctuary for the ungulates to live in and they're very content. They get along with each other famously and gave me no issues whatsoever.
    6 points
  20. They keep us locked inside of the ZooTek designer sweatshop only to come out to share progress pictures. Tell your friends, save ussss. Quick Khaydar, Fern is coming, run! We must bring news of the outside to @Thylaco and tell him hope is still alive.
    6 points
  21. I am still working on ungulates, so I decided to divide them into 2 parts. Next part will be available in a few weeks, with about 20 animals. Because of size, even this release is split. I changed my Cape bushbuck to northern bushbuck (just name change, everything stays the same), because I made a new animal that looks more like a Cape bushbuck. I also reworked animations of Lesser Chevrotain and Indian Spotted Chevrotain to be smaller and compatibility of both Greater Mouse Deer and Lesser Chevrotain so the new species, Javan mouse deer, can be compatible with ingame Javan Rhinoceros. Animals: Maneless Zebra, Impala, Kerry Bog Pony, Key Deer, Lipizzan, Mule, Ouessant Sheep, Chapman´s Zebra Angolan Giraffe, South African Giraffe, Masai Giraffe, West African Giraffe, Thornicroft´s Giraffe, Rothschild´s Giraffe, Kordofan Giraffe, Addra Gazelle Finnish Forest Reindeer, Arctic Caribou, Elipsen Waterbuck, Cape Bushbuck, American Curly Horse, Ayrshire Cattle, Bison Occidentalis, Ancient Bison, Guanaco Stilt-Legged Horse, Stilt-Legged Tapir, Tamaraw, Bootherium, Long-Tailed Goral, Mountain Gazelle, Black Musk Deer, Giant Tapir, Californian Tapir, European Tapir, Helaletes Wild Bactrian Camel, White-Lipped Pecari, Northern Pudu, Southern Reedbuck, Protapirus, Heptodon, Javan Mouse Deer Persian Fallow Deer, Siberian Roe Deer, Murgese Horse, Tarpan Compatibility: Maneless Zebra, Kordofan Giraffe - ingame Black Rhinoceros, Mongalla Gazelle, Patas Monkey, White-Eared Kob, Egyptian Mongoose Impala - ingame Plains Zebra, Borsato´s Bontebok, my Roan Antelope Kerry Bog Pony - my European Marsh pack, but pinies need a little less water Key Deer - my Abaco Barb Lipizzan - my Racka Sheep, Common Pheasant, Corn Crake, Great Bustard, Eurasian Hoopoe, European Hare Mule - my Norwegian Fjord Horse, Percheron, Grand Noir du Berry, White Park Cattle, Bilsberry Goat, Common Jackdaw, Border Leicester Sheep, Manx Loaghtan, Magpie Duck, Brittish Saddleback Pig, Tamworth Pig, Phoenix Chicken Ouessant Sheep - my Falabella, Goettingen Minipig, Call Duck Chapman´s Zebra - ingame Common Wildebeest, Borsato´s Black-Faced Impala, my Hartebeest Angolan Giraffe - Khaydar´s White Rhinoceros, my Common Eland, Springhare, Red Hartebeest, Steenbok, Blue Crane, Monteiros Hornbill South African Giraffe - my Nyala, Sharpe´s Grysbok, Lichtenstein´s Hartebeest, Vervet Monkey, Meller´s Mongoose, Sellous´ Mongoose Masai Giraffe - ingame Sable Antelope, Borsato´s Greater Kudu, my Kirk´s Dikdik, Rng-Necked Dove, Rueppel´s Parrot West African Giraffe - Khaydar´s Defassa Waterbuck, my Bohor Reedbuck, Giant Eland, Black Crowned Crane, Poussargues´s Mongoose Thornicroft´s Giraffe, Ellipsen Waterbuck - my Puku, Marabou, Yellow-Billed Duck Rothschild´s Giraffe - ingame Thomson´s Gazelle, Borsato´s Gerenuk, my Topi, Southern Ground Hornbill, Grey Crowned Crane Addra Gazelle - Khaydar´s African Wild Ass, my Desert Warthog Finnish Forest Reindeer - my Hazel Grouse Arctic Caribou - Hendrix´s Musk Ox, my Arctic Hare, Willow Ptarmigan Cape Bushbuck - ingame Giraffe, my Abdim´s Stork, Senegal Parrot, Western Red-Billed Hornbill Northern Bushbuck - my Blue Duiker, Crested Guineafowl, Livingstone´s Turaco American Curly Horse - ingame Plains Bison, Borsato´s Pronghorn, Serpyderpy´s Holstein-Friesien Cow, Romney Sheep, my Appaloosa, American