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Showing content with the highest reputation since 04/02/2024 in all areas

  1. 2-in-1, featuring one of my favorite theropods and one of my favorite thyreophorans. Tuojiangosaurus and Monolophosaurus! They share the same exhibit requirements and they're neutral to each other so they can actually share the same enclosure, but Monolophosaurus will eat eggs, so keep that in mind. Jurassic One-Tuo.ztd
    6 points
  2. Some animals of Pliocene Peru. Animals: Thalassocnus, Spheniscus Megaramphus, Piscogavialis All compatible with Zarawatto´s Pelagornis. Enjoy! Piscogavialis.ZTD spheniscus megaramphus.ztd thalassocnus.ztd
    5 points
  3. I finally managed to recover the shadows of my animals from UFO. I found that Yi qi and Titanis have the best animations I made so far... I can't say the same about my Tupandactylus, which is honestly disappointing... I'm not sure about fixing, full remake or just discard it... New version is already available: Previous version New version
    4 points
  4. Day 140: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a family of Northern Bald Eagles with fir trees in their enclosure.
    4 points
  5. Just popping in to say that for the initial release of this hack I've decided to trim the fat down just to get the first version out. I was back and forth if I wanted to try and push for giving dinosaurs new foliage that better matches the formations that they lived in, but trying to reconstruct paleoflora is way more of a pain since visual reconstructions are rare and that'd be waaaaaay more work and could easily come in an update down the road. I need to finish up two buildings and do a few of the remaining plaques, and we should be good to go. Currently the initial release will have: completely redone terrain and foliage requirements for a lot of dinosaurs, courtesy of Incinerox's suggestions animations that were rendered and made but weren't set to play in the animals behaviour sets have been readded sounds that either weren't used or had a wrong path have been readded and fixed changes to certain scenarios to better match other changes that have been made elsewhere in the hack two whole new scenarios are included some new rocks, scenery, and buildings bunch of other little changes I can't remember right now There will be a full changelist text file included inside the download when it comes, eventually, documenting all the changes, credits. etc.
    4 points
  6. More progress shots. Had to apply mirror to give it a tail, so here is me reapplying. Thought this looked cool. :P Not happy with the vertex count but it won't get any more complicated than this. Also gave it a mouth. Aligned against reference image. The wings are missing now because I tried doing them for real but it was awful hahaha. I'm trying something new though. Thinking I might also create a toy or two for the griffin and make the animations for when it plays with them. Big ups to Khaydar for the motivation to give it a go. Toy suggestions welcome. Had a few folks mention something about griffins and treasure chests on Discord.
    4 points
  7. Bet. One dubious boyo coming up, Troodon! Specifically, the giant Alaskan troodontid that somehow doesn't have a name yet. Kinda oversized but eh, it was the only way I could get the colors KEK Troodon.ztd
    4 points
  8. Hello, all. This thread has not been abandoned, but some changes occurred in my personal life that made modding and playing video games in general fall to the wayside. I am still committed to this zoo and watching it grow. Over the last few weeks I built some new sections and added a few new exhibits that I am excited to share with everyone. To start, here is the 'Highland Ungulates' Exhibit, belonging to Hawkkeye's Thorold's Deer, his Przewalski's (shuh-VAL-skee) Gazelle, his Kiang, and Borsato's Chiru. I built the exhibit as large as possible to accommodate each ungulate and any future offspring they may produce. Some overhead shots, with foliage enabled and hidden. The only functioning foliage seen here is the clusters of Himalayan Pine Tree. Everything else seen here is scenery-only and does not affect the animals' happiness and suitability. Here's a close-up of the barn, courtesy of Jane's shelter collection here on zoo tek. Animal close-ups: Other close-ups These guys are great but more challenging to take care of. It took many alterations to their terrain height and increasing the amount of foliage before their suitability changed to green. I think they're worth it but it could be a deal breaker for other players. Would not recommend to more casual players. Highly recommend having a hack that enables you to delete trash and feces because the chiru go back into the yellow very quickly if there are only a couple poo piles in the exhibit. Total # of Chiru: 3 (all adults, no offspring yet) Total # of Przewalski's Gazelle: 4 (3 adults, 1 child so far. Slow birth rate.) Total # of Kiang: 4 (3 adults, 1 child so far. Slow birth rate.) Total # of Thorold's Deer: 4 (3 adults and 1 child so far. Slow birth rate.) I also wanted to show off Goosifer's spinning ride! It's beside the multiplex theater. It's surrounded by a lovely assortment of trees, and is flanked by two hot air balloons and balloon animal stands. So far, no one has bought a balloon animal yet, but I'm sure they will very soon. Finally, I wanted to show off the farmer's market I built. RDinFT's West European Market is scenery-only but creates a lovely illusion of a fully-stocked farmer's market and looks great next to Jane's souvenir shop. Another favorite section of mine is Jay's food stands up against the market stalls here. I hoped to create the illusion that guests could go up to them and 'purchase' the various fruits and veggies on display. I placed wooden boxes beside them to further enhance the illusion that there were extra supplies. The building seen behind the dinosaur snack stand is from a pirate scenery pack. I placed one of the configured door mods up against it to make it look like the guests could go inside. That's all I have for now! I've really missed sharing these screenshots with everyone and I can't wait to get back into it.
