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It is almost here! It's been a hard work and some of them are already finished, but it is still much to do yet...


Until then, take a look at the




Toadally Batrocious Land Invaders


These are the animals you may expect, sorted by compatibility:


Devonian Primordial Pond

IconTiktaalik.png.043fd6649e53c61dbbc06f14a50e4de4.png TiktaalikNorth America, Aquatic.

Icons(1).png.5e5c1c55284fbf2f884f9565d1c360a6.png HynerpetonNorth America, Aquatic.

Icons.png.ac6cacf773e7db3b5082fd2b292dd664.png IchthyostegaNorth America, Aquatic.


Carboniferous Ancient Woods

Icon.png.71ea521fbf5f5336f91a299e7a87fcc4.png ProterogyrinusNorth America, Coniferous forest.

Icons.png.78ce77c078e6d71cf704403a86209ce2.png EryopsNorth America, Coniferous forest.

Khaydar's Arthropleura Available at his drive folder.

Meganeura & Pulmonoscorpius Cooming soon!


Permian Lost Oasis

IconM.png.78a6dd1a739bd0a38bbad835c3e1fcd8.png IconF.png.2e2dd814774437a601716b2ca3840791.png PlatyhystrixNorth America, Desert.

Icons.png.e6e8c6b06055bfe62ae364de4c9d1be3.png DiploceraspisNorth America, Desert.

Icons.png.b9941f9f07efbd59011c1931793fe55d.png UralerpetonAsia, Desert.


Triassic Rocky Puddle

IconGerrothorax.png.849a685eabcdbf4b666cc627e6739088.png GerrothoraxEurope, Aquatic.

Icons.png.0dfb5c117b9004e237729b2e62ce40fa.png SclerothoraxEurope, Aquatic.

Icons.png.5abdd02ad55f71333a293b71c1d074d1.png MetoposaurusEurope, Aquatic.

Icons.png.2113d9a96d4276f87fd3d99b9fb5faad.png AnaschismaNorth America, Aquatic.


Cretaceous Madagascan Jungle

Icon.png.51897dd4cbdabe7d973097ef357623a2.png BeelzebufoMadagascar, Rainforest.

Hawkkeye's Simosuchus Cooming soon!


The four horsemen (Animals non-compatible with any other, due their era or location)

Icon.png.fa5f6196c91a4f33da3912cf1f65af0a.png PrionosuchusSouth America, Coniferous Forest. Permian

Icons.png.b67a52742effe814bd9eacf0657fa31c.png Antarctosuchus. Antarctica, Decidous Forest. Triassic.

Icons.png.7e52b32cd413c7272a4457eed7c2f5e9.png MastodonsaurusEurasia, Aquatic. Triassic.

Icons.png.f7309f9a44b06b37368e0747fffa1c21.png SideropsAustralia, Rainforest. Jurassic.

You may recognize them because of their icon with just half their massive bodies!


And now, the thing:

What happened to Name contest?


Welp, It was an actual epic fail... None sent any tender ?? What will happen with the prize?


Hey! I'm not disappointed at all! If there are no contendants, there is no winner either... And without any winner, the link for early access for Tiktaalik will be available for you all!! It is not available at my signature! Only at the link pointed below AND it will be switched off the day this pack is released


Try Tiktaalik right now!!

UPDATE: Link turned off on Nov 07th, 2022
Go get the latest version of Toadally Batrocious, already released!


Stay tuned for the official release of Toadally Batrocious Land Invaders!! Have a nice week ??

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From Jay

Here are the animal checker results for "ZwTiktaalik.ztd":

0FDFE088.uca date: Mon Oct 10 12:09:18 2022
*** Warning: animals/0fdfe088/m/2surfsic/2surfsic.ani is not in ztd.
Results From Configuration Checking (2022-09-28 checker version):
*** Warning: Has fDustBall and sound, but no 'dustball=' sound setting.
*** Warning: No fPlay... type of line before fPlayTime line.
*** Warning: No fPlay... type of line or fDie line after fPlayTime line.

