OMG! I'm not sure about this fact but I COULD bet that okapi is the in-game animal with the lowest breeding rate... Every time I play this campaign, I must reload my checkpoint when is the only couple left who has not "unleashed all of their passion" yet 😹😹 This time, I made almost 20 resets until achieving the breeding for okapi... Also, I gathered a lot of user-made stands but never got the guest hack in order to use the fan-made benches (I love all of the IRL restaurant packs made by users, but I just got the benches... I won't free-promote them despite most of us know and consume their stuff) Anyways... Here it is!
Empty Murphys Canyon Zoo
from the Endangered Species Zoo campaign:
User-made only resctricted: Animals, paths, decorative fences and scenery.
In-game stuff allowed: Exhibit fences, buildings, rocks, foliage and staff.
1. Suitability: 70 for 12 exhibits.
2. Rating: 70
3. Guest happiness: 93.
4. Animal happiness: 90.
5. Breeding: Okapi, white tiger & black leopard
Default buildings: Animal theater (1), soda stand (1) & burger stand (1).
In-game animals required: Black bear, moose, okapi, white tiger & black leopard.
Main view of the map! I have a big question about this map: How is it possible to put water terrain in a hill? 🙀🙀
Original animals in the zoo with their re-built exhibits!
The Murphy Canyon picnic area... Devona's old food stands available at ZKL are too cute... I got most of them, but this time I started testing the candy appple stand 🍎🍎
First cradle exhibit! White tiger rainforest waterfall!
Second cradle exhibit! Black leopard rainforest train! 🚉🚉
Third cradle exhibit! Devona's balloon arches stand for the newborn okapi party! 🎈🎈
And now... At the zoo gates: At your right side: Taz's European red deer enjoying Dr Rick's Tall elms!
Then, at your left side: A Borsato's crowned crane pond family!
I was building the following exhibits when I just noticed most of my animals were australian... That gave me an idea: Later, for one of these campaigns, I'll build an Australian-themed zoo! Is there any suggestion of tasmanian devil? Meanwhile, I got these: A platypus pond, a koala eucalyptus forest and an echidna savannah praire, all Borsato's and all of them bred! I didn't notice until the end!
Another Borsato's UCA: The monk seal... You'll notice I also got Z.Z.'s Natural shelters... They look pretty awesome... This pack is now one of my "must have"!
Finally, a small desert for a Taz's addax couple... 🌴🌴
As a new year aim, I'll be working on a new project: I'll start writting a book! 📖📖 I began this work several years ago when I was studying but the university swallowed most of my time... Hence, I had to cut the project... So, later campaigns in january and so on may be delayed as I'll spare my time between writting and building zoos. Hope you like it! Until next time... Have a nice day 🥰🥰