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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2022 in all areas

  1. And thus (i.e. because I love them, too), I downloaded the rest of @Fern's coloured fences today - and already put them to use. A black fence of course befits the black panther. I also filled up my rainforest area - now it's an area of rare and extinct species from the Kouprey and Saola to the Okapi: These exhibits are planted up - some to 90 % - so that the animals might not be visible. I started to plant up the Uintatherium exhibit already, but that'll continue tomorrow. And I of course noticed that I might have to replace the fence for the stronger "steel and concrete" one. I use coloured steel-and-concrete fences almost exclusively, for both extant and extinct animals from a spotted cuscus to a Paraceratherium or Struthiomimus. And yes, I love pink even as a man!
    3 points
  2. Jay has released the following at the Guild: No Staff Hack No Guests Hack Have Research Completed Automatically or Have Things Available Sooner http://www.ztcdd.org/DG/index.php?board=315.0
    2 points
  3. I can't log into ZA while not at home so I asked Jay for the links. These were supposed to be finished for the Dry Gulch theme but were not released until years later. The Texas Longhorn Cattle, Appaloosa, and Sundance Prairie Foliage were released at ZAZT1 in May 2019. These are in the "Zoo Admin 2006 Anniversary" ("Western Theme - Dry Gulch") area. That board is at this link: https://zooadmin.org/ZT1/index.php?board=61.0 The animals are in an Animals topic in that board: https://zooadmin.org/ZT1/index.php?topic=1491.0
    2 points
  4. There has been a Texas longhorn done. I don't think it has been released.
    2 points
  5. Tercero: Semillas Varias cosas han cambiado desde la primera visita de la directora del IRA, Coyolxauhqui en la reserva natural del cenote. En un inicio, fue evidente la necesidad de conseguir un equipo e instalaciones para el cuidado de los animales del IRA a cargo de veterinarios calificados. En un par de meses, mientras un pequeño equipo construía la clínica, una segunda cuadrilla liderada por el veterinario Félix Manchado se encargaba del diseño para el nuevo hogar de Yum Kaax. Félix es ahora el responsable del bienestar del jaguar. Los centinelas del cuartel no son policías contratados por Cauich, pues sus guardas son un mejor equipo: La tranquilidad del aire que pasa entre las ramas de los árboles se confunde con ladridos y jugueteos, al tiempo que Canek recoge las cacas que deja detrás la jauría falta de pelo, cuyos integrantes se acercan curiosos a los visitantes del parque, olisqueándoles de arriba a abajo. Al amanecer de un viernes, previo a la apertura del parque, un ruido extraño perturba a Canek. Ese día esperan a alguien, pero su visita se ha anticipado bastantes horas. Al tiempo que las llantas de una camioneta crujen contra las piedrecillas afuera del parque, las suelas de las botas de Canek soportan sus amplias zancadas con las que se apresura a encontrar el vehículo al otro lado de la entrada. - ¿Qué sucede? - indaga Félix, quien va llegando en ese momento, tras ver la horrorizada mueca de Canek. - ¡La visita! - masculla Canek. - ¿Qué no era a las...? - ¡No! ¡Calla! - interrumpe Cauich. Desde una camioneta con el emblema del IRA, desciende una mujer con sombrero y gafas de sol. Ella va conduciendo sola. Camina hacia la puerta del parque, donde los dos sujetos siguen de pie. - ¡Buen día, muchachos! - exclama la visitante. - ¡Excelente mañana, señorita Virginia Robles! - responde Canek - La estábamos esperando con ansias. - ¡Muchas gracias! Usted debe ser Canek Cauich, el encargado del parque ¿Verdad? - indaga Virginia. - Es correcto - responde él -. Le presento al doctor Félix Manchado, encargado del área del jaguar. - Un gusto, doc - Félix replica con un apretón de manos y agitando la cabeza -. La Directora Aduna-Pacheco está más que satisfecha con su trabajo en el cuidado de Yum Kaax. Los tres empieza a caminar hacia el interior del parque. Virginia hace preguntas breves y Canek da respuestas amplias, mientras Félix se limita a reír en voz baja ante los chuscos comentarios que hacen ambos. Metros adelante, se detienen frente al Restaurante Pirámide, el cuál sigue cerrado. - ¿Y hoy no nos acompaña la ornitóloga Lorena Rojo? - interroga Virginia - Mi principal actividad de hoy es evaluar el desempeño que ha tenido con las aves que la Directora Coyolxauhqui envió para su rehabilitación. - Ella nos alcanzará más tarde - repone Canek -. Hasta entonces, usted puede echar un vistazo al aviario que ella diseñó y en el que los guacamayos y tucanes rescatados del tráfico ilegal ahora vuelan seguros. Una estructura de cristal y barras de acero se erige detrás del restaurante. Dos estatuas de aves doradas extienden las alas, listas para emprender vuelo junto con las aves de colores relucientes que ahí habitan. Virginia se pasea por dentro del aviario, observa, juzga, asiente y después de unos minutos, concluye: - No está mal. Nada mal. Sin embargo, tengo un par de observaciones en las que podría mejorar. Ya hablaré con Lorena cuando tengamos tiempo juntas. Mientras tanto, iré a la ciudad a buscar algo de comer. - ¿Cómo? - pregunta extrañado Canek - ¿No va a