  • Thanks 1
On 10/14/2022 at 4:13 AM, Fern said:

From Jay

Here are the animal checker results for "ZwTiktaalik.ztd":

0FDFE088.uca date: Mon Oct 10 12:09:18 2022
*** Warning: animals/0fdfe088/m/2surfsic/2surfsic.ani is not in ztd.
Results From Configuration Checking (2022-09-28 checker version):
*** Warning: Has fDustBall and sound, but no 'dustball=' sound setting.
*** Warning: No fPlay... type of line before fPlayTime line.
*** Warning: No fPlay... type of line or fDie line after fPlayTime line.

Thanks for the advice! ??


My uca2post version is not showing those warnings ?? how can I be sure that I fixed then properly?


From Jay:

There are multiple animal checker programs. The lines above the "Results From Configuration Checking" line are from the checkztd program. The lines below the "Results From Configuration Checking" line are from the uca2post program. The "Results From Configuration Checking" line shows which uca2post version was used for the checking.

The checkztd program can be downloaded from Zookeeper's Lounge:


The "*** Warning: animals/0fdfe088/m/2surfsic/2surfsic.ani is not in ztd." is because 0FDFE088.uca has "surface_2_sick = 2surfsic" in the [m/Animations] section but ZwTiktaalik.ztd does not have an animals/0fdfe088/m/2surfsic folder (or an animals/0fdfe088/y/2surfsic folder). Since 0FDFE088.uca is using "under2surfsic = usurfsic", maybe "surface_2_sick = 2surfsic" should be changed to ""surface_2_sick = surfsick". (And, for consistency, "shadow2surfsic = s2subsic" could be changed to "shadow2surfsic = ssurfsic".) Another possibility is to remove both "f = fPlay(surface_2_sick)" lines, "f = fPlayReverse(surface_2_sick)" line, "surface_2_sick = 2surfsic" line, "under2surfsic = usurfsic" line, and "shadow2surfsic = s2subsic" line. Of those two approaches, the second approach might be the better approach. Since ZwTiktaalik.ztd does not have 2surfsic folders, ZT would skip those lines anyway.

The other Warnings were added to the September 28, 2022 version of uca2post. Today, I uploaded that version to Zookeeper's Lounge:


To get rid of "*** Warning: Has fDustBall and sound, but no 'dustball=' sound setting.", you can add the following lines to the [Sounds] section:

dustball = animals/marlin/surfeat.wav
dustball = 800

As for any Warning, it is up to you if you want to make changes to get rid of the Warnings. That is especially true for "No fPlay... type of line" Warnings. With the current uca2post version, all ZT's animals and nearly all user made animals will give "No fPlay... type of line" Warnings. But that is the cause of having a zookeeper sometimes repeatedly shoot darts at an escaped animal without the animal turning into a crate. So I felt it was worthwhile to flag, even though the problem rarely occurs for escaped animals. And even when the problem occurs, it is not a big deal, since picking up the escaped animal and putting it back down will cause it to turn into a crate. For this particular animal, the problem lines would never be triggered anyway. But if you want to get rid of the Warnings, you want every "fPlayTime" line to have a "fPlay", "fPlayWithSound", "fPlayPingPong",or "fPlayReverse" line immediately before it and have a "fPlay", "fPlayWithSound", "fPlayPingPong", "fPlayReverse", or "fDie" line immediately after it. In particular, for this animal you would change the [BehaviorSet\bcgland], [BehaviorSet\bcgwater], [BehaviorSet\bcgsurf], and [BehaviorSet\bcgsub] sections to look like the following:

f = fPlay(idle)
f = fPlayTime(idle,2)
f = fPlay(idle)

f = fPlay(surfidle)
f = fPlayTime(surfidle,2)
f = fPlay(surfidle)

f = fPlay(surfidle)
f = fPlayTime(surfidle,2)
f = fPlay(surfidle)

f = fPlay(subidle)
f = fPlayTime(subidle,2)
f = fPlay(subidle)

  • Thanks 1

Thanks again! I'm almost ready to release the amphibians pack... With this new uca2post version, I'll check if they need more fixing!