Standard Donkey, Golden Cascade Duck Ayrshire Cattle - Borsato´s Shetland Pony, my Herdwick Sheep, Swedish Blue Duck, Knubstrupper Ancient Bison, Stilt-Legged Horse, Californian Tapir - Wolverale12´s Titanotylopus, my Eremotherium, Glyptotherium, Holmesina Bison Occidentalis - ingame Reindeer Guanaco - my Chacoan Peccary Stilt-Legged Tapir - Khaydar´s Embolotherium Tamaraw - my Visayan Warty Pig, Visayan Spotted Deer Bootherium - Hendrix´s American Mastodon Long-Tailed Goral - my Snow Sheep, Mountain Hare Mountain Gazelle - my Urial, Chukar Partridge Black Musk Deer - Vondell´s Red Panda Giant Tapir - my Schomburgk´s Deer, Spot-Billed Pelican, Giant Ibis European Tapir - Borsato´s Bush-Antlered Deer Helaletes - Borsato´s Eohippus White-Lipped Pecari - Khaydar´s Baird´s Tapir, my Lowland Paca, Central American Red Brocket, Northern Tamandua, Red-Crowned Amazon Southern Reedbuck - my Lechwe, Egyptian Goose, Black-Headed Heron, Southern Carmine Bee-eater Protapirus - Borsato´s Synthetoceras, my Parahippus, Horned Gopher, Ramoceros Heptodon - Khaydar´s Uintatherium Javan Mouse Deer - Ingame Javan Rhinoceros, East Javan Langur, Silvery Gibbon, Javan Green Magpie, Green Junglefowl Siberian Roe Deer - Wolverale12´s Wisent, my Eurasian Magpie Murgese Horse - my Andaluz Donkey, Red-Legged Partridge Tarpan - Borsato´s Irish Elk, my Steppe Bison, Dyuktai Goose Enjoy! hawkkeyes ungulates pack part 6c.ztd hawkkeyes ungulates pack part 6b.ztd indian spotted chevrotain.ZTD lesser chevrotain.ZTD hawkkeyes ungulates pack part 6a.ztd greater mouse deer.ZTD northern bushbuck.ZTD
    6 points
  22. Great ideas @fountain and @Truly_happy, thank you! Uni starts back up tomorrow so I'll be quietly slinking into the shadows for the next few months. No more mods for a quite a while I'm afraid. You'll likely see the the balloon animal stand up and available within the next couple weeks though! Normally I like to tease my next project at the end of a previous one but all I'll say is I will have plenty of goodies ready for the holidays again. :) Look out for my hacking projects though, that might get some new life soon...code is a lot more accessible to me at school. Can't say any of it would be as interesting as a dancing clown. Thanks for following my updates and see you later! It was fun.
    6 points
  23. Thank you for sharing your Blender process! I can't imagine how much more time I'd be spending on these projects starting from zero. Here is the final version. Ignore the weird stuttering--the gif loop stops at an awkward frame. This is running in-game this time.: I just noticed that bird and it's honestly taking everything in me not to go back and record it all over again lol. The final version isn't a one-to-one of the proof-of-concept gif I posted last night. Since then I've had to cut back on colors and decrease the number of frames to make Zoot happy, so the water sadly looks less compelling. I could probably keep hacking away at it and improve it some more but I've been having some health issues the past few days (I can't completely close my jaw right now and it's freaking me out 😬...tmi sorry). I removed the waterfall reflections to mimic the simplicity of the original game's fountains and it helped me cut back on colors for one extra frame... I added a motion blur effect to the water--the water beds are moving quite fast so I thought giving it a better sense of gravity would make sense. There's a few more things I would change or do better but at this point I think I'm ready to move on as school is starting to pick up this week and well, the whole jaw thing might be important to have looked at...lol. Rotations and icons are done and configuration is mostly all there. Should be released soon along with the assets!
