I am a member at that site. So are several other members here at Tek. So if you know which downloads you need, just let us know and we'll get them for you.
As a lot of sites have closed & their dowlnloads are unavailable, I've started this thread for request. Perhaps we can help each other get hold of dl's that we can't dl anymore.
I'm trying to get two
Dr Rick's giant tualang
and his koala up a tree
There hasn't been any word from John in years. He had some significant health issues and I fear he has passed away. We don't have permission to host them, but I am very willing for them to be here if there is ever the need.
I have noticed this many times. At first, I thought they were not showing up because they maybe were in the shelter, but nope, there they were. I could click on them, they just weren't listed. I didn't know if they were reflected in the animal count; never checked that. I have noticed this with many different animals. Weird.