It's almost here!


Wishing to bring Koolasuchus' friends for a full amphibian zoo?





From bigger to smaller:


Land: Mastodonsaurus, Antarctosuchus, Prionosuchus, Uralerpeton, Siderops, Eryops, Platyhystrix, Diploceraspis, Proterogyrinus & Beelzebufo!

Water: Metoposaurus, Tiktaalik, Anaschisma, Ichthyostega, Sclerothorax, Gerrothorax & Hynerpeton!


I'm just finishing details and working on bonus items


Have a nice day!

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One week more to go!

As I wrote before, Toadally Batrocious pack is gonna be released next weekend before Halloween ??


It is already finished and is now under revision for any fix needed... BUT I haven't finished Bonus Items on time ?? I'll keep them for my ancient seas pack which will include the following:




- Megalodon

- Ginsu Shark

- Edestus

- Helicoprion

- Cladoselache

- Hybodus

- Onchopristis

- Ptychodus

- Stethacanthus and/or Xenacanthus

- If I manage to modify models, also Dracopristis and other less known sharks

- Maybe, other huge fish that are no sharks, like Leedsichthys or Xiphactinus


But first, M.E.O.W. is gonna recieve an update! After noticing that some animations were lost in the latest version, I decided to rework them as suggested by Hawkkeye... If you already got it, stay tuned for the newest version of M.E.O.W.


And remember! If you wanna try Toadally Batrocious, you should also get Borsato's ui99ztd + LANG--ZBorsato.dll Hack as well! If you don't have it yet and wanna know how it works, you may find it here:



Have a nice and spooky week! ??

  • Like 3



Cats Pack M.E.O.W. is currently unavailable at signature... It will be uploaded again when reworks are finished!

  • Like 1

News about Amphibians Pack:


I promised it to be ready for Halloween (today). It is already finished and I got feedback in order to fix bugs it has. I started works immediatly, but last week I went through several activities that consumed most of my time (including some food poisoning that took me two nights of full running to bath ??). The pack is gonna be kinda belated, but I'm better now and I expect to release it for next weekend. Sorry for keep you waiting too much!


Have a nice and spooky Halloween ??

  • Like 1

It is finally here! I lost my work, my family and a leg, but It's already finished!


Don't worry... That's just a silly bad joke to add dramatic factor!


Let me, FINALLY introduce you to:


Toadally Batrocious Land Invaders

Now available in the link at my signature!



~~ Content List ~~


Icons(1).png.6532fb3373f9b49220743d583c06eb03.png Hynerpeton North America. Aquatic. Devonian.

Icons.png.c76252810bb7df59383f47ab0027a55d.png Ichthyostega North America. Aquatic. Devonian.

Icon.png.781121dc9229e3d998658017952498f5.png Proterogyrinus North America. Coniferous Forest. Carboniferous.

Icons.png.93b1b7d4fd177fdcd8ef7a9c74e212e2.png Eryops North America. Coniferous Forest. Carboniferous.

IconM.png.67f48672ca3defd1ce0c409889a16705.png IconF.png.a59f22a57d87b4f3823429a54654126e.png Platyhystrix North America. Desert. Permian.

Icons.png.545868c8d27f496a108637092dcebdc8.png Diploceraspis North America. Desert. Permian.

Icons.png.8617d6d620af02c564664c4d86079d21.png Uralerpeton Asia. Desert. Permian.

Icon.png.47d3d10ed47a0814327fef67ede59f98.png Prionosuchus South America. Coniferous Forest. Permian.