    6 points
  24. Colors are a little closer to the arch. Added some vines. Removed the rock. Experimenting with animated bubbles instead of waterfalls. Edit: What it could potentially look like in-game:
    6 points
  25. Rough progress shot of the Atlantean Fountain (not a 'forgotten spire' anymore): Small improvements on water reflections, color, lighting, textures; none final. Still trying out a few ideas. I'm thinking the walls should have open archways where the water would come out from. I'm basing the design off of the Atlantean Arch from the game: I'll be adding the vines and tiny pebbles around the base. Also need to make the base brick a little lighter. Does the 'spire' look Atlantean-enough in shape? What else would it take to convince you for it fit in with the original items?
    6 points
  26. I used a translator because my English is not good T ^ T I use a translator, so please understand the awkward sentences It's been a long time since a lot of new items were uploaded. It's not finished yet About 50%? There is only one restaurant built. I don't have any ideas. Please share your ideas About the restaurant The image is really small after uploading it. 1.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfOTMg/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTI5.aPwymaoAB7YP6tCbSwx3RYOv5s1CtKMbV3LEMKYOgDYg.1Q93NRxRib-jH5KJkeGKjUOTwrtDGx66qYrgIokEt-og.JPEG/Zoo001.jpg?type=w1600 2.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfNzMg/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1ODk4.54DPLIuU-N1QajUFCR_q8e-lfQW7Pz0YiApwd-QL1xUg.RffnXK1Fp7BphEOsMchhEur-mv87RWN6kew112D7gI8g.JPEG/Zoo002.jpg?type=w1600 3.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMjA0/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTAz.2ZrDRWVnuV0NHKKaAlyfJ2qjJ2OnsJNFkNtFN0RlXO0g.VR080iRV-wh7y2lzOSO2pBYOy2HieBG6qY7za37Wqigg.JPEG/Zoo003.jpg?type=w1600 4.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfNDYg/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTM2._krZoi6DKq9IqG1CiHxLnWTZgEmVr52x_-I5tSGyYDAg.TpbozEAfdiy-KDjO0HbosTnDzyjWqVea0NXpDsk3nuQg.JPEG/Zoo005.jpg?type=w1600 5.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMjgz/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTI0.xlg_Fxk4wIQwN7H8FkBrXHvx3oR8vhrny_xR2LzcZlcg.kLw25qIyY3rPF7Z82h9Ydw5VCu6Gvtd7Gj-gz9ZO5B0g.JPEG/Zoo006.jpg?type=w1600 6.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMTgw/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTQ4.Kdfh-M01LkoqXNPHdyzPIiVrefA3zLYIj_OHRCSa9UQg.j54ZKYETxqIhu9BX87odXzH63TuKiUK-pTiqargSjNkg.JPEG/Zoo008.jpg?type=w1600 7.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMjg0/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTQ3.gY-wliFwyTsiGD3k62TmrX0L46LPtF59ejiMsYI74eog.EWPBsnnkfgIfh2fovbgLyuXzP0JNLjX2gM-1_oyU_T0g.JPEG/Zoo009.jpg?type=w1600 8.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMjU1/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTQ3.EzQis3l7gXkiHarieNmUQ6kksIxglhRBzwONpshWfZog.VxwcPExgJzxxD6xdWgGHCC3fFCNZDD7QLsuH6ZERkj0g.JPEG/Zoo010.jpg?type=w1600 9.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMjc5/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTQ3.a-C1jMAfEmNz7QA6a_bk0nBZ1gc53JR8cetkhnYcIhgg.012bpzdkdWyYXYrj7JFPokIMjumxR433zUwxpl-zfRwg.JPEG/Zoo011.jpg?type=w1600 10.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfNDUg/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTQ0.DomDTQ8xljm4Gl8Gh5IYaOBryvCKRrko9EMlks4hhHog.AHgoDR9ATiKsVPTfJzgXPyhMeXt4GGvtjL5tiRXqGWAg.JPEG/Zoo012.jpg?type=w1600 11.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfNzgg/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTQ2.-VYqddR8C-HHfeNCByyvHdrz_fYCPdCnFq6ZriXnhdgg.fQ2cyc45QbW9wj44snDnyqmjbhR8-100K-Kd88gsypcg.JPEG/Zoo013.jpg?type=w1600 12.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfNjEg/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTQ4.K-75EFymK02B-fGyNLJNtL3oMGlgMX_8wUM4_ymUlRUg.f77FMFqEHfnHX7A3ljkvDY7k837zMCcyrgA6bbPIvFcg.JPEG/Zoo014.jpg?type=w1600 13.