    4 points
  9. Day 151: Here is the last animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a family of White-Backed Vultures with Yellow Fever Trees in their enclosure. And i just forgot! i have 9K views on my topic on the Animal Kids Zoos as of now!
    3 points
  10. Day 150: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a family of Spectacled Fruit Bats or Spectacled Flying Foxes with Eucalyptus Trees in their enclosure.
    3 points
  11. Day 149: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a family of Western Griffon Vultures with Himalayan Pine Trees in their enclosure.
    3 points
  12. Day 148: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a family of Andean Condors with Western Larch Trees in their enclosure.
    3 points
  13. From Jay to me: You might want to recommend that they add "ByWhateverTheyWantToUseAsTheirName" to the end of the ".ztd" file names to avoid conflicts. Currently the blue whale and capybara ztd names conflict with others. There might be others, but I know those names conflict. I also prefer not using spaces in ztd file names. So it could be BlueWhaleBy... or Blue_Whale_By... . And it is also best to put ".ztd" files inside ".zip" files. That allows people to have the same ".ztd" file dates, and makes it more obvious whenever a ".ztd" has been updated. Having people download ".zip" files instead of downloading ".ztd" files also avoids problems with some browsers and some web sites.
    3 points
  14. Day 142: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a couple of Hawaiian Hawks with palm trees in their enclosure.
    3 points
  15. Just a new subspecies of bear today. East Siberian brown bear. Compatible with my raccoon dog. Animals: Enjoy! east siberian brown bear.ZTD
    3 points
  16. Day 141: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a couple of Steller's Sea Eagles with Chinese Fir Trees in their enclosure.
    3 points
  17. Additions of this week: Have a nice weekend! 😸😸
    3 points
  18. Day 138: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a family of Indian Peafowls with rainforest ferns in their enclosure.
    3 points
  19. Day 137: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a family of Harpy Eagles with Kapok trees in their enclosure.
    3 points
  20. Day 136: Ok this is the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo it is this zoo that showcases animals that can take flight like birds having the ability to fly like eagles and vultures and bats too so here comes the first one in this zoo and that will be a family of Philippine Eagles with giant ficus trees in their enclosure.
    3 points
  21. probably redoing them yet again but here is attempt two at wings from my session tonight. starting to look like a proper griffin.
    3 points
  22. >nobody's made a Toxodon yet Toxodon.ztd
    3 points
  23. So that was a lie My next 2-in-1 pack: Therizinosaurus and Deinocheirus! These ones are NOT compatible. Crossed Swords.ztd
    3 points
  24. I might redo the Tuna Patch with a new tuna model, so keep an eye out for that. With that out of the way, felt like making a different large predatory pelagic fish today. Mahi-mahi! They like pretty big schools, so keep that in mind when exhibiting them. Mahi-Mahi.ztd
    3 points
  25. Morbius(2022) Common vampire bat This one was actually pretty easy for once, once I was told how to get proper transparency on the wings. Common Vampire Bat.ztd
    3 points
  26. I have learned how to program fences! Big thanks to Fern and Jay (as usual; the're so helpful!) for helping me work through some initial missteps. Next will be to learning how to do the graphics correctly. I am hoping to figure this process out well and be able to make a few different fences. I have been on a break from the Ape Pack for too long but my visit to the Chester Zoo at the end of my recent trip to the UK (it was right before my last post) has definitely motivated me to return to it.