quedarse con nosotros? - ¡Pero claro que sí! - exclama Virginia - De hecho, me voy a quedar varios días. Tal vez un mes entero. Tengo trabajo para usted. - ¿Disculpe? - La semana pasada, el IRA rescató varios animales golpeados por un vehículo. Algún idiota los atropelló. Lastimosamente, algunos no sobrevivieron, pero nuestro equipo logró rescatar a dos tlacuaches y un cacomixtle. Ahora están estables y esperamos que reciban buen cuidado en su parque. Ahora, si usted y el doctor Félix me ayudan a bajarlos de la camioneta... Cada uno tomó una jaula y la llevó al interior del parque. Una vez en su lugar, Virginia se subió de nuevo en la camioneta. Insertó la llave y el motor comenzó a rugir. - Pongo este asunto en sus sabias manos, señor Canek - dijo ella desde detrás del volante -. Una vez que los animales tengan su propia exhibición, me dedicaré a ellos. Estoy considerando la posibilidad de mudarme a Yucatán y dedicarme completamente aquí, justo como Coyolxauhqui. Veré a Lorena después. ¡Lindo día! - Espere... ¿Qué? El vehículo fue en reversa y luego desapareció entre la maleza. - ¿Y ahora qué se supone que haga con ellos?
    1 point
  6. Very kid. Hanuman langurs next
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Chapter Two: Aid Request Four dun rough walls surround a room with a table in a corner and a warm bed in the other. Pointing to the west, a window lets the sun coming in. A whole orchestra from a gale lives the enviroment up, when around at three and a half in the afternoon, the wooden door suddenly opens. It whips agaist the adjacent wall. A man embbeded in a heavy thick leather jacket stands there. He shakes himself before the first steps in, leaving a cloud of frosty dust behind. He holds a massive bottle full of boiling tea. Next to a portable computer, the container will find rest in order to him to strip away a pair of gloves and a hat. Both clothes have a flour-like white film. After a couple of hours, when the bottle is now half-full and tea is almost frozen, he has token a shower and is now ready to take a look at his device. It's wednesday. He always look for bussiness mails in wednesday. On the top of a bunch of offers, a mail distinguishes by its title: Aid Request. He usually ignores this kind of messages, but today is the first one, so he'll lend a chance. In it, he may read more than a simple request: My respecable Chairman Abbott: This is Biologist Coyolxauhqui Aduna-Pacheco, former Animal Rehabilitation Center (ARC) Headmistress from Mexico. During the time I worked for ARC, I focused my efforts in the development of a natural conservation park for relocation of animals that weren't able to set free again. Working together with the manager of Eeke-Ku-Yooko ("Dancing Star") Cenote Natural Area, Engineer Canek Cauich and his whole team, we now drive a Zoo in Yucatan, where customers may approach wildlife and learn about its conservation. Woefully, since I'm no more ARC's leader, government has minimized funds for our park. We're worried about what authorities would do if they expropiate the zoo. Previously, they tried to "aid" animals in our park, unsuccessfully. Because of all of this, I'm taking the audacity of asking for your support, not with economic benefit for me or my team, but just for all the animals we've rescued in the last years. We're aware of your astonishing booming projects and, if you're interested in it, we may discuss about yielding the whole zoo to your foundation. At the very beginning of our work, we rescued a lost jaguar near the Cenote Hotspot. Nowadays, guests love it and is now a local symbol. It's named "Yum Kaax". When I started working with Engineer Cauich, authorities lend us the animal in these poor conditions: Years have passed since then and, today, if you come to our park, Yum Kaax's conditions are pretty different: And this is just a piece of all our effort. If you'd like to visit and honor us with your presence, you may find us like: Enviromental Management Unit (EMU) - Nahui Ollin BioPark a place for meeting alongside Nature Confirm the date of your visit and we'll welcome you with our arms wide open at our headquarters! Then, I'll guide and explain you how our park grew to its actual reaching. Until your forthcoming arrival, greetings from Biologist Coyolxauhqui Aduna-Pacheco, EMU - Nahui Ollin BioPark's Headmistress Luca Abbott's blue eyes were jumping from their hollows, throwing the eyebrows so far that almost merged with the hair at his nape. Immediately, he toke his cellphone, pinched the screen quickly and then the device went to his ear. On the other side of the line, a loudy trumpet, like the sound of an elephant was interrumped by a voice. - Chairman Abbott! You just left! Is everything alright? - Said the man, surprised. - Ganesh! When is Dr. Kerr coming back from London? - Abbott asked without giving attention. Ganesh doubted a couple of seconds. Trumpets tooted again. - She's comming in two days - Answered the fellow -. Why is it? - Great! - Shouted the Chairman - I'm taking a flight to Mexico this weekend. She's on charge until my return. - Understood, Sir! - Oh, and no one can know, just you and Dr. Kerr, right? - What are you planning now, boss? - These last words were swallowed by the snow. Luca already hanged up.