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfNjkg/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTQ3.1gKdqpg7sgVl1quJGPlucrLJhRKtvmdQyy-oZ2qJZBUg.AT7JGXlQXAepb7-tm4Q6XV51Kela_csRZKYc_PkDmnkg.JPEG/Zoo015.jpg?type=w1600 14.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMTg0/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTQ1.neNcENuIlFYw7AwMGaGZUXexfI8Ba4X-U_GHtIPPdk0g.wLsgTnifQPxygjnmEAJBi4X8Ww9EL2NQpIo7AEpVtJYg.JPEG/Zoo016.jpg?type=w1600 15.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMTc2/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTE2.5x064j7gLQlz__AZfLayLmN5PZLXFsArgqTJ5Wdckw4g.CorNk1zkv4qy8YlimFk7RvvdPNME8ojVMA4IMzF8Vugg.JPEG/Zoo017.jpg?type=w1600 16.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfNTMg/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1ODc4.ytSFW6JW4rgg2npFLHmE7LEXfH7yzLgedOTFsMyE3I4g.D9iNquV-B2uxwbFdXtG4uWbx8OVR0ry-Zdusoj59tQEg.JPEG/Zoo018.jpg?type=w1600 17.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfODcg/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTIy.0fV7RAHpY6oBS01fh4XF9G6ycLcCGL1iTGnj2ke7uCcg.4V6wC_T439jpK_1KL6mqqTOoOsImMFOPY0ALOg_KAJog.JPEG/Zoo019.jpg?type=w1600 18.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfODcg/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTIy.0fV7RAHpY6oBS01fh4XF9G6ycLcCGL1iTGnj2ke7uCcg.4V6wC_T439jpK_1KL6mqqTOoOsImMFOPY0ALOg_KAJog.JPEG/Zoo019.jpg?type=w1600 19.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfNDYg/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTE3.___aGncL5WWwThG1DHNo3_K6U0DJvZq7_2ldRlhVb6kg.1PiQYO0jd7jBwa6TAwgNSRgf06_CF24R1us3rC_DCT4g.JPEG/Zoo020.jpg?type=w1600 20.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMyAg/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTEz.zqfAwK5_2D7Lrko99_IUhxAgUSkYmwec4NISog79lasg.OnuC-ESjPQ_O2u7i2ZHNwoSEPIgpW4nyZ5aFo4K7u90g.JPEG/Zoo021.jpg?type=w1600 21.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMTAw/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTMy.mRjljXNU1aB6bluYZs9ieIJgvDbmQXyh1lZDXQXEHqcg.lKHIK1UWtlSSJLnVmxDRf8RBLJqZVWHqlzL4xMfTOgwg.JPEG/Zoo022.jpg?type=w1600 22.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMjUz/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTQ5.4NqzxhKrXFJ6cjOxnGkEQ33HVe3f1aet_fL42pbJAXgg.2WEZ-1_48GH8X__05BhRUcjhG2gdK8wZKr4lgNE82CQg.JPEG/Zoo023.jpg?type=w1600 23.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMTcg/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTIy.GtCMJMOkXtOUHsDYzoZw9gEl753wAsPKoNg6U6HnW6Ug.Sczzcv1tIhPWggkenATelJ4wZoHrxU-Tf6bPyg6O6M4g.JPEG/Zoo024.jpg?type=w1600 24.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMjUw/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTQz.ummaKEA7W0cacdEPbB1goHzq72lsPdtHPJ-3qOJWTNcg.z_V2mcCr7LAT3vsOgTuuHVpYEk6ssx7zuXclOo9SK5Ug.JPEG/Zoo025.jpg?type=w1600 25.https://cafeptthumb-phinf.pstatic.net/MjAyMzA3MTZfMjk5/MDAxNjg5NDM4Mzg1OTQ5.TmDLMLNWNFy-vM5RWRcLkKIJIn2SHxH3hJY5iEyGdAAg.QvNulWtdD9miDVsxPYL8l1-bhnLqlaPCD-QxozHJlIYg.JPEG/Zoo026.jpg?type=w1600
    6 points
  27. Real life has been busy so not much progress on the above works -- my designs always skid a little on the last hump before release, because I keep wanting to run more tests! ...and as I smooth the process of making and recoloring animals, I get more ambitious. A quick project from the other day here... a Giraffe Pack! In the AZA, there were at one point three giraffe programs: Reticulated giraffe, Baringo giraffe, and Masai giraffe. It was later found the Reticulated and Baringo giraffes had been hybridized and so they form the majority of giraffe in zoos here. The Masai giraffe has a separate program but does not breed as well; it is also included in Zoo Tycoon 2. I still wanted all three species represented ingame, so I made Baringo and Masai as new species. As far as I know, no designer has ever made a Masai giraffe before for this game. After talking with a zt2 designer, Jorge Gabriel, I also made West African, Thorncroft's and Angolan giraffes. Right now, all five giraffe types use the same stats. I intend to tweak them but I do need to research a little the best way to do so. I am open to ideas or suggestions.