    2 points
  27. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1woy76xk61KkarZ_Um4RhE4DYKUksbNBvfr2_ubF3ig8/edit?usp=sharing This is a link to the spreadsheet I'm working on for Zoo Tycoon. I was inspired by the one Digsu made a few years back. It's got all of the needed information, but it's not organized and doesn't use color, making it hard to tell info apart. When making mine, I wanted to include some color and make sure similar stats were grouped together. I've also included some modded animals, I'm very picky about which modded animals I use (I like the ones that feel vanilla). The animals are organized how they are within the game, followed by the online bonus animals, DLC animals, and then the modded animals. If you want to mess around with the filters, just make a copy! It's not finished, but I figured that it really didn't matter if I showed it off now or later. Plus, as an added bonus, people can help out too, like catching mistakes I've made or figuring out how stats work. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it!
    2 points
  28. I hope She resting Peacefully. I love the animals for that she made for this Game
    2 points
  29. Day 147: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a couple of Australian Wedge-Tailed Eagles with Hard Quandong Trees in their enclosure.
    2 points
  30. Trying for a plaque shot first so gunning a little higher on fidelity, restarting wings. will probably keep this version even through animation though.
    2 points
  31. Day 146: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a family of Eastern Egyptian Vultures with Khejri Trees in their enclosure.
    2 points
  32. Day 145: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a family of King Vultures with Kapok Trees in their enclosure.
    2 points
  33. Day 144: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a family of Whooping Cranes with water reeds in their enclosure. Also, Happy Earth Day!
    2 points
  34. Day 143: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a family of White-Bellied Sea Eagles with mangrove trees in their enclosure.
    2 points
  35. Sorry if i have not showcased yet another animal in the next day, i was sick in some days when i was in Orlando and back in Lake Worth, i caught a random virus in that day and in those following days i was vomiting and had diarrhea in that i have to be taken to the emergency place to get the cure to stop the sickness before i head back, but i feel better now. and now on to this showcase! Day 139: Here is animal that is made for the Aerial Animal Kids Zoo which is a family of African Fish Eagles with water reeds in their enclosure.
    2 points
  36. School always goes first Goosifer We are greatful for everything you make for us Good luck with school and make yourself proud!
    2 points
  37. Surprise double post! I got a sudden burst of energy and managed to finish off this thing that's relatively new all things considered, probably one of my favourite animals. You can find the saola below in my google drive, in my signature. It has male, female and young graphics, and should be a bit of a pain to make happy, but hopefully makes up for that in guest appeal.
    2 points
  38. Been a hot minute, mostly tried to get my IRL stuff back in line. With that out of the way, new pack wheeeeee All three were deceptively hard to get sprites of, for varying reasons. The Lazy Lias Themed after the Early Jurassic Lias Group in the UK, of course, with three iconic(?) animals. Dimorphodon Scelidosaurus Ichthyosaurus Dimorphodon and Scelidosaurus are compatible with each other. Ichthyosaurus will be compatible with Plesiosaurus...in Serpyderpy's updated Dinosaur Digs realism hack, when it releases! Keep an eye out for that. Also like a good chunk of my mods you need ui99 and lang-borsato for this. Just assume that for all my stuff I guess. The Lazy Lias.ztd
    2 points
  39. Hi. I wanted to write a quick announcement. The short of it is: I'm retiring EMU from further development. It's not the end of the road for the utility it brought though. Finn and I have been working on OpenZT over the past year and lately it's been full steam ahead. Everything EMU can do it can do but better. If you liked my scripts that worked with EMU, they'll live on in OpenZT. More information in the Summer :) Or join our Discord in my signature link.
    2 points
  40. Day 135: Alright, before we can move on to yet another zoo the Unicorns in the Myth Zoo were not the last animals showcased in the Myth Zoo but here is one of the last true creatures in the Myth Zoo which is a Sphinx but the Egyptian race, not really a live one but a statue of one.
