Better health in this household and my son spent *hours* reinstalling IrFanView 64 and both MS pix and ZT are showing up. For how long, we'll see.
Vondell's Lighted Paths are the main exit paths. Below L to R showroom Hoverbike display, Adoption Certificate Sales, Floating Zoo Info Screens, Spaceship sales -- zoos do not use barter to feed animals -- AZN Thai Food, behind are ThyNepal Buildings. The yellow & green Oz pillars from Zoo Admin are part of the medical sensors & sanitizers to protect all these imported animals. Also looks like medical waiting areas.
Irish Elk above Mammoth fountain & exhibit, Arctic Wolves & R Reindeer
Organics Disposal is also different at this zoo but it still produces odor but so does the hot Tar Pit.
Posting this now before I hit the wrong key again which deleted the original post.