IconGerrothorax.png.8f1a6743d77145c50d4acb66b7c0b2c8.png Gerrothorax Europe. Aquatic. Triassic.

Icons.png.0c2f031b8ee4547fca6cbdebb5dc1f65.png Sclerothorax Europe. Aquatic. Triassic.

Icons.png.db21fdb44af94977e5ade2804c00d224.png Metoposaurus Europe. Aquatic. Triassic.

Icons.png.ceb35cccadf92468146837387e24059c.png Anaschisma North America. Aquatic. Triassic.

Icons.png.6ed85a8bfeed6b02a30ddbfd6ab4879b.png Antarctosuchus Antarctica. Decidous Forest. Triassic.

Icons.png.b6f4e9da8da9d48441d85beaa5b0dd53.png Mastodonsaurus Eurasia. Aquatic. Triassic.

Icons.png.b0a823c7eb137381c342863cba017483.png Siderops Australia. Rainforest. Jurassic.

Icon.png.fc527192625c9c672169be27f81f51b4.png Beelzebufo Madagascar. Rainforest. Cretaceous.


*Bonus Items*


IconTiktaalik.png.6ae2b023a5f46f4ef887158113a8b46f.png Tiktaalik North America. Aquatic. Devonian. Early access animal. First release date: Oct 10th, 2022.
-> Tiktaalik previous version must be erased from your /dlupdate folder before installing this pack <-

Icon.png.3440adbc9ab6078961241e6d62b429f0.png Swimming Tadpoles Neutral exhibit & tank placeable scenery item!


Now, several bonus items I didn't finished on time, not included in this pack:


Icon.png.546a555d57db01e97640686357208ed7.png Cooksonia

Icon.png.0e874a948be45678336c6eed07082891.png Rhynia

(No icon yet) Archaeopteris

(No icon yet) Charnia


I could not load them properly on Blender. If somebody knows about a path or tool that I could use to extract their graphics directly from ZT2, I'd be pretty grateful! If these items are finished, they will be added to the mini pack I'm planning which will include Pulmonoscorpius & Meganeura, both compatible with Proterogyrinus & Eryops. And about compatibility...


Within the .zip file itself, you'll find a .txt which displays, between other things, the following:


~~ Compatibility Guide ~~


- Compatible with ZT CC


-> Devonian Primordial Pond:
Tiktaalik + Hynerpeton + Ichthyostega


-> Carboniferous Ancient Woods:
Proterogyrinus + Eryops + Khaydar's Arthropleura
Upcoming items also compatible for this exhibit setup:
Meganeura & Pulmonoscorpius. Stay tunned!


-> Permian Lost Oasis:
Platyhystrix + Diploceraspis + Uralerpeton


-> Triassic Rocky Puddle
Gerrothorax + Sclerothorax + Metoposaurus + Anaschisma


-> Beelzebufo is compatible with Hawkkeye's Simosuchus, to be released soon!


-> When using Arthropleura/Simosuchus for mixed exhibits, you should use water terrain instead of building a half-tank exhibit. Otherwise, Arthropleura/Simosuchus will have terrain compatibility issues!



Friendly reminder:


You gonna need Borsato's ui99ztd + LANG--ZBorsato.dll Hack in order to see all animal eras properly! (Available in the link at his signature)
If you don't have it yet and wanna know how it works, you may find it here:



~~ Credits ~~


- All animals made using Demon Hunter's Huge Amphibians Pack, except for the following:


- Tiktaalik made with HispaDesigns' base model.
- Gerrothorax made with Philly's base model.
- Proterogyrinus made with Alvin Abreu's base model.
- Beelzebufo & Swimming Tadpoles made with Luca9108's base model.


- Beelzebufo's sounds & calls token from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWJsMzAbjMY
- All animations made by myself.
- Texts sources quoted at the end of each animal's description.


With love for you all, Zarawatto ?? Enjoy and have a nice week!

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