    1 point
  9. Chapter One: Lord of the Woods Four white smooth walls surround the desk that lies in the center of the room. Only the lullaby of the mini-split device is heard, when at nine o'clock in the morning the door opens. A lady wearing a fresh and light purple dress, garnished with flower and birds needleworks walks in. She holds a cup of coffee in her right hand, while the left one is diving in a bunch of papers. The quiet serenity breaks when she takes her seat in front of the computer, smashes the papers on the desk and then starts making a "peek-peek" sound as she pushes the characters on the keyboard. At the e-mail inbox, there are lots of messages that she may never read, but one steals all of her attention. The title is "Aid Request". The same of almost 15 from that day, but the main thing around it is who sends it. Greetings! We expect you to have a nice day! This is Canek Cauich, manager of the ecotouristic area Eeke-Ku-Yooko ("Dancing Star") Cenote. By this mean, we ask for the support from Animals Rehabilitation Center (ARC) because of the following: Past October 31st, during our Halloween-Día De Los Muertos fest, we had an incident. In the proximity of our main attracion spot, which had an attendance of around 1,200 customers at the time, a wild jaguar came out from the rainforest. The whole park was evacuated. Soon, the animal left, but there were several sights pointing that it still roamed near the place. Since then, the park is fully closed. Local people were worried, most because they mantain themselves from tourism activity. So, we called authorities in order to catch the animal, who is now called "Yum Kaax" after mayan Lord of the Woods. As it is possible that the jaguar still roams if set free, we got permission to keep it at our natural conservation area, but we are now concerned about its welfare. It is obvious that the cage made by local authorities is not enough for Yum Kaax's basic requirements. We are aware about the previous works of ARC. If we're counting on your support, Yum Kaax and the people will be both grateful! We'll be awaiting for your response. Thanks for your time and attention. With a hand on her forehead and the eyes wide open like two cenotes, the woman finished reading the mail. She blinked twice, calmly drank a sip of already cold coffee and then started writting an answer. The text cursor was tinkling after a final point that closed the text and sentenced phrases with words like "non-viable" or "risky". Her finger was menacingly landing in the "Send" button, when a noisy sequence of hits striked the door from the outside. - Headmistress! We had an urgent call! A pack of wild birds is going to be confiscated from a black market house! We need your signature in order to relocate them! The mini-split lullaby toke its main role again during a couple of eyeblinks, then the lady shouted from her throne. - Bring them here! Answer was taking too long. The fellow who limited itself about getting in was twisting its eyes and whispering for sure. - Oh my... Are you serious? Our birdcage is not working yet. - It's just for three or four days. Just do it! Hurry! Give me five minutes 'til I reach there! - What are you planning now, boss? Steps started walking far. She erased al the done e-mail and changed it for a short new one. Later that day, Canek was reading the next: My respectable Sir Canek Cauich: I want you to be having an excelent day. This is Headmistress from ARC headquarters. I'm very interested about Yum Kaax's story. I'll take a plane to Yucatán tomorrow in the morning, so I may meet it personally and also your whole conservation area as well. I have a work proposal for you that I want to discuss face to face with you and your team. I'll just state from now that it will be a total waste if you don't take it: If we work together from now on, your park will turn into a whole place for the rehabilitation of wildlife and rescued animals. I expect that we may share ideas and talk about details tomorrow with a good portion of that what is produced at your inn. Until then, good bye from: Biologist Coyolxauhqui Aduna-Pacheco, ARC Headmistress.
    1 point
  10. Pretty! I'm a sucker for the colored objects. I hope someone does colored electric fences someday
    1 point
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