The headings above each list in bold state what Jay is looking for.
The sold items need a tooltip. For example, I did a version of the Eyeball Soup. Here are the IDs I used:
2906, "Eyeball Soup"
32906, "Eyeball Soup. For a tasty appetizer, guests can feast on this thick green soup loaded with eyeballs."
57906, "Those eyeballs look scary, but this soup tastes good!"
The 32906 ID is the tooltip. The 57906 ID is the guest thought. Something similar to that is needed for the rest of the items on that particular list.
The buildings need an expanded tooltip. For example, the Olive Garden could be expanded to maybe say what types of foods are sold there and maybe how the guests react to those food items. Something along those lines.
You're on the right track with the animals. For each of those animals, you could add a brief description of what type of animal it is, maybe with main or unique characteristics, type of stripes, sounds it makes, is it aggressive or shy? That sort of thing.
I hope that helps!