    2 points
  41. Day 134: Here are the 2 last animals that is made for the Whale Zoo which is a family of Orcas or Killer Whales with seaweed in their tank enclosure. And in a gift shop where it sells some other gifts there they have a Yellow Bellied Slider Turtle to be cared as a pet and an encyclopedia book where it has every information of any animals that are in the book and it also comes with a cd as well. I have now showcased all the animals and the animal houses made for the Marine Mania expansion pack! Now all i need to showcase left is just a few things from the base game now and i hope you like it of how i went through. And i have made it up to 8K views! which is one of my accomplishments i have made so far.
    2 points
  42. It's a lot whiter than texture downsizing would cause imo. This might be a problem in the post processing nodes or the source texture color space. Haven't seen that before, though.
    2 points
  43. View File ZZ Paths - Snowy Stepping Stones Paths Pack by Z.Z. Pack includes four Snowy Stepping Stones Paths for your winter zoos! Saltwater Snowy Stepping Stones Path Freshwater Snowy Stepping Stones Path Bright Snowy Stepping Stones Path Clear Snowy Stepping Stones Path Zip contains five files, one for each individual path, and a combined file which contains all four paths. Thank you Catfish for use of the Stepping Stones Path graphics, and thank you Cricket for coding them! Enjoy! :D Submitter Z.Z. Submitted 04/07/2024 Category Paths  
    2 points
  44. In the meantime... CRAB GAME Japanese spider crab, wheeeeeee After being placed, they'll drift down to the bottom of the tank and spend all their time there. Yeknow, like actual crabs. Oh yeah also you need lang-borsato and ui99 for this. Japanese Spider Crab.ztd
    2 points
  45. Day 132: Here is animal that is made for the Whale Zoo which is a couple of Bowhead Whales with clam beds in their tank enclosure.
    2 points
  46. I´ll change it eventually, probably also with changing name of Indian muntjac, taxonomy of which also changed. Sharpening textures looks great in ZT - eastern bongo:
    2 points
  47. I took a break. I was working on a new test zoo recently and got carried away trying to explore how to make fences. I am learning new things still! Also still hoping to get some stuff actually out and released in the nearer future.
    2 points
  48. Day 130: Here is an animal that is made for the Whale Zoo which is a decorative pond full of Koi with a bridge that guests can walk through.
    2 points
  49. I see this problem with a lot of the folks using the automatic sprite renderer, but it's not the tool exactly. The imported textures from ZT2 mods are designed to be seen in higher resolutions so when they're downscaled to ZT1 size you lose a lot of detail. It tries its best to compensate by blending a lot of the colors together into less pixels and that's how you get a blurry image. Your image looks black and white, but it still has blue and red where they were on the actual texture. They're just getting less pixel space and have been 'merged' with surrounding pixels. You can use Blender compositing nodes to play around with the final render. Box sharpen is a good one to address the blurriness, maybe the RGB tools to mess with the color. It can only get you so far though because again, the original textures imported from Zoo Tycoon 2 were made for higher resolution, and if detail is your main concern then you might need to make your own texture. Simple shapes and colors designed for small sprites usually work best--scaled down you'll see an illusion of detail (which is why I prefer making textures for ZT1 :P). If you've ever seen my hotdog stand, it looks like I added some gradient and texture detail, but it's really just two solid colors. Downscaling and the right lighting did the rest of the work.
    2 points
  50. Version 2017.02.05


    The Red Panda is an original new endangered animal, compatible with Zoo Tycoon 1 (no expansion packs needed). You might also hear this little critter's unique cry once in a while. From Wikipedia: The red panda (Ailurus fulgens), also called the lesser panda, the red bear-cat, and the red cat-bear, is a mammal native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. It has reddish-brown fur, a long, shaggy tail, and a waddling gait due to its shorter front legs; it is slightly larger than a domestic cat. It is arboreal, feeds mainly on bamboo, but also eats eggs, birds, and insects. It is a solitary animal, mainly active from dusk to dawn, and is largely sedentary during the day. - Design by Vondell - Configuration by Jeff (to admins: please test this animal once more, I'm using a slightly different version which was stable in my game. Vondell's been active for a bit, but I'm sure he's okay with publishing this first version of the Red Panda)
    2 points
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