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Borsato Project


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Thanks, Heather. I get it now. Tutorial would nice, too.  I'm guessing that will now show up as an exhibit itself or not?  That info could into the tutorial, please.


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Updated both packs with this fixes:


- Fixed invisible Sivatherium's baby

- Fixed wrong spell for Aurochs and Aurochsen.


DinoDanger Jurassic

- Fixed China references in Dilophosaurus (Location has been changed to North America)

- Fixed Afrca references in Brachiosaurus


17 hours ago, Hawkkeye666 said:

Maybe it would be better to do Chalicotherium slower - it was knuckle walker, not build for speed, something like giant ground sloths. Now it is running like zebra in game.


PS: And when you are going to publish forest tarpan, which is mentioned in aurochs description...?

I'll think about Chalicotherium speed... it is something that I really didn't before, so I need to check what I can do to slower it.

The Forest Tarpan referenced by the Aurochs is this one:


22 hours ago, HENDRIX said:

Para looks noisy or overly crisp, either try blurring it a bit in the compositor or better change the size of the texture filter.

I tried some tests with blur and effectively it gives out a better result. Thank you as always!

So I'm generating right now the animations.. which will take their time. :D

Animations finshed and replace. V2 is now available.


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Professor Paul

I wouldn't worry too much about the speed of the chalicotherium. Gorillas are also knuckle walkers and have an impressive turn of speed when they want to.

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Some more ideas for improvements:

- The gorilla rig (gigantopithecus) does not mirror properly due to faulty bone names. You can turn off the automatic mirroring when you import the model, or rename the vertex groups and bones so the foot no longer distorts.

- Some of the animals "jump around" between animations in APE. I haven't tested them ingame still, but I would assume it is the same there. So I'd recommend "anchoring" them to the same position in blender.


One more thing you might be interested in: I am currently fixing the ZT2 anim import so that all movements are correctly rendered. A few more tests, then it should be good to go.

Edit: Here it is, deinstall the old one and install this version: https://github.com/HENDRIX-ZT2/bfb-blender

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carlos franco
On 5/5/2018 at 7:21 AM, Borsato said:

hola a todos, estoy feliz de anunciar que los primeros dos paquetes están listos!

Los paquetes contienen algunas de mis creaciones ya publicadas, con una bonificación adicional que se describe en cada paquete.




El paquete DinoDanger-Jurassic contiene los siguientes animales:

Ya lanzado: Diplodocus, Archaeopteryx, Cryolophosaurus, Liopleurodon

Ya lanzado, pero con nuevos gráficos: Brachiosaurus, Dilophosaurus

Bonus: Ceratosaurus


El paquete MegaMammals contiene los siguientes animales:

Ya lanzado: Diprotodon, Thylacoleo, Thylacosmilus, Doedicurus, Unicornio siberiano, Gigantopithecus, Alce irlandés, Paraceratherium

Bonificación: Sivatherium, Auroch, Chalicotherium


Puedes encontrarlos en la carpeta habitual en mi firma, bajo MegaMammals y DinoDangerJurassic.


En adición a esto ... algunos lanzamientos estándar como de costumbre :)


Darwin's Rhea ( Imagen )

Savannah, América del Sur

El archivo vendrá con Pampas Grass ztd. El Pampas Grass ztd es una planta de Sudamérica que se puede utilizar en la exposición de Rhea, pero no es obligatorio. Lo he creado a partir del archivo z2f creado por Aurora Designs.


Eohippus ( Imagen )

Selva tropical, América del Norte, Ice Age


Kelenken ( Imagen )

Pastizales, América del Sur, Ice Age


Ouranosaurus ( Imagen )

Bosque de coníferas, África, Cretácico


Parasaurolophus ( imagen )

Bosque de Coníferas, América del Norte, Cretácico

El Parasaurolophus es compatible con el Lambeosaurio del juego



I was testing the Auroch and it generates an error, since the animal is static, it has a cut where it moves backwards and / or forward, which makes it look nothing real. Greetings.

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carlos franco
El 29/4/2018 a la 1:56 PM, Borsato dijo:


Iguana marina : Me temo que es un error de APE que crea el comportamiento del animal o del propio animal original (aunque tengo la sensación de que es el segundo más que el primero). Trataré de obtener más información al respecto. @Fern, lo siento molestarlo, ¿podría ayudarnos en este asunto? Tal vez Jay puede ser de ayuda aquí.
Sobre el hábitat y el follaje, podría agregarse a su exposición ... aún lo pensaré.

@ Borsato  it has not yet been possible to modify the file of the iguana maria, it is a great animal. regards

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After some time, some of animals (grey crowned crane, red crowned crane,darwin´s rhea, sacred ibis and scarlet ibis) just disappered from the animal purchase menu...

I still have them in updates folder, and in exhibits in saved games, but I can´t buy them.


Has anyone the same problem?

It´s a bug, or something else?

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carlos franco
1 hour ago, Hawkkeye666 said:

Después de un tiempo, algunos animales (grulla coronada gris, grulla corona roja, ñandú de Darwin, ibis sagrado e ibis escarlata) desaparecieron del menú de compra de animales ...

@Hawkkeye666 after what time (on the ZT timeline) does this happen to you ?, I tried some of the files you mentioned and I did not have that problem.  I can try again and see if that problem occurs.

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2 hours ago, carlos franco said:

@Hawkkeye666 after what time (on the ZT timeline) does this happen to you ?, I tried some of the files you mentioned and I did not have that problem.  I can try again and see if that problem occurs.

Year, maybe two of ingame time?

Actually they completelly dissaperead from the game´s purchase menu - they are not there, even when I start new game.


Re-downloading them didn´t help.

And taking some other downloadable content out of updates folder didn´t help too.


It´s weird, because in my saved game, they are still there, in exhibits - but I can´t buy them.


EDIT: SOLVED. I had in my updates folder uiWW.ztd, from some RSN project. It causes dissapearing of mentioned animals.

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13 hours ago, Hawkkeye666 said:

EDIT: SOLVED. I had in my updates folder uiWW.ztd, from some RSN project. It causes dissapearing of mentioned animals.

My bird creation have the RSN menu filter (in case you are using it, the bird-like creation appears under it). If you are not using it, they should appear under the Zoo Tycoon menu (or DinoDigs/MarineMania if they are filtered for them, like the Great Auk or the Elephant Bird).


Said that.. I've finished the last two packs for the DinoDanger theme, which will be divided in two packs: Createceous P1 and Cretaceous P2 (to have them a smaller size).


The DinoDanger-Cretaceous P1 pack contains the following animals:

Already released: Maiasaura, Corythosaurus, Utahraptor, Parasaurolophus, Muttaburrasaurus

Bonus: Dakotaraptor


The DinoDanger-Cretaceous P2 pack contains the following animals:

Already released: Giganotosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Deinocheirus, Protoceratops, Oviraptor

Bonus: Baryonyx


Both packs (and their single content already released will be in a specific DinoDanger-Cretaceous folder).


After the pack... the usual releases :)


Aardvark (Image)

Savannah, Africa


Black-faced Impala (Image)

Savannah, Africa


Iberian Lynx (Image)

Decidous Forest, Europe


Black-faced Spoonbill (Image)

Aquatic, Asia


Green Anaconda (Image)

Rainforest, South America


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