A little demonstration to show how my invisible fences mod works right now:
To hide a fence, find a guest and name them "Mrs. Invis" (a The Incredibles reference):
To show the fence again so you can make changes find a guest and name them "Mr. Show" (a reference to the TV show. this one might change if I can think of something better lol):
It will be the game's first two custom "easter egg" cheats not using configuration.
For those interested in customizing the functionality, as you know EMU reads in .emu scripts. You can think of these scripts as more powerful versions of .ucs files because you can add logic and math. They're easy to read and modify with a text editor. It will look something like this (not final):
-- add or remove ids to make more objects invisible
local ids = {9313, 9314}
if GetSelectedEntity() == 0 then
-- set ids to invisible
if GetSelectedGuestName() == "Mrs. Invis" then
MakeEntitiesInvisibleInvincible(ids, true)
-- restore ids back to normal
elseif GetSelectedGuestName() == "Mr. Show" then
MakeEntitiesInvisibleInvincible(ids, false)