    6 points
  28. Happy to finally share what I've been working on the past three weeks. Check out ZooBerry, another Zoo Tycoon mod database and will be home to all ZooMania, Northern Skies, and Artifex's downloads. Also happy to host new files as well, you'll notice our ZT1 section is quite small :P (I'll see what I can do about it later) I used run all three with a team of close-knit friends and awesome people, so my little motivation here is just to keep what they made alive for as long as I am able. We'll see how far I can take this project though! Currently there are about ~30-ish mods in there and most lean in Zoo Tycoon 2's favor. I'm looking at about ~800 files across all three backups so it will take me a minute. I'll use this thread to announce new additions every few milestones. I'm not a web designer by trade but I tried my best :P If you see the UI acting up, let me know and I can fix it. Additional features that are currently missing include designer profiles, more sorting options, and a few more quality of life improvements. If you have any suggestions or maybe I got something wrong in a description or post somewhere, please let me know! Happy to consider any and all ideas. (Genuinely, this was step 1 to getting EMU out and about, so that's coming up next!) Enjoy!
    5 points
  29. I'm going to stop saying last update and just call this thread what it is: goosifer's misleading deadlines on projects he thinks he can finish on time lol. Teachers were striking this week at my university so I was counting on the time to finish this but alas, I've gone back to school today. Strike cancelled. Here's where I left off. I updated the graphics again to look a bit more 8-bit like the game, especially the trees. I color matched it a bit more to look closer in color to one of the other carinival rides. Here it is finally working in the game: Issues I need to fix: - I forgot to align the camera with the game grid so it looks so bad in the other views lol so those need to be re-rendered, re-zooted, and all that modding busywork. - where guests enter the ride needs to be the little tent THIS MOD WILL BE OUT SOME DAY. June 2025. I'll announce its release on ZooBerry at my commencement speech. Seriously though, I could be working on a rock and it would take me 8 months and five days.
