So I seriously made a bad mistake a couple days ago and crashed my game hard. I had too many files in the dlupdate folder, I knew better than to do it, but I actually lost track of how many files I had in it and when I went to install more items, the number jumped from around 304-305 to about 350-360. Then, after a registry cleanout, when I went to get back to my zoo, the game informed me that the file could not be found, so I lost the first Seven Bridges Zoo.
Lessons have been learned, the dl folder has been cleaned out and content put back in, holding at around 227 files and will probably stay there for a little bit while I get over the shock of what I had done. Onward to a new zoo so introducing, Seven Bridges, 2.0. Thinking on it now, I'm kind of glad that it happened because things were starting to tank in the original zoo, guests were very unhappy, thirsty and hungry and no matter how fast I put in restaurants, food courts and scattered drink stations and vending machines, the number just kept going up. I do know that this is partly because of the Marine shows; once they are over and everyone piles out of the grandstands, everyone is thirsty and hungry. So, with 2.0, I'm doing away with food courts entirely, using the ends of the walkways for what I call 'mini-courts', which will have one concession stand or vending machines and a place to sit and eat. I also am considering the size of the bridges and I'll be putting in in smaller bridges, the new Clematis bridges by SavyKet. I know they were for Valentine's Day, but I think they'll be sweet for my Easter theme, too.
I have fourteen exhibits built so far, I'm going to hold off opening my zoo until I have almost completed building the zoo. More to follow!