Haven't posted in a while but I have been mostly on-and-off with the ever growing patch and a few other projects which have been posted over on Zooberry. One of which was a Halloween pack made with a few other designers (which is admittedly a little late posting it here) and an Ussuri dhole, which was mostly made as a test for importing animations from Frontier games. Also forgot to mention I updated the DD Marketing Beta pack with a few changes that were suggested, and it should be reflected both in my signature link as well as a mirror download uploaded on Zooberry again. All of these can be found in my signature but most of my downloads will also be uploaded to Zooberry as well from here on out.
Link to the Halloween Pack.
Link to the Dhole.
Marketing Beta pack mirror link.
The patch is sort of dragging itself along. I keep getting swept up in ideas, though the bulk of it is really done. More recently I have been slowly chipping away at attempting to give Dinosaur Digs its own restaurant, though cobbling together the model and render for it is slow going, and I have recently figured out how to make new habitats for the adoption panel, so a few dinosaurs have been moved over to that. I have given this new biome (Temperate Rainforest) foliage and things to go with it, so it feels more fleshed out and not tacked on. No new terrain but, with a similar situation to the unused scrub habitat, I feel like if the vibes and overall aesthetic of a habitat can be matched with the in-game terrain then it's fair game. A few dinosaurs have also been given dimorphism and some other details, too.
Here's how Temperate Rainforest currently looks in game, with some candidates moved over, though I haven't edited their foliage pref icons yet because icons for the new habitat foliage haven't been made yet. The id used for it comes before savannah, so they will be at the top of the adoption panel. I thought this was less cursed than it being below all of the aquatic animals, though it still does look a little wierd. Oh well.