    5 points
  30. added trees, scaled down the barrier, smoothed out the arch, added other textures, etc edit: i just realized that the lights are all turned off....ahhhhh
    5 points
  31. Version 2017.02.05


    The Red Panda is an original new endangered animal, compatible with Zoo Tycoon 1 (no expansion packs needed). You might also hear this little critter's unique cry once in a while. From Wikipedia: The red panda (Ailurus fulgens), also called the lesser panda, the red bear-cat, and the red cat-bear, is a mammal native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. It has reddish-brown fur, a long, shaggy tail, and a waddling gait due to its shorter front legs; it is slightly larger than a domestic cat. It is arboreal, feeds mainly on bamboo, but also eats eggs, birds, and insects. It is a solitary animal, mainly active from dusk to dawn, and is largely sedentary during the day. - Design by Vondell - Configuration by Jeff (to admins: please test this animal once more, I'm using a slightly different version which was stable in my game. Vondell's been active for a bit, but I'm sure he's okay with publishing this first version of the Red Panda)
    5 points
  32. Today, we have a massive exhibit for Hawkkeye's White-Tailed Deer, his Wild Turkeys, and his Appaloosa horses. This exhibit was a labor of love, but was originally going to have more animal species placed in it. The WTD is primarily compatible with several birds, but I feel as though I have exhausted aviaries for the time being. This time, we are going to pretend that the turkeys' wings are clipped and incapable of flight. This exhibit was a labor of love for over several hours. I wanted to create the illusion that zoo staff 'quarters' were located in this exhibit, which is why these medieval thatched houses are located here. If you wanted to, you could pretend storage supplies for the animals were housed here. Here are some overhead, zoomed out shots that hopefully convey the lushness I was trying to emulate Over here, we have watchtowers for guests who want more of a 'bird's eye view.' I will be utilizing more of these in the future. Here are the animals gathered around the water troughs. Another corner of the exhibit, dedicated to these lovely Dutch windmills. Finally, we have two different angles of the water feature. Using two different pile wall mods from RDingFT, I think I was able to capture a serene, sophisticated little pond area with impressive architecture. Some pieces were sunk into the ground. This did not negatively affect the animals' suitability or happiness. I am extremely happy with my work and cannot wait to load this save back up again. Number of animals and group sizes: White-Tailed Deer: 11 (6 adults and 1 child initially adopted. I am unsure how many fawns they give birth to at a time, as they reproduced as I was building the exhibit. Great potential for building large herds fast if that is what you're looking for. Large exhibits are a must.) Wild Turkeys: 8 (4 adults and 1 child initially adopted. They give birth to more than 1 chick at a time, but again, I cannot be sure of the exact number. Excellent at building a large flock. Large exhibits are a must.) Appaloosa: 4 (2 adults and 1 child initially adopted. They give birth to 1 foal at a time. Good for players who don't want a large herd to deal with. Noticeably slower birthing rate than the other animals.) These animals were very easy to take care of and gave me no issues whatsoever. That's all for tonight!
    5 points
  33. Added banners around the barrier. Might delete the measurement sign, idk.
    5 points
  34. Wildebeeste, watusi & buffalo
    5 points
  35. Final graphics are done: Used animation (SE): Idle animation (SW): NE and NW: Balloon animal icon: The boys: edit: updated picture
    5 points
  36. Syllabus week. Small update :P
    5 points
  37. Since the fountain is almost out, here's a sneak preview for the next project: This is to fulfill @holly's request from their wishlist. I said I'd try to get it done before summer's end.: edit: this post has seen many edits, each one a bad joke at the expense of my building design and where a hypothetical door might exist. 🤪 you don't get to see how bad they were.
    5 points
  38. Honestly, original ZT2 beaver shelter is not that good to my taste... Instead (and to make it more original) my proposal is this: I got Cat & Juicy logs & branches (I used some of these for my cats scenery items) and I'm thinking like a beaver: I'm throwing branches into Blender until my instinct is satisfied 😹😹 This is what I got after some minutes importing, rotating and resizing items... How is it going? This is meant to be a lodge... There will be also a dam
    5 points
  39. Thanks a lot! I just realized that the pictures in my first post are a bit small somehow, not sure how I can change this, I hope you can see more on the following pictures. Here are some close-ups of the exhibits and so on: That's the Giraffe exhibit, it was the first one I built. Initially it had a different shape but at some point I had the idea to build these elevated vantage points going into the exhibits so I built that and moved part of the exhibit (the big giraffe shelter fit there perfectly I thought) into the alcove at the top. Behind the Giraffes I put Dromedary Camels and Gemsbocks, again with a vantage point that goes into the exhibit area while also separating them. The Rhino and Elephant exhibits, here I had the idea to add some open space into the zoo, so I decided to built an elevated path around the exhibit and then create a small lake in the middle