Version 1.3.0
This pack is a Halloween gift for all of you!
Some animals use message texts and images contained in the following files: Borsato's ui99ztd + LANG--ZBorsato.dll in order to see all animal eras in the purchase menu & description window properly. However, even without them, all files should work right.
If you don't have them and wanna know how it works, you may find it here:
~~ Content List ~~
Hynerpeton North America. Aquatic. Devonian.
Ichthyostega North America. Aquatic. Devonian.
Proterogyrinus North America. Coniferous Forest. Carboniferous.
Eryops North America. Coniferous Forest. Carboniferous.
Platyhystrix North America. Desert. Permian.
Diploceraspis North America. Desert. Permian.
Uralerpeton Asia. Desert. Permian.
Prionosuchus South America. Coniferous Forest. Permian.
Gerrothorax Europe. Aquatic. Triassic.
Sclerothorax Europe. Aquatic. Triassic.
Metoposaurus Europe. Aquatic. Triassic.
Anaschisma North America. Aquatic. Triassic.
Antarctosuchus Antarctica. Decidous Forest. Triassic.
Mastodonsaurus Eurasia. Aquatic. Triassic.
Siderops Australia. Rainforest. Jurassic.
Beelzebufo Madagascar. Rainforest. Cretaceous.
*Bonus Items*
Tiktaalik North America. Aquatic. Devonian. Early access animal. First release date: Oct 10th, 2022.
-> Tiktaalik previous version must be erased from your /dlupdate folder before installing this pack <-
Swimming Tadpoles Neutral exhibit & tank placeable scenery item!
-> A .txt file with the credits & a compatibility guide.