of the whole zoo area - which the guests could look at while walking around the exhibit. Since I had a mod that adds bridges I wanted to incorporate it into my lake, it had the perfect size for it. Since a swimming shack would be a bit out of place in this zoo I remembered that there was a boat house, having guests ride around in swan boats on the lake was just perfect in my opinion. That's also when I decided to make the edges of the lake look a bit "untamed" and "overgrown", especailly in connection to the whole "theme" of the map being inside a city - bringing some nature into it. Across the bridge there is a bit of a "visitor hub" with all kinds of stands, a map, benches and a restaurant (it's just crazy how much money these restaurants can make - both of them, one being near the camel exhibit, made around 150.000$ in profit already!). Since I was working with elevated paths so much already I tried to mix it up with a Penguin exhibit and add a water tank for them to swim in and then lowered the paths so guests could watch them underwater. I always love these views in real zoos where you can watch marine animals underwater like that. Right above the money counter is a little (modded) staff house with a car, I put it there because I didn't want to snake the path around even more (it was going in a straight line there which I liked). Those two exhibits (the Saltwater Crocodiles and Anteaters to the lower left) were the last 2 I built since I had limited space. They are rather small and don't require that much space so I put these here. Lastly, the (white) Tiger and (mexican) Wolf exhibits. The wolves were the 4th species I adopted and put right next to the entrance near the Giraffes. The Tigers I added because I just like Tigers and cats in general (and at that point I kinda needed the endangered species baby bonus lol). The bird house fit perfectly into an alcove again, added a little parking lot with a car there. In the right corner, not seen in this picture but the overview one, there is also a building (from a mod adding the developer items as purchasable buildings) with another parking lot that I added for somewhat of an administration building where the zoo staff is going for breaks, doing bureaucracy stuff and whatever else one needs to organize in a running zoo.
    5 points
  40. I had to cut the UFOv2 Project because, when I saw this in Fountain's wishlist, I immediatly sought for it an started working... This "Blitzprojekt" also made me notice what are the parts of crafting that I already know how to deal to, which ones I do not so good at all and some new things I learnt! New Animal: Peryton (Only for ZTCC) Now available in the link at my signature! I'll eventually upload it here and at ZooBerry. There are just two things I just can't bring yet: First, its wings aren't rigged... To me, that gives an extra mysterious aura, but I also would like make some wingbeat animations. Secondly, I didn't figure out how to make an extra shadow in Blender in order to make it accurate with the myth of their human shadow... If anyone kindly would guide me in how to do that, I'll be pretty grateful Pls report any bugs found! Happy Download! 🧜‍♂️🧜‍♀️
    5 points
  41. Can't say I've had the chance to cross it off my bucket list yet but I will this weekend. 😄 I know that they are in different pieces like Legomen but I can't see that alone being a problem if they're rendered with those respective pieces as well. That said I see what you mean--there's more to it than I know. Maybe some day someone will crack the guest mysteries and they shall be heralded as, well, person who cracked the guest mysteries. ;)
    5 points
  42. Oh the Hot Dog Stand looks cute, and will go with several shaped buildings in the database for ZT1. And I dont think you need a fresh coat of paint on the Forgotten Spire, its perfect for Halloween zoos, and would be nice if it was neutral so it could go into exhibits as well. If people want to use it as an actual building they can add the Welcome Mats or Configured Doors. :D
    5 points
  43. UFO v2 is comming! News: -> Debug of some animals -> New Pterosaurs! -> Yutyrannus will be replaced with a new dino in Non-Avians section 🦖🦖 Wait! Then what will happen to Yutyrannus? It will be the founder of a new section in UFO v2 exclusive to floofy tyrannosaurs! Take a quick look:
    5 points
  44. I vaguely remember there were some working buildings being considered but they got delayed because of various reasons. I will look through his folder and see what I can find. It might have to wait for a month or so while I move.
    5 points
  45. Here they are all grown up! The scientist says their exhibit is well suited but I'm definitely making them a larger one next time.
    5 points
  46. Version 1.0.0


    Vondell's Aquarium Path Set Five new paths meant to complement the Aquarium Walls and Aquarium Roof sets. The floating bridge path automatically adjusts to create floating planks for straight sections and fixed wooden decks on corners or larger areas. Note: This file is a zip archive that contains both a combined ztd and a folder with individual ztds inside. You do not need both - If you would like all the paths, you can simply use the combined ztd. If you would like some but not the others, you can pick and choose from the individual ztds in the folder.
    5 points
  47. hahahaha you are a great influence I bet all of us are a bit weird I mean who still plays this game out a previous century....
    5 points
  48. Some screens from my Spring zoo.
    5 points
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